Çalışıp Çalışmadıgına bakmadım elimde vardı eklemek istedim kendine göre düzenleme yaparsın
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
set domainwhois_setting(flag) "o|o"
set domainwhois_setting(cmd) "dwhois"
set domainwhois_setting(server) "networksolutions.com:43"
set domainwhois_setting(bold) 1
set domainwhois_setting(DOMAINWHOIS:) 1
if {![string match 1.6.* $version]} { putlog "\002DOMAINWHOIS:\002 \002WARNING:\002 This script is intended to run on eggdrop 1.6.x or later." }
if {[info tclversion] < 8.2} { putlog "\002DOMAINWHOIS:\002 \002WARNING:\002 This script is intended to run on Tcl Version 8.2 or later." }
bind dcc $domainwhois_setting(flag) $domainwhois_setting(cmd) domainwhois_connect
proc domainwhois_dopre {} {
global domainwhois_setting
if {!$domainwhois_setting(DOMAINWHOIS:)} { return "" }
if {!$domainwhois_setting(bold)} { return "DOMAINWHOIS: " }
return "\002DOMAINWHOIS:\002 "
proc domainwhois_connect {hand idx text} {
global domainwhois_setting
if {$text == ""} { putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Usage: .$domainwhois_setting(cmd) <domain>" ; return }
set server [lindex [split $domainwhois_setting(server) :] 0]
set port [lindex [split $domainwhois_setting(server) :] 1]
if {[catch {set sock [socket -async $server $port]} error]} {
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Connection to $domainwhois_setting(server) failed \([string totitle $error]\)."
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Looking up [lindex $text 0]."
set timerid [utimer 15[list domainwhois_timeout $sock $idx]]
fileevent $sock writable[list domainwhois_connected $sock $idx [lindex [split $text] 0] $timerid]
proc domainwhois_connected {sock idx domain timerid} {
global domainwhois_setting
killutimer $timerid
if {[set error [fconfigure $sock -error]] != ""} {
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Connection to $domainwhois_setting(server) port $domainwhois_setting(port) failed. \([string totitle $error]\)"
close $sock
fconfigure $sock -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 1
fileevent $sock writable[list domainwhois_write $sock $idx $domain]
fileevent $sock readable[list domainwhois_read $sock $idx]
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Connection to $domainwhois_setting(server) accepted."
proc domainwhois_timeout {sock idx} {
global domainwhois_setting
close $sock
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Connection to $domainwhois_setting(server) timed out."
proc domainwhois_read {sock idx} {
global domainwhois_setting
if {[gets $sock read] == -1} {
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]Connection to $domainwhois_setting(server) closed."
close $sock
putidx $idx "[domainwhois_dopre]> $read"
proc domainwhois_write {sock idx domain} {
puts $sock "WHOIS $domain"
fileevent $sock writable {}
Tcl Yazarı:
Whois Bilgilerinide networksolutions.com çekiyor ;oki