Services.Conf Satırları
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
RemoteServer 7001 "linked"
#RemoteServer2 localhost 6667 "mypass"
#RemoteServer3 localhost 6667 "mypass"
# LocalAddress <hostname> [port] [OPTIONAL]
# Specifies the local address to bind to before connecting to the
# remote server. This may be useful on multihomed hosts. The hostname
# and port number are specified the same way as with the RemoteServer
# directive. If this is not specified, Services will let the operating
# system choose the local address. If only a hostname is specified,
# Services will bind to that address but let the operating system
# choose the local port number.
# If you don't know what this means or don't need to use it, just leave
# the directive commented out.
# This directive may be overridden at runtime by the -local
# command-line option.
#LocalAddress nowhere. 0
# Services identification and pseudoclient names
# ServerName <name> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the IRC server name which Services should use. May be
# overridden by the -name command-line option.
ServerName ""
UnrealIRCD.conf Satirlari
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/* Links */
link {
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 7001;
password-connect "linked";
password-receive "linked";
class servers;
hub *;
Service'lerin UnrealIRCD.conf'u tanıması için Belirtilen Yollar Ayni Olmalıdır (Hem Unrealircd.conf'ta Hemde Services.conf'ta)