Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 06 Mayıs 2007, 23:12   #15
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: kanalı +R yapmak yerine 7 günlük registersiz nickleri kickleme

[23:11] -> *nickserv* info Densa
[23:11] -NickServ- *** Densa is Java User
[23:11] -NickServ- (Currently Online) For more information type /WHOIS Densa
[23:11] -NickServ- Last seen address:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

[23:11] -NickServ- Last seen time : 05/06/07 19:59:20 GMT
[23:11] -NickServ- Time registered : 03/24/07 19:06:00 GMT
[23:11] -NickServ- Time now : 05/06/07 20:01:01 GMT
[23:11] -NickServ- Web Page URL : Ölümde.Var
[23:11] -NickServ- Email Address :
[23:11] -NickServ- Authorization is required before this user can be added to channel access lists.
[23:11] -NickServ- Authorization is required before this user can be added to buddy lists.
[23:11] -NickServ- This nickname has the 'protect' enabled and use is subject to authentication.
[23:11] -NickServ- This nickname will not be automatically opped by ChanServ.
[23:11] -NickServ- This nickname has the 'high security' option enabled. Access list processing is disabled and positive authentication is required.
[23:11] -NickServ- *** End of nick info ***

[23:12] -> *nickserv* info KORAY_ist

[23:12] -NickServ- The nickname KORAY_ist is not registered

[23:13] -> *nickserv* info lynch
[23:13] -NickServ- The nickname lynch is not registered

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