Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 29 Temmuz 2006, 00:00   #230
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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cd Unreal3.2
cd include
pico version.h

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
** ** version.h
** UnrealIRCd ** $Id: version.h,v 2006/06/16 18:29:14 syzop Exp $ */ #ifndef __versioninclude #define __versioninclude 1
/* * Mark of settings */ #ifdef DEBUGMODE #define DEBUGMODESET "+(debug)" #else #define DEBUGMODESET "" #endif /**/ #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUGSET "(Debug)" #else #define DEBUGSET "" #endif /**/ #define COMPILEINFO DEBUGMODESET DEBUGSET
/* Version info follows, current: Unreal3.2.3 * Please be sure to update ALL fields when changing the version. * Also don't forget to bump the protocol version every release. */
/** These UNREAL_VERSION_* macros can be used so (3rd party) modules * can easily distinguish versions. */
/** The generation version number (eg: 3 for Unreal3*) */ #define UNREAL_VERSION_GENERATION 3
/** The major version number (eg: 2 for Unreal3.2*) */ #define UNREAL_VERSION_MAJOR 2
/** The minor version number (eg: 1 for Unreal3.2.1), negative numbers for unstable/alpha/beta */ #define UNREAL_VERSION_MINOR 5
/** Year + week of the year (with Monday as first day of the week). * Can be useful if the above 3 versionids are insufficient for you (eg: you want to support CVS). * This is updated automatically on the CVS server every Monday. so don't touch it. */ #define UNREAL_VERSION_TIME 200624
#define UnrealProtocol 2308 #define PATCH1 "3" #define PATCH2 "2." #define PATCH3 "5." #define PATCH4 "" #define PATCH5 "" #define PATCH6 "" #define PATCH7 "" #define PATCH8 COMPILEINFO #define PATCH9 "" /* release header */ #define Rh BASE_VERSION #define VERSIONONLY PATCH1 PATCH2 PATCH3 PATCH4 PATCH5 PATCH6 PATCH7 #endif /* __versioninclude */

Bu satırı;

#define PATCH1 "3"
#define PATCH2 "2."
#define PATCH3 "5."
#define PATCH1 "serverismi"
#define PATCH2 ""
#define PATCH3 ""
olarak değiştiriyoruz. Ctrl+X save ediyoruz.

make clean

cd Unreal3.2
./unreal start



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