Thank you for contacting Microsoft Passport Network technical support!
The following message will help you reset your password using the alternate e-mail address you provded in your account profile.
If you have not provided an alternate e-mail address, or if you have a different problem, reply to this message.
You can reset a forgotten password by requesting the Microsoft Passport Network to send a password reset e-mail to your alternate e-mail
address (An e-mail address that is different from your primary Hotmail or MSN e-mail address). You must have provided your alternate e-mail
address in your Passport profile prior to forgetting your password. You cannot specify which alternate address to send to during this process.
1. Visit
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
2. Click "Forgot your password?"
3. Type your e-mail address, if it is not entered automatically.
4. Enter the characters shown in the picture, and then click Continue.
Note: If you are not able to read the characters in the picture, you may click on the speaker icon to hear the audio version of the HIP challenge.
You may also click the refresh button (two blue arrows circling each other) to load a new picture.
Make sure to type the number of characters the sentence below the picture tells you are in the picture.
5. On the Reset your password page, click Send yourself a password reset e-mail message. (If you only have the option to reset your password via
e-mail you will not see this page).
6. On the Reset your password by e-mail page, click Send Message, and then click Done.
Note: You may also see the option "Send an e-mail to my alternate e-mail address" If you see this option, select it and then click "Send Message".
Note: -The password reset e-mail message will contain instructions and a link to the Account Services home page to help you reset your password.
Follow the instructions in the e-mail to complete the password reset process.
If the information in this response did not resolve your issue, or if you are writing about a different problem, reply to this message.
Thank you again for contacting Microsoft Passport Network technical support
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