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# autolog.tcl v1.0 (13 July 2000)
# copyright (c) 2000 by slennox <
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# slennox's eggdrop page -
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# When you want to make your bot keep a logfile for a new channel, you have
# to manually add a new 'logfile' command to the bot's config file. This
# can be a problem if your bot frequently joins new channels and you want
# to keep a log for each. This script automatically enables a logfile for
# each channel the bot joins, so that you don't need to enable it manually.
# The idea for this script came from Zsolt.
# v1.0 - Initial release.
# Set the modes for new logfiles. These determine what type of things are
# logged (e.g. 'k' for kicks, bans, and mode changes). These modes are
# explained in the logfile section of eggdrop.conf.dist.
set autolog_modes "jkp"
# Specify how the logfiles should be named. There are two variables you can
# use here:
# %chan for the channel name
# %stripchan for the channel name with leading #+&! character removed
set autolog_file "%kanalloglari"
# The script will create a new logfile for every channel the bot joins for
# which no logfile is already specified. If you have some channels you
# don't want the script to create a log for, specify them here in the
# format "#chan1 #chan2 #etc".
set autolog_exempt ""
# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.
proc autolog_join {nick uhost hand chan} {
global botnick autolog_exempt autolog_file autolog_modes
if {$nick == $botnick} {
set stlchan [string tolower $chan]
if {$autolog_exempt != "" && [lsearch -exact [string tolower [split $autolog_exempt]] $stlchan] != -1} {return 0}
foreach logfile [logfile] {
if {[string tolower [lindex $logfile 1]] == $stlchan} {
return 0
regsub -all -- "%chan" $autolog_file $chan file
regsub -all -- "%stripchan" $file [string trim $chan "#+&!"] file
logfile $autolog_modes $chan $file
return 0
bind join - * autolog_join
putlog "Loaded autolog.tcl v1.0 by slennox"