bu nicklist renk icon koyma ve nicklisteki nicklerin bilgilerini nickin uzerine maus tutunca gosteren bir addon ama ben bu addonu mirc 6.16 da calistiramadim .6.03 de sorunsuz calisiyor lutfen bunu 6.16 gore uyraliyabilirmiyiz yardim ederseniz cok sevinirim
************************************************** *****************
;****************** Start Custom Nicklist By l0n3R *****************
;************************************************* ******************
on *:LOAD: {
if ($version <= 6.0) {
echo -a [Notice] Addon only works for mIRC version above 6.0
echo -a [Notice] Current Version $Version
echo -a [Notice] Get the lastest mIRC at
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
unload -rs nicklust.mrc | halt
else {
echo -a [Notice] mIRC custom nicklist loaded!
echo -a [Notice] Enjoy
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
echo -a [Notice] $iif($server,Connection Detected! You need to reconnect/rejoin all channel!,No Connection Detected! Connect to IRC network and join channel to use it)
drawcolorpreview 16777215 DoNotDel
set %nl.operator $scriptdiricons\Operator.ico
set %nl.halfops $scriptdiricons\Halfops.ico
set %nl.voice $scriptdiricons\Voice.ico
set %nl.regular $scriptdiricons\Normal.ico
set %nl.owntext 65535 | set %nl.halftext 16705925 | set %nl.optext 65280 | set %nl.voicetext 16753920 | set %nl.regtext 14503679
set %nl.bkgcolor 0 | set %nl.specialtext 16777215 | set %nl.tipbkg 12961221 | set %nl.tiptext 16711680
on *:UNLOAD: {
if ($version <= 6.0) {
else {
unset %nl.*
DLL -u $nicklust
Menu * {
Custom Nicklist: NicklistEdit
menu nicklist {
.Add: {
var %numnicks $numtok($1-,32)
while (%numnicks >= 1) {
if ($checknicks($gettok($1-,%numnicks,32)) == false) {
if ($dialog(nicklistedit) != $null) { did -a nicklistedit 31 $gettok($1-,%numnicks,32) }
set %nl.specialnicks $gettok($1-,%numnicks,32) $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.specialnicks
dec %numnicks
.Remove: {
var %nickloc 1
while (%nickloc <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
if ($dialog(nicklistedit) != $null) {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $did(nicklistedit,31,0).lines) {
if ($did(nicklistedit,31,%x).text == $gettok($1-,%nickloc,32)) { did -d nicklistedit 31 %x }
inc %x
var %y 1
while (%y <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
if ($gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%y,44) != $gettok($1-,%nickloc,32)) { set %nl.temp_specialnicks $gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%y,44) $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.temp_specialnicks }
inc %y
set %nl.specialnicks %nl.temp_specialnicks
unset %nl.temp_*
inc %nickloc
#visiblewho off
raw 352:*: { haltdef }
raw 315:*: { haltdef | dec %whochan | if (%whochan <= 0) { .disable #visiblewho | unset %whochan } }
#visiblewho end
alias drawcolorpreview {
window -hBpf +d @temp.colour -1 -1 16 16
drawrect -fr @temp.colour $1 1 0 0 16 16
drawsave @temp.colour " $+ $scriptdirIcons\ $+ $2 $+ .bmp $+ "
window -c @temp.colour
alias nicklust { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\nicklust.dll) }
alias colordll { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\color.dll) }
on *:join:*:{
if ($nick == $me) {
if (%whochan == $null) set %whochan 1
else set %whochan $calc(%whochan + 1)
.nicklist #
.enable #visiblewho
.who #
alias nicktt {
if ($1 == color) {
if ($3 == $me) return %nl.owntext
elseif ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$3,44)) return %nl.specialtext
elseif ($3 ishop $active) return %nl.halftext
elseif ($3 isop $active) return %nl.optext
elseif ($3 isvoice $active) return %nl.voicetext
return %nl.regtext
if ($1 == tooltip) {
return Nickname: $3 $+ $crlf $+ Address: $address( $+ $3 $+ ,1) $+ $crlf $+ Status: $getStatus($3,$active)
alias getStatus {
if ($istokcs(%nl.specialnicks,$1,44)) return Friends
elseif ($1 == $me) return Yourself
elseif ($1 ishop $2) return Halfops
elseif ($1 isop $2) return Operator
elseif ($1 isvoice $2) return Voice
else return Regular
alias nicklist {
dll $nicklust Mark $1 > nicktt borderselect autoarrange balloon
dll $nicklust SetTipTitle $1 1 > Nickname Info
dll $nicklust SetTipDelay $1 roll default
dll $nicklust SetTipColor $1 text %nl.tiptext
dll $nicklust SetTipColor $1 bkg %nl.tipbkg
dll $nicklust SetHeaderText $1 > $1
dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 op > $shortfn(%nl.operator)
dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 voice > $shortfn(%nl.voice)
dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 normal > $shortfn(%nl.regular)
dll $nicklust SetIcon $1 halfop > $shortfn(%nl.halfops)
dll $nicklust SetColor $1 bkg %nl.bkgcolor
alias nicklistedit {
Dialog -m nicklistedit nicklistedit
alias checknicks {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
if ($gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%x,44) == $1) {
return true
inc %x
return false
alias updatenickicon {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
nicklist $chan(%x)
inc %x
dialog NicklistEdit {
title "Nicklist Preferences"
size -1 -1 366 218
option pixels
tab "Icons", 1, 7 6 350 178
edit %nl.operator, 4, 61 50 251 19, tab 1 autohs
edit %nl.voice, 5, 61 85 251 19, tab 1 autohs
edit %nl.regular, 6, 61 155 251 19, tab 1 autohs
edit %nl.halfops, 38, 61 118 251 19, tab 1 autohs
icon 7, 25 35 32 32, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Operator.ico), 0, tab 1
icon 8, 25 70 32 32, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Voice.ico), 0, tab 1
icon 9, 25 140 32 32, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Normal.ico), 0, tab 1
icon 37, 25 105 32 32, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\Halfops.ico), 0, tab 1
button "...", 12, 315 53 20 15, tab 1
button "...", 13, 315 88 20 15, tab 1
button "...", 14, 315 158 20 15, tab 1
button "...", 40, 315 123 20 15, tab 1
text "Operators", 15, 62 37 52 13, tab 1
text "Voice", 16, 62 71 28 13, tab 1
text "Normal", 17, 62 142 36 13, tab 1
text "Halfops", 39, 62 105 50 13, tab 1
tab "Colours", 2
text "Operator (+o)", 18, 32 91 89 13, tab 2
text "Voice (+v)", 19, 32 119 89 13, tab 2
text "Normal", 20, 149 91 89 13, tab 2
text "Friends", 21, 149 119 89 13, tab 2
text "Own Nick", 22, 149 147 89 13, tab 2
text "Background", 23, 263 147 89 13, tab 2
text "Halfops (+h)", 41, 32 147 89 13, tab 2
text "Info Text", 43, 263 91 89 13, tab 2
text "Info Background", 45, 263 119 89 13, tab 2
icon 24, 12 86 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 25, 12 114 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 26, 129 86 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 27, 129 114 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 28, 129 142 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 29, 243 141 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 42, 12 142 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 44, 243 85 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
icon 46, 243 113 16 16, $shortfn($scriptdirIcons\DoNotDel.bmp), 0, tab 2
text "To change the colour of the nick of the different groups, just click on the colour and the colour selection dialog will appear.", 30, 50 39 272 41, tab 2 center
tab "Friends List", 3
text "New Friend", 36, 22 42 89 19, tab 3
list 31, 180 33 140 145, tab 3 sort extsel hsbar vsbar
edit "", 32, 22 55 140 19, tab 3 autohs
button "Add", 33, 18 77 50 23, tab 3
button "Remove", 34, 68 77 50 23, tab 3
button "Clear", 35, 118 77 50 23, tab 3
button "&Save", 10, 85 190 89 23, ok
button "&Cancel", 11, 191 190 89 23
on *:dialog:NicklistEdit:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $numtok(%nl.specialnicks,44)) {
did -a NicklistEdit 31 $gettok(%nl.specialnicks,%x,44)
inc %x
if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.operator)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 7 $shortfn(%nl.operator) }
else { set %nl.operator $scriptdirIcons\Parrot.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 4 %nl.operator }
if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.voice)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 8 $shortfn(%nl.voice) }
else { set %nl.voice $scriptdirIcons\Jelly.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 5 %nl.voice }
if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.regular)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 9 $shortfn(%nl.regular) }
else { set %nl.regular $scriptdirIcons\SeaStar.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 6 %nl.regular }
if ($exists($shortfn(%nl.halfops)) == $true) { did -g NicklistEdit 37 $shortfn(%nl.halfops) }
else { set %nl.halfops $scriptdirIcons\Halfops.ico | did -ar NicklistEdit 38 %nl.halfops }
drawcolorpreview %nl.optext Operator | did -g NicklistEdit 24 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Operator.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.voicetext Voice | did -g NicklistEdit 25 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Voice.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.regtext Regular | did -g NicklistEdit 26 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Regular.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.specialtext Friends | did -g NicklistEdit 27 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Friends.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.owntext Ownself | did -g NicklistEdit 28 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Ownself.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.bkgcolor bckgrd | did -g NicklistEdit 29 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\bckgrd.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.tiptext infotxt | did -g NicklistEdit 44 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infotxt.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.tipbkg infobck | did -g NicklistEdit 46 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infobck.bmp)
drawcolorpreview %nl.halftext halfops | did -g NicklistEdit 42 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\halfops.bmp)
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 12) { set %nl.temp_operator $sfile($mircdir,Choose operator's icon,Done!)
if ($len(%nl.temp_operator) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 7 $shortfn(%nl.temp_operator) | did -ar NicklistEdit 4 %nl.temp_operator }
if ($did == 13) { set %nl.temp_voice $sfile($mircdir,Choose voice's icon,Done!)
if ($len(%nl.temp_voice) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 8 $shortfn(%nl.temp_voice) | did -ar NicklistEdit 5 %nl.temp_voice }
if ($did == 14) { set %nl.temp_regular $sfile($mircdir,Choose regular's icon,Done!)
if ($len(%nl.temp_regular) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 9 $shortfn(%nl.temp_regular) | did -ar NicklistEdit 6 %nl.temp_regular }
if ($did == 40) { set %nl.temp_halfops $sfile($mircdir,Choose regular's icon,Done!)
if ($len(%nl.temp_halfops) > 0) { did -g NicklistEdit 37 $shortfn(%nl.temp_halfops) | did -ar NicklistEdit 38 %nl.temp_halfops }
if ($did == 24) {
set %nl.temp_optext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_optext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_optext Operator | did -g NicklistEdit 24 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Operator.bmp) }
if ($did == 25) {
set %nl.temp_voicetext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_voicetext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_voicetext Voice | did -g NicklistEdit 25 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Voice.bmp) }
if ($did == 26) {
set %nl.temp_regtext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_regtext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_regtext Regular | did -g NicklistEdit 26 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Regular.bmp) }
if ($did == 27) {
set %nl.temp_specialtext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_specialtext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_specialtext Friends | did -g NicklistEdit 27 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Friends.bmp) }
if ($did == 28) {
set %nl.temp_owntext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_owntext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_owntext Ownself | did -g NicklistEdit 28 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\Ownself.bmp) }
if ($did == 29) {
set %nl.temp_bkgcolor $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_bkgcolor bckgrd | did -g NicklistEdit 29 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\bckgrd.bmp) }
if ($did == 42) {
set %nl.temp_halftext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_halftext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_halftext halfops | did -g NicklistEdit 42 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\halfops.bmp) }
if ($did == 44) {
set %nl.temp_tiptext $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_tiptext != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_tiptext infotxt | did -g NicklistEdit 44 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infotxt.bmp) }
if ($did == 46) {
set %nl.temp_tipbkg $dll($colordll,Color,.))
if (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $false) { drawcolorpreview %nl.temp_tipbkg infobck | did -g NicklistEdit 46 $shortfn($ScriptdirIcons\infobck.bmp) }
if ($did == 33) {
if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,32).text) > 0) {
if ($checknicks($did(NicklistEdit,32).text) == false) {
did -a NicklistEdit 31 $did(NicklistEdit,32).text
did -r NicklistEdit 32
if ($did == 10) {
if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,4).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,4).text)) == $true) { set %nl.operator $did(NicklistEdit,4).text }
if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,5).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,5).text)) == $true) { set %nl.voice $did(NicklistEdit,5).text }
if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,6).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,6).text)) == $true) { set %nl.regular $did(NicklistEdit,6).text }
if ($len($did(NicklistEdit,38).text) >= 5 && $exists($shortfn($did(NicklistEdit,38).text)) == $true) { set %nl.halfops $did(NicklistEdit,38).text }
if (%nl.temp_optext != $false) && (%nl.temp_optext != $null) { set %nl.optext %nl.temp_optext }
if (%nl.temp_voicetext != $false) && (%nl.temp_voicetext != $null) { set %nl.voicetext %nl.temp_voicetext }
if (%nl.temp_regtext != $false) && (%nl.temp_regtext != $null) { set %nl.regtext %nl.temp_regtext }
if (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $false) && (%nl.temp_bkgcolor != $null) { set %nl.bkgcolor %nl.temp_bkgcolor }
if (%nl.temp_owntext != $false) && (%nl.temp_owntext != $null) { set %nl.owntext %nl.temp_owntext }
if (%nl.temp_specialtext != $false) && (%nl.temp_specialtext != $null) { set %nl.specialtext %nl.temp_specialtext }
if (%nl.temp_halftext != $false) && (%nl.temp_halftext != $null) { set %nl.halftext %nl.temp_halftext }
if (%nl.temp_tiptext != $false) && (%nl.temp_tiptext != $null) { set %nl.tiptext %nl.temp_tiptext }
if (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $false) && (%nl.temp_tipbkg != $null) { set %nl.tipbkg %nl.temp_tipbkg }
if ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines > 0) {
var %x 1
unset %nl.specialnicks
while (%x <= $did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines) {
set %nl.specialnicks $did(NicklistEdit,31,%x).text $+ $chr(44) $+ %nl.specialnicks
inc %x
if ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).lines <= 0) { unset %nl.specialnicks }
unset %nl.temp*
if ($did == 34) && ($did(NicklistEdit,31,0).sel != 0) { did -d NicklistEdit 31 $did(NicklistEdit,31).sel }
if ($did == 35) { did -r NicklistEdit 31 }
if ($did == 11) { unset %nl.temp* | dialog -x NicklistEdit }
;************************************************* ******************
;******************* End Custom Nicklist By l0n3R ******************