Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 15 Haziran 2006, 10:30   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Yanıt: Guest nickler hakkında

abacus dan sevgilerle

abacus Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
void collide(NickAlias * na, int from_timeout) { char guestnick[NICKMAX]; if (!from_timeout) del_ns_timeout(na, TO_COLLIDE); /* Old system was unsure since there can be more than one collide * per second. So let use another safer method. * --lara */ /* So you should check the length of NSGuestNickPrefix, eh Lara? * --Certus */ if (ircd->svsnick) { /* We need to make sure the guestnick is free -- heinz */ do { snprintf(guestnick, sizeof(guestnick), "%s%d", NSGuestNickPrefix, getrandom16()); } while (finduser(guestnick)); notice_lang(s_NickServ, na->u, FORCENICKCHANGE_CHANGING, guestnick); anope_cmd_svsnick(na->nick, guestnick, time(NULL)); na->status |= NS_GUESTED; } else { kill_user(s_NickServ, na->nick, "Services nickname-enforcer kill"); }

satirini nickserv.c icinde bul ve

abacus Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
void collide(NickAlias * na, int from_timeout) { char guestnick[NICKMAX]; int co = 1; if (!from_timeout) del_ns_timeout(na, TO_COLLIDE); /* Old system was unsure since there can be more than one collide * per second. So let use another safer method. * --lara */ /* So you should check the length of NSGuestNickPrefix, eh Lara? * --Certus */ if (ircd->svsnick) { /* We need to make sure the guestnick is free -- heinz */ do { snprintf(guestnick, sizeof(guestnick), "%s%d", na->nick, co); co++; } while (finduser(guestnick)); notice_lang(s_NickServ, na->u, FORCENICKCHANGE_CHANGING, guestnick); anope_cmd_svsnick(na->nick, guestnick, time(NULL)); na->status |= NS_GUESTED; } else { kill_user(s_NickServ, na->nick, "Services nickname-enforcer kill"); }

olarak duzenleyin. anope1.7.10 icin duzenlenmis ve denenmistir.

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