Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 03 Mayıs 2005, 20:25   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Spama KanaLa Girdiğinde Away Msg'inde RekLam VarSan Atacak

alias spam {
if ($dialog(spam) ) { dialog -o spam | dialog -n spam }
else { dialog -m spam spam }
if ($did(83).state == 1) { set %spam.state 1 | did -ra spam 83 Bağlan }
else { set %spam.state 0 | did -ra spam 83 Vazgeç | did -ra spam 84 Bağlı Değil }
if (%spam.state == 1) { spam.start }
else { spam.quit }

menu @spam {
Ekranı Temizle:clear

dialog spam {
title "Spam Bot"
size -1 -1 187 147
option dbu
tab "Ayarlar", 1, 0 0 186 133
box "Bot Özellikleri", 6, 5 18 84 112, tab 1
text " Başlangıç", 7, 29 27 35 8, tab 1
text "Nickname", 8, 10 37 24 8, tab 1
edit "", 9, 35 36 50 10, tab 1 autohs
text "Şifresi", 10, 10 47 23 8, tab 1
edit "", 11, 35 45 50 10, tab 1 autohs
text " Yedek", 12, 29 63 36 8, tab 1
text "Nickname", 13, 10 73 24 8, tab 1
edit "", 14, 35 72 50 10, tab 1 autohs
text "Şifre", 15, 10 83 23 8, tab 1
edit "", 16, 35 82 50 10, tab 1 autohs
text " Name", 17, 32 99 32 8, tab 1
text "ident", 18, 10 109 12 8, tab 1
edit "", 19, 35 107 50 10, tab 1 autohs
text "Name", 20, 10 117 14 8, tab 1
edit "", 21, 35 117 50 10, tab 1 autohs
box "Listedeki Kanallara Gir", 22, 92 18 91 62, tab 1
combo 23, 97 27 60 50, tab 1 size
button "Ekle", 24, 159 39 20 10, tab 1 flat
button "Sil", 25, 159 53 20 10, tab 1 flat
box "Başka Servera Gir", 27, 92 83 91 47, tab 1
radio "Bağlandığım Servera Gir", 28, 96 93 67 10, group tab 1
radio "", 29, 96 107 9 10, tab 1
edit "", 30, 105 107 75 11, tab 1 autohs
tab "Mesajlar", 2
edit "", 31, 3 17 27 10, tab 2 autohs
text "Dakikada Bir Kanaldan Çık", 32, 31 18 120 8, tab 2
edit "", 33, 3 27 27 10, tab 2 autohs
text "Dakika Sonra Kanala Tekrar Gir", 34, 31 28 122 8, tab 2
check "Reklamları @spam Penceresine Yaz", 35, 4 38 120 10, tab 2
check "Reklamları Kanala Yaz", 36, 4 49 71 10, tab 2
edit "", 37, 90 49 50 10, tab 2 autohs
check "DCC Gönderimlerini Kanala Yaz", 38, 4 60 85 10, tab 2
edit "", 39, 90 60 50 10, tab 2 autohs
text "Reklam Durumunda Banla", 40, 4 72 64 8, tab 2
text "Kick Mesajları", 41, 75 72 34 8, tab 2
text "Dk", 42, 148 72 12 8, tab 2
text "Host", 43, 169 72 13 8, tab 2
check "DCC", 44, 4 78 37 10, tab 2
edit "", 45, 42 78 104 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 46, 147 78 20 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 47, 168 78 15 10, tab 2 autohs
check "Reklam", 48, 4 89 29 10, tab 2
edit "", 49, 42 89 104 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 50, 147 89 20 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 51, 168 89 15 10, tab 2 autohs
check "İsim", 52, 4 100 26 10, tab 2
edit "", 61, 42 100 104 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 62, 147 100 20 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 63, 168 100 15 10, tab 2 autohs
check "CTCP", 64, 4 111 25 10, tab 2
edit "", 65, 42 111 104 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 66, 147 111 20 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 67, 168 111 15 10, tab 2 autohs
check "Kanal", 68, 4 122 26 10, tab 2
edit "", 69, 42 122 104 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 71, 147 122 20 10, tab 2 autohs
edit "", 72, 168 122 15 10, tab 2 autohs
tab "Tanımlar", 3
text "Yazı", 53, 69 19 20 14, tab 3
combo 54, 7 17 60 55, tab 3 sort size edit vsbar
button "Ekle", 55, 69 33 20 10, tab 3 flat
button "Sil", 56, 69 46 20 10, tab 3 flat
text "İsim", 57, 69 78 10 14, tab 3
combo 58, 7 75 60 55, tab 3 sort size edit vsbar
button "Ekle", 59, 69 91 20 10, tab 3 flat
button "Sil", 60, 69 104 20 10, tab 3 flat
combo 98, 100 17 60 55, tab 3 sort size edit vsbar
button "Ekle", 99, 162 33 20 10, tab 3 flat
button "Sil", 100, 162 46 20 10, tab 3 flat
text "Hariç", 101, 162 19 21 8, tab 3
combo 80, 100 75 60 55, tab 3 sort size edit vsbar
button "Ekle", 81, 162 91 20 10, tab 3 flat
button "Sil", 82, 162 104 20 10, tab 3 flat
text "Kötü Kanal", 85, 162 75 20 14, tab 3
tab "Bot Kontrol", 4
text "Nick / Kanal", 73, 18 20 40 8, tab 4
edit "", 74, 17 28 86 10, tab 4 autohs
text "Msg", 76, 5 40 10 8, tab 4
edit "", 77, 17 39 86 39, tab 4 multi autovs vsbar
button "Mesaj", 70, 107 67 25 10, tab 4 flat
button "Action", 78, 107 56 25 10, tab 4 flat
button "Notice", 102, 107 45 25 10, tab 4
text "Nick Değiş", 88, 110 20 34 8, tab 4
button "Değiş", 86, 158 28 25 10, tab 4 flat
edit "", 87, 109 28 47 10, tab 4 autohs
text "Tüm Kanallardan Çık", 90, 2 85 52 8, tab 4
button "Şimdi", 91, 62 84 20 10, tab 4 flat
text "Tüm Kanallara Gir", 92, 2 97 52 8, tab 4
button "Şimdi", 93, 62 96 20 10, tab 4 flat
text "Join / Part İptal", 94, 2 109 57 8, tab 4
button "Şimdi", 95, 62 108 20 10, tab 4 flat
check "Reklamları Kaydet", 96, 91 84 55 10, tab 4
check "DCC`leri Kaydet ", 97, 91 96 50 9, tab 4
button "Oku", 103, 148 84 20 10, tab 4 flat
button "Oku", 104, 148 96 20 10, tab 4 flat
check "Kanal Sayısı", 105, 91 108 91 9, tab 4
edit "", 106, 90 119 15 10, tab 4 autohs
text "Fazlası ise Girenleri Özelden Uyar", 107, 105 120 80 8, tab 4
button "Vazgeç", 26, 192 122 10 9, hide cancel flat
check "OFF", 83, 3 136 22 10, push
edit "", 84, 29 136 157 11, read autohs
on *:dialog:spam:init:*: {
did -a spam 9 %spam.nick1
did -a spam 11 %spam.pass1
did -a spam 14 %spam.nick2
did -a spam 16 %spam.pass2
did -a spam 19 %spam.ident
did -a spam 21 %spam.name
did -a spam 30 %spam.selserv.spec
did -a spam 31 %spam.join
did -a spam 33 %spam.part
did -a spam 37 %spam.repspamto.spec
did -a spam 39 %spam.repdccto.spec
did -a spam 45 %spam.dcckb.msg
did -a spam 46 %spam.dcckb.mins
did -a spam 47 %spam.dcckb.mask
did -a spam 49 %spam.spamkb.msg
did -a spam 50 %spam.spamkb.mins
did -a spam 51 %spam.spamkb.mask
did -a spam 61 %spam.namekb.msg
did -a spam 62 %spam.namekb.mins
did -a spam 63 %spam.namekb.mask
did -a spam 65 %spam.ctcpkb.msg
did -a spam 66 %spam.ctcpkb.mins
did -a spam 67 %spam.ctcpkb.mask
did -a spam 69 %spam.spamchanskb.msg
did -a spam 71 %spam.spamchanskb.mins
did -a spam 72 %spam.spamchanskb.mask
did -a spam 106 %spam.badchans.n
if (%spam.repme == 1) { did -c spam 35 }
if (%spam.repspamto == 1) { did -c spam 36 }
if (%spam.repdccto == 1) { did -c spam 38 }
if (%spam.dcckb == 1) { did -c spam 44 }
if (%spam.spamkb == 1) { did -c spam 48 }
if (%spam.namekb == 1) { did -c spam 52 }
if (%spam.ctcpkb == 1) { did -c spam 64 }
if (%spam.spamchanskb == 1) { did -c spam 68 }
if (%spam.logspam == 1) { did -c spam 96 }
if (%spam.logdcc == 1) { did -c spam 97 }
if (%spam.autohi == 1) { did -c spam 105 }
if (%spam.selserv == 0 ) { did -c spam 28 }
else { did -c spam 29 }
if (%spam.state == 1 ) { did -c spam 83 | did -a spam 83 ON | spam.echostatus }
else { did -a spam 84 Disconnected }
on *:dialog:spam:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 83) {
if ($did(83).state == 1) { set %spam.state 1 | did -ra spam 83 ON }
else { set %spam.state 0 | did -ra spam 83 OFF | did -ra spam 84 Disconnected }
if (%spam.state == 1) { spam.start }
else { spam.quit }
if ($did == 28) { set %spam.selserv 0 }
if ($did == 29) { set %spam.selserv 1 }
if ($did == 35) {
if ($did(35).state == 1) { set %spam.repme 1 }
else { set %spam.repme 0 }
if ($did == 36) {
if ($did(36).state == 1) { set %spam.repspamto 1 }
else { set %spam.repspamto 0 }
if ($did == 38) {
if ($did(38).state == 1) { set %spam.repdccto 1 }
else { set %spam.repdccto 0 }
if ($did == 103) { if ($isfile($scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt)) { run $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt } }
if ($did == 104) { if ($isfile($mircdirspam.dcclog.txt)) { run $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt } }
if ($did == 96) {
if ($did(96).state == 1) { set %spam.logspam 1 }
else { set %spam.logspam 0 }
if ($did == 97) {
if ($did(97).state == 1) { set %spam.logdcc 1 }
else { set %spam.logdcc 0 }

if ($did == 105) {
if ($did(105).state == 1) { set %spam.autohi 1 }
else { set %spam.autohi 0 }
if ($did == 93) {
if ($sock(spam)) {
if ($did == 91) {
if ($sock(spam)) {
if ($did == 95) {
if ($sock(spam)) {
.timerstayjoined off
.timerstayparted off
echo -a 0,4 Spam Bot Bulunduğu Kanallarda Join / Part Yapmayacak
if ($did == 44) {
if ($did(44).state == 1) { set %spam.dcckb 1 }
else { set %spam.dcckb 0 }
if ($did == 48) {
if ($did(48).state == 1) { set %spam.spamkb 1 }
else { set %spam.spamkb 0 }
if ($did == 52) {
if ($did(52).state == 1) { set %spam.namekb 1 }
else { set %spam.namekb 0 }
if ($did == 64) {
if ($did(64).state == 1) { set %spam.ctcpkb 1 }
else { set %spam.ctcpkb 0 }
if ($did == 68) {
if ($did(68).state == 1) { set %spam.spamchanskb 1 }
else { set %spam.spamchanskb 0 }
if ($did == 24) {
var %chan = $did(23).text
if (%chan == $null) { halt }
if ($chr(32) isin %chan) { halt }
if ($chr(44) isin %chan) { halt }
if ($left(%chan,1) == $chr(35)) { }
elseif ($left(%chan,1) == $chr(38)) { }
else { var %chan = $chr(35) $+ %chan }
set %spam.chans $addtok(%spam.chans,%chan,44)
if ($did == 25) {
if ($did(23).sel == $null) { halt }
var %chan = $did(23, $did(23).sel)
set %spam.chans $deltok(%spam.chans,$findtok(%spam.chans,%chan,1,4 4),44)
if ($did == 55) {
var %word = $did(54).text
if (%word == $null) { halt }
if ($chr(32) isin %word) { halt }
if ($chr(44) isin %word) { halt }
set %spam.spamwords $addtok(%spam.spamwords,%word,44)
if ($did == 56) {
if ($did(54).sel == $null) { halt }
var %word = $did(54, $did(54).sel)
set %spam.spamwords $deltok(%spam.spamwords,$findtok(%spam.spamwords,% word,1,44),44)
if ($did == 59) {
var %word = $did(58).text
if (%word == $null) { halt }
if ($chr(32) isin %word) { halt }
if ($chr(44) isin %word) { halt }
set %spam.names $addtok(%spam.names,%word,44)
if ($did == 60) {
if ($did(58).sel == $null) { halt }
var %word = $did(58, $did(58).sel)
set %spam.names $deltok(%spam.names,$findtok(%spam.names,%word,1,4 4),44)

if ($did == 99) {
var %word = $did(98).text
if (%word == $null) { halt }
if ($chr(32) isin %word) { halt }
if ($chr(44) isin %word) { halt }
set %spam.immune $addtok(%spam.immune,%word,44)
if ($did == 100) {
if ($did(98).sel == $null) { halt }
var %word = $did(98, $did(98).sel)
set %spam.immune $deltok(%spam.immune,$findtok(%spam.immune,%word,1 ,44),44)

if ($did == 86) {
if (($did(87).text != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(87).text)) { sockwrite -n spam NICK : $+ $did(87).text }
if (($did == 70) || ($did == 78) || ($did == 102)) {
if ($sock(spam)) {
if (($did(74).text != $null) && ($did(77).text != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(74).text)) {
var %l = $did(77).lines
var %n = 1
while (%n <= %l) {
var %spam.txtmsg = %spam.txtmsg $did(77,%n).text
inc %n
if ($did == 70) { sockwrite -n spam PRIVMSG $did(74).text : $+ %spam.txtmsg }
elseif ($did == 78) { sockwrite -n spam PRIVMSG $did(74).text : $+ ACTION %spam.txtmsg $+  }
elseif ($did == 102) { sockwrite -n spam NOTICE $did(74).text : $+ %spam.txtmsg }
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4SEN » $did(74).text ( $+ %spam.txtmsg $+ 4) }

if ($did == 81) {
var %chan = $did(80).text
if (%chan == $null) { halt }
if ($chr(32) isin %chan) { halt }
if ($chr(44) isin %chan) { halt }
if ($left(%chan,1) == $chr(35)) { }
elseif ($left(%chan,1) == $chr(38)) { }
else { var %chan = $chr(35) $+ %chan }
set %spam.badchans $addtok(%spam.badchans,%chan,32)
if ($did == 82) {
if ($did(80).sel == $null) { halt }
var %chan = $did(80, $did(80).sel)
set %spam.badchans $deltok(%spam.badchans,$findtok(%spam.badchans,%ch an,1,32),32)


on *:dialog:spam:edit:*: {
if ($did == 9) { set %spam.nick1 $did(9).text }
if ($did == 11) { set %spam.pass1 $did(11).text }
if ($did == 14) { set %spam.nick2 $did(14).text }
if ($did == 16) { set %spam.pass2 $did(16).text }
if ($did == 19) { set %spam.ident $did(19).text }
if ($did == 21) { set %spam.name $did(21).text }
if ($did == 30) { set %spam.selserv.spec $did(30).text }
if ($did == 37) { set %spam.repspamto.spec $did(37).text }
if ($did == 39) { set %spam.repdccto.spec $did(39).text }
if ($did == 31) {
if ($did(31).text !isnum && $did(31)) { did -r spam 31 | if (%spam.join) { did -a spam 31 %spam.join } }
else { set %spam.join $did(31).text }
if ($did == 33) {
if ($did(33).text !isnum && $did(33)) { did -r spam 33 | if (%spam.part) { did -a spam 33 %spam.part } }
else { set %spam.part $did(33).text }
if ($did == 106) {
if ($did(106).text !isnum && $did(106)) { did -r spam 106 | if (%spam.badchans.n) { did -a spam 106 %spam.badchans.n } }
else { set %spam.badchans.n $did(106).text }
if ($did == 45) { set %spam.dcckb.msg $did(45).text }
if ($did == 46) { set %spam.dcckb.mins $did(46).text }
if ($did == 47) { set %spam.dcckb.mask $did(47).text }
if ($did == 49) { set %spam.spamkb.msg $did(49).text }
if ($did == 50) { set %spam.spamkb.mins $did(50).text }
if ($did == 51) { set %spam.spamkb.mask $did(51).text }
if ($did == 61) { set %spam.namekb.msg $did(61).text }
if ($did == 62) { set %spam.namekb.mins $did(62).text }
if ($did == 63) { set %spam.namekb.mask $did(63).text }
if ($did == 65) { set %spam.ctcpkb.msg $did(65).text }
if ($did == 66) { set %spam.ctcpkb.mins $did(66).text }
if ($did == 67) { set %spam.ctcpkb.mask $did(67).text }
if ($did == 69) { set %spam.spamchanskb.msg $did(69).text }
if ($did == 71) { set %spam.spamchanskb.mins $did(71).text }
if ($did == 72) { set %spam.spamchanskb.mask $did(72).text }

alias -l spam.load.chans {
var %totalchans $numtok(%spam.chans,44)
var %n 1
did -r spam 23
while (%n <= %totalchans) { did -a spam 23 $gettok(%spam.chans,%n,44) | inc %n }
alias -l spam.load.spamwords {
var %totalwords $numtok(%spam.spamwords,44)
var %n 1
did -r spam 54
while (%n <= %totalwords) { did -a spam 54 $gettok(%spam.spamwords,%n,44) | inc %n }
alias -l spam.load.names {
var %totalwords $numtok(%spam.names,44)
var %n 1
did -r spam 58
while (%n <= %totalwords) { did -a spam 58 $gettok(%spam.names,%n,44) | inc %n }
alias -l spam.load.immune {
var %totalwords $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
var %n 1
did -r spam 98
while (%n <= %totalwords) { did -a spam 98 $gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) | inc %n }
alias -l spam.load.badchans {
var %totalbadchans $numtok(%spam.badchans,32)
var %n 1
did -r spam 80
while (%n <= %totalbadchans) { did -a spam 80 $gettok(%spam.badchans,%n,32) | inc %n }
alias spam.start {
set %spam.state 1
echo -a 0,4 Spam Bot Bağlanıyor. Lütfen Bekleyiniz...
if ($sock(spam)) { sockclose spam }
elseif ($sock(spamident)) { sockclose spamident }
if (%spam.selserv == 0) {
if ($server == $null) { echo -a 0,4 $+ Servere Bağlantı olmadı | spam.quit | halt }
else { if ($portfree(113)) { socklisten spamident 113 } | sockopen spam $server $port }
else {
if (%spam.selserv.spec == $null) { echo -a 0,4 $+ No Server Specified. Please fill in that field in the Anti Spam Bot Dialog. | spam.quit | halt }
if ($portfree(113)) { socklisten spamident 113 }
if ($numtok(%spam.selserv.spec,32) == 1) { echo -a 0,4 Bağlantı Kurulamadı Bir Boşluk Bırakarak Portu Yazın | halt } | sockopen spam %spam.selserv.spec

on *:sockopen:spam:{
sockwrite -n spam NICK %spam.nick1
sockwrite -n spam USER %spam.ident . . %spam.name
on *:socklisten:spamident: {
var %_r = $r(1,500)
sockaccept spamident_ [ $+ [ %_r ] ]
sockclose spamident
on *:sockclose:spam: {
on *:sockread:spam*: {
sockread %spam.temp.sockread
tokenize 32 %spam.temp.sockread
var %n = $numtok($1-,44)
if (%n == 2 && $1,$3 isnum) {
sockwrite -n $sockname $3 , $1 : USERID : UNIX : %spam.ident
if ($1 == PING && $2) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $2- }
if ($2 == 376) { sockclose spamident | sockwrite -n spam umode -Eep | set %spam.curnick $3 | set %spam.curserv $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) | set %spam.curport $sock($sockname).port | spam.echostatus | echo -a 0,4 Anti Inviter Bot Servera Bağlandı | .timer 1 5 spam.joinchans }
if ($2 == 319) {
if ($4 == %spam.curnick) { set %spam.curchans $right($5-,$calc($len($5-) - 1)) | set %spam.curchansn $numtok(%spam.curchans,32) }
else {
unset %spam.spamchans
var %spamchans $right($5-,$calc($len($5-) - 1))
var %n = $numtok(%spamchans,32)
var %c = 1
while (%c <= %n) {
var %cur = $gettok(%spamchans,%c,32)
if (($left(%cur,1) == @) || ($left(%cur,1) == +) || ($left(%cur,1) == -) || ($left(%cur,1) == .)) { var %cur = $right(%cur,$calc($len(%cur) - 1)) }
var %d = %cur %d
inc %c
set %spam.spamchans %d
if ($numtok(%spam.spamchans,32) >= %spam.badchans.n) { .timer -o 1 25 sockwrite -n spam PRIVMSG $4 : $+ Kanala Hoşgeldin Lütfen Reklam Vb. Hareketlerde Bulunmayınız | if (%spam.repme == 1) { .timer -o 1 25 window -e @spam | .timer -o 1 25 echo -t @spam 4SEN » $4 ( $+ hi $+ 4) } }
if ($2 == 318) { spam.echostatus }
if ($2 == 311) { set %spam.checkspammask $4 $+ ! $+ $5 $+ @ $+ $6 | .timer -m 1 500 spam.joinwho $1- }
if ($2 == 433) {
if ($4 == %spam.nick1) { sockwrite -n $sockname NICK %spam.nick2 }
else { sockwrite -n $sockname NICK Guest }
if (($gettok(%spam.temp.sockread,2,32) == NOTICE) && ($gettok(%spam.temp.sockread,3,32) == %spam.curnick)) {
if (*nick*owned*someone* iswm $4-) {
if (%spam.nick1 == $3) { sockwrite -n spam nickserv identify %spam.nick1 %spam.pass1 }
elseif (%spam.nick2 == $3) { sockwrite -n spam nickserv identify %spam.nick2 %spam.pass2 }
set %spam.checkspam $gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) $right($4-,$calc($len($4-) - 1)) | set %spam.checkspammask $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) | set %spam.nmsg n | spam.checkspam
if (($2 == PRIVMSG) && ($3 == %spam.curnick) && (DCC SEND !isin $4-)) { set %spam.checkspam $gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) $right($4-,$calc($len($4-) - 1)) | set %spam.checkspammask $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) | set %spam.nmsg msg | spam.checkspam }
if (($2 == NICK) && ($gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) == %spam.curnick)) { set %spam.curnick $right($3,$calc($len($3) - 1)) | spam.echostatus }
if (($2 == PART) && ($gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) == %spam.curnick)) { dec %spam.curchansn | set %spam.curchans $deltok(%spam.curchans,$findtok(%spam.curchans,$3, 1,44),44) | spam.echostatus }
if ($2 == JOIN) {
if ($gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) == %spam.curnick) { inc %spam.curchansn | set %spam.curchans $addtok(%spam.curchans,$right($3,$calc($len($3) - 1)),44) | spam.echostatus }
elseif ((%spam.namekb == 1) || (%spam.spamchanskb == 1) || (%spam.autohi == 1)) { if (%spam.whois != 1) { sockwrite -n spam whois $gettok($right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)),1,33) | set %spam.whois 1 | .timerspamwhois -o 1 3 spam.check.whoisflood } }
if (($2 == KICK) && ($4 == %spam.curnick)) { dec %spam.curchansn | set %spam.curchans $deltok(%spam.curchans,$findtok(%spam.curchans,$3, 1,44),44) | spam.echostatus }
alias spam.quit {
sockclose spam
sockclose spamident
echo -a 0,4 Spam Bot IRC den Çıkıyor
if ($dialog(spam)) {
did -u spam 83
did -ra spam 83 OFF
did -ra spam 84 Bağlantı kesildi
alias spam.quit {
sockclose spam
sockclose spamident
echo -a 0,4 $+ Spam Bot Çıktı
if ($dialog(spam)) {
did -u spam 83
did -ra spam 83 OFF
did -ra spam 84 Bağlantı kesildi

alias spam.status {

if ($sock(spam)) {
if (%spam.curserv != $null) {
sockwrite -n spam whois %spam.curnick
if ($1 == -a) { set %spam.echostatus 1 }
else {
if ($1 == -a) { set %spam.echostatus 1 }
alias spam.echostatus {
if (%spam.curchansn == $null) { set %spam.curchansn 0 }
set %spam.status %spam.curserv ]|[ %spam.curnick ]|[ %spam.curchansn Chans
if (%spam.curserv != $null) { if ($dialog(spam)) { did -ra spam 84 %spam.status } }
if (%spam.curchansn > 0) { var %spam.status = %spam.status - %spam.curchans }
if (%spam.echostatus == 1) {
if (%spam.state == 1) { echo -a 4 $+ %spam.status }
else { echo -a 0,4 $+ Bağlı Değil }
set %spam.echostatus 0
on *:START: {
alias spam.joinwho {
;;;;; Kötü Fullnameler
if (%spam.nameskb == 0) { goto badchans }
var %n = 1
var %totalwords $numtok(%spam.names,44)
while (%n <= %totalwords) {
if ($gettok(%spam.names,%n,44) iswm $right($strip($8-,burc),$calc($len($strip($8-,burc)) - 1))) {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4KÖTÜ FULLNAME - $4 ( $+ $gettok(%spam.names,%n,44) 4» $right($strip($8-,burc),$calc($len($strip($8-,burc)) - 1)) $+ 4) }
var %ni = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%ni <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%ni,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { badchans }
inc %ni
var %ct = $chan(0)
var %cn = 1
while (%cn <= %ct) {
if (($4 ison $chan(%cn)) && ($me isop $chan(%cn))) {
ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.namekb.mins * 60) $chan(%cn) $4 %spam.namekb.mask
kick $chan(%cn) $4 %spam.namekb.msg %isim
inc %cn
inc %n
;;;; Kötü kanallar
if (%spam.spamchanskb == 0) { goto end }
if ($spam.chancompare(%spam.spamchans,%spam.badchans) == $true) {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4BAD CHAN - $4 ( $+ %spam.temp.badchan $+ 4) }
var %ni = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%ni <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%ni,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %ni
var %ct = $chan(0)
var %cn = 1
while (%cn <= %ct) {
if (($4 ison $chan(%cn)) && ($me isop $chan(%cn))) {
ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.spamchanskb.mins * 60) $chan(%cn) $4 %spam.spamchanskb.mask
kick $chan(%cn) $4 %spam.spamchanskb.msg %isim
inc %cn
unset %spam.temp.badchan

alias spam.chancompare {
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.spamchans,32)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($istok($2,$gettok(%spam.spamchans,%n,32),32)) { set %spam.temp.badchan $gettok(%spam.spamchans,%n,32) | return $true }
inc %n
return $false

alias spam.check.flood {
dec %spam.flood
if (%spam.flood < 0) { .timerspamflooddec off | set %spam.flood 0 }

alias spam.check.whoisflood {
if (%spam.whois == 1) { .timerspamwhois off | set %spam.whois 0 }

alias spam.checkspam {
tokenize 32 %spam.checkspam
inc %spam.flood
.timerspamflooddec -o 0 5 spam.check.flood

if (%spam.flood >= 5) { if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4SILENCE - $1 ( $+ $mask(%spam.checkspammask,4) $+ 4) - 60 Secs } | sockwrite -n spam SILENCE $mask(%spam.checkspammask,4) | .timerspamflood -o 1 60 sockwrite -n spam SILENCE - $+ $mask(%spam.checkspammask,4) }

if ((nickserv isin $1) || (chanserv isin $1) || (memoserv isin $1)) || (%spam.curserv == $1) { halt }
if ( isin $2) {
if (ACTION == $2) { goto actionspam }
else {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4CTCP - $1 ( $+ $left($right($2-,$calc($len($2-) - 1)),$calc($len($right($2-,$calc($len($2-) - 1))) - 1)) $+ 4) }
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %n
var %ct = $chan($me)
var %cn = 1
while (%cn <= %ct) {
if (($1 ison $chan(%cn)) && ($me isop $chan(%cn)) && (%spam.ctcpkb == 1)) {
ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.ctcpkb.mins * 60) $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.ctcpkb.mask
kick $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.ctcpkb.msg %isim
inc %cn
goto afteractionspam
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4ACTION - $1 ( $+ $left($3-,$calc($len($3-) - 1)) $+ 4) }
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %n
elseif (($2 == DCC) && ($3 == Send)) {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4DCC SEND - $1 ( $+ $4 $+ 4) }
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %n
if ((%spam.repdccto == 1) && (%spam.repdccto.spec != $null)) { sockwrite -n spam privmsg %spam.repdccto.spec $1 $4 }
if (%spam.logspam == 1) { write $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt TIME: $date - $time | write $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt SENDER: %spam.checkspammask | write $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt AD: $gettok(%spam.checkspam,2-,32) | write -i $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt | write $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt 7=============================================== =============== | write -i $scriptdirspam.dcclog.txt }

var %ct = $chan($me)
var %cn = 1
while (%cn <= %ct) {
if (($1 ison $chan(%cn)) && ($me isop $chan(%cn)) && (%spam.dcckb == 1)) {
ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.dcckb.mins * 60) $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.dcckb.mask
kick $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.dcckb.msg %isim
inc %cn

elseif (%spam.nmsg == msg) {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4MESAJ - $1 ( $+ $2- $+ 4) }
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %n
elseif (%spam.nmsg == n) {
if (%spam.repme == 1) { window -e @spam | echo -t @spam 4NOTICE - $1 ( $+ $2- $+ 4) }
var %n = 1
var %t = $numtok(%spam.immune,44)
while (%n <= %t) {
if ($gettok(%spam.immune,%n,44) iswm %spam.checkspammask) { goto end }
inc %n

alias spam.checkspamwords {
var %botchans = $numtok(%spam.chans,44)
var %bc = 1
while (%bc <= %botchans) {
if ($gettok(%spam.chans,%bc,44) isin $2) { goto end }
inc %bc
var %n = 1
var %totalwords $numtok(%spam.spamwords,44)
while (%n <= %totalwords) {
if ($gettok(%spam.spamwords,%n,44) iswm $2) {
if ((%spam.repspamto == 1) && (%spam.repspamto.spec != $null)) { sockwrite -n spam privmsg %spam.repspamto.spec $1- }
if (%spam.logspam == 1) { write $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt TIME: $date - $time | write $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt SPAMMER: %spam.checkspammask | write $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt AD: $gettok(%spam.checkspam,2-,32) | write -i $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt | write $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt 7=============================================== =============== | write -i $scriptdirspam.spamlog.txt }
var %ct = $chan(0)
var %cn = 1
while (%cn <= %ct) {
if (($numtok(%spam.curchans,44) == 1) && ($me isop $gettok(%spam.curchans,1,44)) && ($1 !ison $gettok(%spam.curchans,1,44))) { set %spam.didkb 1 | ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.spamkb.mins * 60) $gettok(%spam.curchans,1,44) %spam.checkspammask %spam.spamkb.mask | goto end }
if (($1 ison $chan(%cn)) && ($me isop $chan(%cn)) && (%spam.spamkb == 1)) {
ban -u $+ $calc(%spam.spamkb.mins * 60) $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.spamkb.mask
kick $chan(%cn) $1 %spam.spamkb.msg %isim
set %spam.didkb 1
inc %cn
if (%spam.didkb == 1) { goto end }
inc %n
set %spam.didkb 0

alias spam.joinchans {
var %n = $numtok(%spam.chans,44)
var %c = 1
if (%n > 0) {
while (%c <= %n) {
if (%spam.curnick !ison $gettok(%spam.chans,%c,44)) {
set %spam.flood 0 | sockwrite -n spam join $gettok(%spam.chans,%c,44)
inc %c
set %spam.jp 0
set %spam.flood 0
.timerspamstayjoined -o 1 $calc(%spam.join * 60) spam.partchans
alias spam.partchans {
var %n = $numtok(%spam.curchans,44)
var %c = 1
if (%n > 0) {
while (%c <= %n) {
var %cur = $gettok(%spam.curchans,%c,44)
if (($left(%cur,1) == @) || ($left(%cur,1) == +) || ($left(%cur,1) == -) || ($left(%cur,1) == .)) { var %cur = $right(%cur,$calc($len(%cur) - 1)) }
set %spam.flood 0 | sockwrite -n spam part %cur
inc %c
set %spam.jp 1
set %spam.flood 0
.timerspamstayparted -o 1 $calc(%spam.part * 60) spam.joinchans
alias spam.unset.session {
set %spam.state 0
unset %spam.curserv
unset %spam.curport
unset %spam.curchansn
unset %spam.curchans
unset %spam.curnick
unset %spam.temp*
unset %spam.status
unset %spam.nmsg
unset %spam.checkspam*
unset %spam.spamchans
set %spam.echostatus 0
.timerspamstayjoined off
.timerspamstayparted off
.timerspamwhois off
.timerspamflood* off
set %spam.flood 0
set %spam.whois 0

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