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Alt 22 Temmuz 2007, 14:55   #1
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Php ile Online Radyo bilgilerini almak

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<body background="FFFFFF" bgcolor="#444444"> <table border="0" class="eleman" width="255" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <?php $index = 1; global $bgcolor2; ///////////////////////// // SECTION 1 :: CONFIG // ///////////////////////// error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE); //SHOUTcast server settings, needed to get the XML output from the DNAS $shout_server = "RADYOIP"; $shout_port = "RADYOPORT"; $shout_password = "RADYOPASS"; //Set this to whatever the bitrate you are streaming at is $bitrate="96"; //Default Album Cover //$default_album_cover=""; //Stream Name $streamname="RADYOADI"; ////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION 2 :: CONNECT AND RECEIVE // ////////////////////////////////////// $shout_socket = fsockopen ($shout_server, $shout_port, $errno, $errstr,30); if (!$shout_socket) { echo "Error: Radio is currently unavailable"; } else { $xml_load = ""; // Let's say hello fputs ($shout_socket, "GET /admin.cgi?pass=".$shout_password."&mode=viewxml HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n"); // Now get the XML while (!feof($shout_socket)) { $xml_load .= fgets ($shout_socket, 1000); } } if ($shout_socket) { ////////////////////////////// // SECTION 3 :: PERPARE XML // ////////////////////////////// // For my own sanity, I'm getting OUT of XML here, replacing tags with [ ] brackets, so that // <SONG> becomes [SONG], etc... $xml_load = strtr ($xml_load, '<', '['); $xml_load = strtr ($xml_load, '>', ']'); $tag_separated = explode ("]", $xml_load); foreach ($tag_separated as $key => $value) { $tag_separated[$key] = $value."]\n"; if (substr_count($value, "Content-Type")) {$tag_separated[$key] = "";} } ////////////////////////////// // SECTION 4 :: PARSING XML // ////////////////////////////// // $titles array will hold the last 10 songs played // Note that $titles[0] will give you the currently playing song // -- the following are provided to let you know which stats are being grabbed by this script $titles = array(); $currentlisteners=0; $peaklisteners=0; $maxlisteners=0; $reportedlisteners=0; $averagetime=0; $servergenre=""; $serverurl=""; $servertitle=""; foreach ($tag_separated as $value) { if (substr_count($value, "[/TITLE]")) { $value = str_replace ("[/TITLE]","", $value); array_push ($titles, $value); } if (substr_count ($value, "[/CURRENTLISTENERS]")) { $value = str_replace ("[/CURRENTLISTENERS]","", $value); $currentlisteners=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/PEAKLISTENERS]")) { $value = str_replace ("[/PEAKLISTENERS]","", $value); $peaklisteners=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/MAXLISTENERS]")) { $value = str_replace("[/MAXLISTENERS]","", $value); $maxlisteners=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/REPORTEDLISTENERS]")) { $value = str_replace("[/REPORTEDLISTENERS]","", $value); $reportedlisteners=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/AVERAGETIME]")) { $value = str_replace("[/AVERAGETIME]","", $value); $averagetime=$value; $tmp=$averagetime / 60; $averagesec=$averagetime % 60; if ($averagesec < 10) {$averagesec = "0".$averagesec;} $averagemin = sprintf ("%d",$tmp); $averagehour = $averagemin / 60; $averagemin = $averagemin % 60; $averagehour = sprintf ("%d", $averagehour); } if (substr_count ($value, "[/SERVERGENRE]")) { $value = str_replace("[/SERVERGENRE]","", $value); $servergenre=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/SERVERURL]")) { $value = str_replace("[/SERVERURL]","", $value); $serverurl=$value; } if (substr_count ($value, "[/SERVERTITLE]")) { $value = str_replace("[/SERVERTITLE]","", $value); $servertitle=$value; if (substr_count ($servertitle, "N/A")) {$servertitle = "Radio is currently offline!";} } if (substr_count ($value, "[/STREAMHITS]")) { $value = str_replace("[/STREAMHITS]","", $value); $streamhits=$value; } } // $nowplaying[0] = currently playing artist // $nowplaying[1] = currently playing title // Obviously, use of this requires that titles be named like so: // Artist - Title // If not, just use $titles[0] for the current song $temp = $titles[0]; $nowplaying = explode (" - ",$temp); ////////////////////////////////// // SECTION 5 :: OUTPUT THE PAGE // ////////////////////////////////// //Show if on or off -added by bodhisattva// $fp = fsockopen("$shout_server", $shout_port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30); if(!$fp) { $success=2; } if($success!=2){ //if connection fputs($fp,"GET /7.html HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: XML Getter (Mozilla Compatible)\r\n\r\n"); while(!feof($fp)) { $page .= fgets($fp, 1000); } fclose($fp); $page = ereg_replace(".*<body>", "", $page); //extract data $page = ereg_replace("</body>.*", ",", $page); //extract data $numbers = explode(",",$page); $currentlisteners=$numbers[0]; $connected=$numbers[1]; if($connected==1) $wordconnected="yes"; else $wordconnected="no"; } if($success!=2 && $connected==1){ echo ' <SCRIPT> function dinle(){ var popurl="http://RADYOIP:RADYOPORT/listen.pls" winpops=window.open(popurl,"","width=282,height=300,scrolling=auto") } </SCRIPT> <p align="center"> </td> <td> Minik Radyo<font color="green">Online</font><br/> <font color="red">Dinleyici:</font> ',$currentlisteners,' kişi.<br/> <font color="red">Şuan çalan şarkı: <a href="javascript:dinle()">[Dinle]</a></font><marquee scrollamount="3">',$nowplaying[0],' - ',$nowplaying[1],'</marquee><br/> </td> </p> '; } else{ echo ' <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> <td> Radyo ADI Şuan <br/><font color="red">Offline</font> RadyoADI farkıyla <br/>online Rock - Metal müzik <br/> dinlemenin keyfine varın. </td> </p> '; } } ?> </tr> </table>

Büyük harflerle yazdığım RADYOIP, RADYOPORT, RADYOPASS, RADYOADI kısımlarını radyonuza göre düzenleyin.
bu kodları radyo.php diye kaydedin.
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