Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
* Unreal Internet Relay Chat Daemon, src/modules/m_whois.c
* (C) 2000-2001 Carsten V. Munk and the UnrealIRCd Team
* Moved to modules by Fish (Justin Hammond)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "h.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "badwords.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "version.h"
static char buf[BUFSIZE];
DLLFUNC int m_whois(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
/* Place includes here */
#define MSG_WHOIS "WHOIS" /* WHOI */
#define TOK_WHOIS "#" /* 35 */
ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(m_whois)
= {
"whois", /* Name of module */
"$Id: m_whois.c,v 2005/03/13 21:03:21 syzop Exp $", /* Version */
"command /whois", /* Short description of module */
/* This is called on module init, before Server Ready */
DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(m_whois)(ModuleInfo *modinfo)
* We call our add_Command crap here
add_Command(MSG_WHOIS, TOK_WHOIS, m_whois, MAXPARA);
/* Is first run when server is 100% ready */
DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(m_whois)(int module_load)
/* Called when module is unloaded */
DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_whois)(int module_unload)
if (del_Command(MSG_WHOIS, TOK_WHOIS, m_whois) < 0)
sendto_realops("Failed to delete commands when unloading %s",
** m_whois
** parv[0] = sender prefix
** parv[1] = nickname masklist
DLLFUNC int m_whois(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
Membership *lp;
anUser *user;
aClient *acptr, *a2cptr;
aChannel *chptr;
char *nick, *tmp, *name;
char *p = NULL;
int found, len, mlen;
if (IsServer(sptr))
return 0;
if (parc < 2)
sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN),
me.name, parv[0]);
return 0;
if (parc > 2)
if (hunt_server_token(cptr, sptr, MSG_WHOIS, TOK_WHOIS, "%s :%s", 1, parc,
parv) != HUNTED_ISME)
return 0;
parv[1] = parv[2];
for (tmp = parv[1]; (nick = strtoken(&p, tmp, ",")); tmp = NULL)
unsigned char invis, showchannel, member, wilds, hideoper; /* <- these are all boolean-alike */
found = 0;
/* We do not support "WHOIS *" */
wilds = (index(nick, '?') || index(nick, '*'));
if (wilds)
if ((acptr = find_client(nick, NULL)))
if (IsServer(acptr))
* I'm always last :-) and acptr->next == NULL!!
if (IsMe(acptr))
* 'Rules' established for sending a WHOIS reply:
* - only send replies about common or public channels
* the target user(s) are on;
if (!IsPerson(acptr))
user = acptr->user;
name = (!*acptr->name) ? "?" : acptr->name;
invis = acptr != sptr && IsInvisible(acptr);
member = (user->channel) ? 1 : 0;
a2cptr = find_server_quick(user->server);
hideoper = 0;
if (IsHideOper(acptr) && (acptr != sptr) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
hideoper = 1;
if (IsWhois(acptr) && (sptr != acptr))
":%s %s %s :*** %s (%s@%s) did a /whois on you.",
me.name, IsWebTV(acptr) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE", acptr->name, sptr->name,
sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost);
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISUSER), me.name,
parv[0], name,
IsHidden(acptr) ? user->virthost : user->realhost,
if (IsOper(sptr))
char sno[512];
strcpy(sno, get_sno_str(acptr));
/* send the target user's modes */
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISMODES),
me.name, parv[0], name,
get_mode_str(acptr), sno[1] == 0 ? "" : sno);
if ((acptr == sptr) || IsAnOper(sptr))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISHOST),
me.name, parv[0], acptr->name,
user->realhost, user->ip_str ? user->ip_str : "");
if (IsARegNick(acptr))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISREGNICK), me.name, parv[0], name);
found = 1;
mlen = strlen(me.name) + strlen(parv[0]) + 10 + strlen(name);
for (len = 0, *buf = '\0', lp = user->channel; lp; lp = lp->next)
chptr = lp->chptr;
showchannel = 0;
if (ShowChannel(sptr, chptr))
showchannel = 1;
if (IsAnOper(sptr) && !SecretChannel(chptr))
if (IsAnOper(sptr))
showchannel = 1;
if ((acptr->umodes & UMODE_HIDEWHOIS) && !IsMember(sptr, chptr) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
showchannel = 0;
if (IsServices(acptr) && !IsNetAdmin(sptr) && !IsSAdmin(sptr))
showchannel = 0;
if (acptr == sptr)
showchannel = 1;
/* Hey, if you are editting here... don't forget to change the webtv w_whois ;p. */
if (showchannel)
long access;
if (len + strlen(chptr->chname) > (size_t)BUFSIZE - 4 - mlen)
":%s %d %s %s :%s",
parv[0], name, buf);
*buf = '\0';
len = 0;
if (IsAnOper(sptr)
if (IsNetAdmin(sptr)
&& SecretChannel(chptr) && !IsMember(sptr, chptr))
*(buf + len++) = '?';
if (acptr->umodes & UMODE_HIDEWHOIS && !IsMember(sptr, chptr)
&& IsAnOper(sptr))
*(buf + len++) = '!';
access = get_access(acptr, chptr);
#ifdef PREFIX_AQ
if (access & CHFL_CHANOWNER)
*(buf + len++) = '~';
else if (access & CHFL_CHANPROT)
*(buf + len++) = '&';
if (access & CHFL_CHANOP)
*(buf + len++) = '@';
else if (access & CHFL_HALFOP)
*(buf + len++) = '%';
else if (access & CHFL_VOICE)
*(buf + len++) = '+';
if (len)
*(buf + len) = '\0';
(void)strcpy(buf + len, chptr->chname);
len += strlen(chptr->chname);
(void)strcat(buf + len, " ");
if (buf[0] != '\0')
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISCHANNELS), me.name, parv[0], name, buf);
if (!(IsULine(acptr) && !IsOper(sptr) && HIDE_ULINES))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISSERVER),
me.name, parv[0], name, user->server,
a2cptr ? a2cptr->info : "*Not On This Net*");
if (user->away)
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_AWAY), me.name,
parv[0], name, user->away);
/* makesure they aren't +H (we'll also check
before we display a helpop or IRCD Coder msg)
-- codemastr */
if ((IsAnOper(acptr) || IsServices(acptr)) && !hideoper)
buf[0] = '\0';
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("RainmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "[Genel Sorumlu]");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("RainmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a Ağ Yöneticisi");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("RainmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a SSH Operator");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("RainmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a IRCd Modify Expert");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("WingmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "[Teknik Sorumlu]");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("WingmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a Linux Master");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("WingmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a SSH Operator");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("WingmaN", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a IRCd Modify Expert");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Cem", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "[Genel Sorumlu]");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Cem", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a Ağ Yöneticisi");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Cem", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a SSH Operator");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Cem", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a IRCd Modify Expert");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Oguz", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "[Teknik Sorumlu]");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Oguz", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a Linux Master");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Oguz", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a SSH Operator");
if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !stricmp("Oguz", nick))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str (RPL_WHOISOPERATOR),
me.name, parv[0], name, "is a IRCd Modify Expert");
if (IsNetAdmin(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a Network Administrator", sizeof buf);
else if (IsAdmin(acptr) && !IsCoAdmin(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a Services Administrator", sizeof buf);
else if (IsSAdmin(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a Services Administrator", sizeof buf);
else if (IsCoAdmin(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a IRC Administrator", sizeof buf);
else if (IsServices(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a Network Service", sizeof buf);
else if (IsOper(acptr))
strlcat(buf, "is a IRC Operator", sizeof buf);
strlcat(buf, "is a IRC Operator", sizeof buf);
if (buf[0])
rpl_str(RPL_WHOISOPERATOR), me.name,
parv[0], name, buf);
if (IsHelpOp(acptr) && !hideoper && !user->away)
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISHELPOP), me.name, parv[0], name);
if (acptr->umodes & UMODE_BOT)
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISBOT), me.name, parv[0], name, ircnetwork);
if (acptr->umodes & UMODE_SECURE)
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISSECURE), me.name, parv[0], name,
"is using a Secure Connection");
if (!BadPtr(user->swhois) && !hideoper)
sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %d %s %s :%s",
me.name, RPL_WHOISSPECIAL, parv[0],
name, acptr->user->swhois);
* Fix /whois to not show idle times of
* global opers to anyone except another
* global oper or services.
* -CodeM/Barubary
if (MyConnect(acptr) && (IsOper(sptr) || (acptr->user && MyConnect(acptr) && !IsOper(acptr))))
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_WHOISIDLE),
me.name, parv[0], name,
TStime() - acptr->last, acptr->firsttime);
if (!found)
sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK),
me.name, parv[0], nick);
if (p)
p[-1] = ',';
sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_ENDOFWHOIS), me.name, parv[0], parv[1]);
return 0;