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[15:16] -irc.xxxx.com- *** Notice -- *** Hayat tried to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxx.com- You are not allowed to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxxx.com- *** Notice -- *** Hayat tried to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxx.com- You are not allowed to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxxx.com- *** Notice -- *** Hayat tried to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxxx.com- You are not allowed to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxxx.com- *** Notice -- *** Hayat tried to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xxx.com- You are not allowed to add a GZLINE on Hayat
[15:16] -irc.xx.com- *** Notice -- *** Hayat tried to add a GZLINE on Hayat
oLduda Habire Notice Atıyor bu hiç durmuyo neden böyle normalmi ?