PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
me { name "serveradresi";
info "server Irc Server -
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style="color: #007700">;
numeric 1;
admin {
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style="color: #007700">;
class clients
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 256;
sendq 80000;
recvq 7000;
class oper
pingfreq 80;
maxclients 15;
sendq 32000;
recvq 32000;
class servers
pingfreq 100;
maxclients 20;
sendq 1000000;
connfreq 100;
* NEW: allow {}
* OLD: I:Line
* This defines allowing of connections...
* Basically for clients, it allows them to connect so you can have some
* control and/or set a password.
* Syntax is as follows:
* allow {
* ip (ip mask to allow);
* hostname (host mask);
* class (class to send them to [see class {}]);
* password "(password)"; (optional)
* maxperip (how many connections per ip); (optional)
* };
allow {
ip *@*;
hostname *@*;
class clients;
maxperip 5;
* NEW: allow channel {}
* OLD: chrestrict
* Allows a user to join a channel...
* like an except from deny channel.
* Syntax:
* allow channel {
* channel "channel name";
* };
allow channel {
channel "#*****Sucks";
* NEW: oper {}
* OLD: O:Line
* Defines an IRC Operator
* IRC operators are there to keep sanity to the server and usually keep it
* maintained and connected to the network.
* The syntax is as follows:
* oper (login) {
* class (class to put them in, if different from I, moves them to new
* class);
* from {
* userhost (ident@host);
* userhost (ident@host);
* };
* flags
* {
* (flags here*);
* };
* OR
* flags "old type flags, like OAaRD";
* };
O global
o local
a services-admin
A admin
r can_rehash
D can_die
R can_restart
h helpop
w can_wallops
g can_globops
c can_localroute
L can_globalroute
k can_localkill
K can_globalkill
b can_kline
Z can_gzline
t can_gkline
B can_unkline
n can_localnotice
G can_globalnotice
N netadmin
C coadmin
z can_zline
W get_umodew
H get_host
v can_override
Note: netadmin gives you OaAN
admin and services-admin give you o as well
oper nick {
from {
userhost *@*;
password "şifre";
class "oper";
modes "q";
snomask "Ffkejvqso";
maxlogins "3";
flags "oOCAaNrDRhwgLkKbBnGztZWHv^";
* NEW: listen {}
* OLD: P:Line
* This defines a port for the ircd to bind to, to
* allow users/servers to connect to the server.
* Syntax is as follows:
* listen (ip number):(port number)
* {
* options {
* (options here);
* };
* };
* or for a plain
* listen: listen (ip):(port);
* NOTICE: for ipv6 ips (3ffe:b80:2:51d::2 etc), use listen [ip]:port;
* That works also.
/* Options for listen:
S serversonly
C clientsonly
J java
s ssl
* standard
listen ipadress:6661;
listen ipadress:6662;
listen ipadress:6663;
listen ipadress:6664;
listen ipadress:6665;
listen ipadress:6666;
listen ipadress:6667 {
options {
listen ipadress:6669;
listen ipadress:7000;
S ssl
Z zip
N/A autoconnect
N/A quarantine
N/A nodnscache
username *;
hostname ipadress;
bind-ip *;
port 7000;
hub *;
password-connect "linkpass";
password-receive "linkpass";
class servers;
username *;
hostname ipadress;
bind-ip *;
port 6667;
hub *;
password-connect "linkpass";
password-receive "linkpass";
class servers;
* NEW: ulines {}
* OLD: U:Line
* U-lines give servers more power/commands, this should ONLY be set
* for services/stats servers and NEVER for normal UnrealIRCd servers!
* Syntax is as follows:
* ulines {
* (server to uline);
* (server to uline);
* [etc]
* };
ulines {;;
* NEW: drpass {}
* OLD: X:Line
* This defines the passwords for /die and /restart.
* Syntax is as follows:
* drpass {
* restart "(password for restarting)";
* die "(password for die)";
* };
drpass {
restart "hassiktirhassiktir";
die "sabitsuandaveremicem";
log "ircd.log" {
/* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the
same log */
maxsize 5MB;
flags {
/* Standard aliases */
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias OperServ { type services; };
alias HelpServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };
alias "identify" {
format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
format "^[^#]" {
nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
type command;
/* Standard aliases */
alias "services" {
format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
format "^[^#]" {
nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command;
alias "identify" {
format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
format "^[^#]" {
nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
type command;
* NEW: tld {}
* OLD: T:Line
* This sets a different motd and rules files
* depending on the clients hostmask.
* Syntax is as follows:
* tld {
* mask (ident@host);
* motd "(motd file)";
* rules "(rules file)";
* };
* NEW: ban nick {}
* OLD: Q:Line
* Bans a nickname, so it can't be used.
* Syntax is as follows:
* ban nick {
* mask "(nick to ban)";
* reason "(reason)";
* };
* NEW: ban ip {}
* OLD: Z:Line
* Bans an ip from connecting to the network.
* Syntax:
* ban ip { mask (ip number/hostmask); reason "(reason)"; };
ban ip {
reason "Delinked server";
* NEW: ban server {}
* OLD: Server Q:Line
* Disables a server from connecting to the network.
* if the server links to a remote server, local server
* will disconnect from the network.
* Syntax is as follows:
* ban server {
* mask "(server name)";
* reason "(reason to give)";
* };
ban server {
reason "Get out of here.";
* NEW: ban user {}
* OLD: K:Line
* This makes it so a user from a certain mask can't connect
* to your server.
* Syntax:
* ban user { mask (hostmask/ip number); reason "(reason)"; };
* NEW: ban realname {}
* OLD: n:Line
* This bans a certain realname from being used.
* Syntax:
* ban realname {
* mask "(real name)";
* reason "(reason)";
* };
ban realname {
mask "Swat Team";
reason "mIRKFORCE";
ban realname {
mask "sub7server";
reason "sub7";
* NOTE FOR ALL BANS, they may be repeated for addition entries!
* NEW: except ban {}
* OLD: E:Line
* This makes it so you can't get banned.
* Syntax:
* except ban { mask (ident@host); };
* Repeat the except ban {} as many times
* as you want for different hosts.
except ban { mask *@; };
except ban {
/* don't ban stskeeps */
mask *stskeeps@212.*;
/* You can include other configuration files */
/* include "klines.conf"; */
/* Network configuration */
set {
network-name "Tekkelime";
default-server "";
services-server "";
oper-auto-join "#yönetim,#Operhelp";
auto-join "#Sohbet,#Aşk,#Oyun,#Radyo";
modes-on-join "+ntSf [1c#M5,8j#R6,15m#M6,7n#N6,4t#b]:5";
stats-server "";
help-channel "#Help";
hiddenhost-prefix "ServerAdi";
prefix-quit "Cikis :
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style="color: #007700">;
cloak-keys {
/* on-oper host */
hosts {
local "";
global "";
coadmin "";
admin "";
servicesadmin "";
netadmin "";
host-on-oper-up "yes";
/* Server specific configuration */
set {
kline-address "
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static-part "
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style="color: #007700">;
modes-on-oper "+xwgsp";
who-limit "50";
modes-on-connect "+xGi";
dns {
timeout 2s;
retries 2s;
options {
maxchannelsperuser 15;
static-quit "";
anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
oper-only-stats "okGsMRUEelLCXzdD";
throttle {
connections 6;
period 30s;
anti-flood {
nick-flood 3:15;
away-flood 5:60s;
spamfilter {
ban-time "10d";
ban-reason "Tekkelime Reklam\Away Mesajı\Küfür Korumasi";
* Problems or need more help?
* 1)
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style="color: #007700">include "help.conf";
include "aliases/anope.conf";
loadmodule "src/modules/";
include "opers.conf";
include "spamfilter.conf";
loadmodule "src/modules/";
ban version {
mask "mIRC v6.16 K.Mardam-Bey";
action "gline";
reason "SomeLameScript contains backdoors";