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Alt 06 Mart 2006, 19:58   #10
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/* BOPM sample configuration */

options {
pidfile = "/home/turkiyeliyiz/bopm/bopm.pid";
# negcache = 3600;
dns_fdlimit = 64;
# scanlog = "/home/turkiyeliyiz/bopm/path/scan.log";

# vhost = "";
nick = "Proxy_Savar";
realname = "IRC.Turkiyeliyiz.net Proxy tarayicisi";
username = "AYYILDIZ";
server = "";
# password = "botbot";
port = 6667;
nickserv = "privmsg nickserv :identify deneme";
oper = "OperNick Oper Pass";
mode = "+c-h";
away = "4Ben Bir Koruma Botuyum Lütfen Mesaj Yazmayın.. ";
channel {
name = "#Global";
# key = "somekey";
# invite = "privmsg chanserv :invite #Global ";
connregex = "\\*\\*\\* Notice -- Client connecting: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9\\.]+)\\].*";
# connregex = "\\*\\*\\* Connect/Exit -- from [^:]+: Client connecting on port [0-9]+: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9\\.]+)\\].*";
# connregex = "\\*\\*\\* Notice -- Client connecting on port [0-9]+: ([^ ]+) \\(([^@]+)@([^\\)]+)\\) \\[([0-9\\.]+)\\].*";
kline = "KLINE *@%h :Sunucumuza, Proxy uzerinden baglanmaya calistiniz..10Dorukchat.Com";
perform = "PROTOCTL HCN";

blacklist {
name = "opm.blitzed.org";
type = "A record bitmask";
ban_unknown = yes;
reply {
1 = "WinGate";
2 = "Socks";
4 = "HTTP";
8 = "Router";
16 = "HTTP POST";
kline = "KLINE *@%h :Sunucumuza, Proxy uzerinden baglanmaya calistiniz..10Turkiyeliyiz.Net";
# blacklist {
# name = "dnsbl.njabl.org";
# type = "A record reply";
# reply {
# 9 = "Open proxy";
# };
# ban_unknown = no;
# kline = "KLINE *@%h :Sunucumuza, Proxy uzerinden baglanmaya calistiniz..10Turkiyeliyiz.Net";
# };
# dnsbl_from = "
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# dnsbl_to = "
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# sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

scanner {
protocol = HTTP:80;
protocol = HTTP:8080;
protocol = HTTP:3128;
protocol = HTTP:6588;
protocol = HTTP:81;
protocol = HTTP:8000;
protocol = HTTP:8001;
protocol = HTTP:8081;
protocol = HTTPPOST:80;
protocol = HTTPPOST:81;
protocol = HTTPPOST:6588;
protocol = HTTPPOST:4480;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8000;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8001;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8080;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8081;
protocol = SOCKS4:1080;
protocol = SOCKS4:14281;
protocol = SOCKS4:1029;
protocol = SOCKS4:1212;
protocol = SOCKS4:4914;
protocol = SOCKS4:6826;
protocol = SOCKS4:7198;
protocol = SOCKS4:7366;
protocol = SOCKS4:9036;
protocol = SOCKS4:18572;
protocol = SOCKS4:8481;
protocol = SOCKS4:2782;
protocol = SOCKS4:6598;
protocol = SOCKS4:8725;
protocol = SOCKS4:18292;
protocol = SOCKS4:37046;
protocol = SOCKS4:17979;
protocol = SOCKS4:3380;
protocol = SOCKS4:19232;
protocol = SOCKS4:53431;
protocol = SOCKS4:1979;
protocol = SOCKS4:3380;
protocol = SOCKS4:45479;
protocol = SOCKS4:43871;
protocol = SOCKS4:58632;
protocol = SOCKS4:48860;
protocol = SOCKS4:26841;
protocol = SOCKS4:39470;
protocol = SOCKS4:7545;
protocol = SOCKS4:12781;
protocol = SOCKS4:29913;
protocol = SOCKS4:54906;
protocol = SOCKS4:6134;
protocol = SOCKS4:7040;
protocol = SOCKS4:2373;
protocol = SOCKS4:4471;
protocol = SOCKS4:19310;
protocol = SOCKS4:2425;
protocol = SOCKS4:12654;
protocol = SOCKS4:53605;
protocol = SOCKS4:24781;
protocol = SOCKS4:4777;
protocol = SOCKS4:50115;
protocol = SOCKS4:39540;
protocol = SOCKS4:65490;
protocol = SOCKS4:35803;
protocol = SOCKS4:53838;
protocol = SOCKS4:43479;
protocol = SOCKS4:6064;
protocol = SOCKS4:15113;
protocol = SOCKS4:59467;
protocol = SOCKS4:8923;
protocol = SOCKS4:48561;
protocol = SOCKS4:55822;
protocol = SOCKS4:14795;
protocol = SOCKS4:10197;
protocol = SOCKS4:36135;
protocol = SOCKS4:41417;
protocol = SOCKS4:12952;
protocol = SOCKS4:36508;
protocol = SOCKS4:4960;
protocol = SOCKS4:42468;
protocol = SOCKS4:48649;
protocol = SOCKS5:14795;
protocol = SOCKS5:42468;
protocol = SOCKS5:4960;
protocol = SOCKS5:22808;
protocol = SOCKS5:12952;
protocol = SOCKS5:41417;
protocol = SOCKS5:48649;
protocol = SOCKS5:36135;
protocol = SOCKS5:3320;
protocol = SOCKS5:8500;
protocol = SOCKS5:10197;
protocol = SOCKS5:55822;
protocol = SOCKS5:43479;
protocol = SOCKS5:53838;
protocol = SOCKS5:24781;
protocol = SOCKS5:12654;
protocol = SOCKS5:4471;
protocol = SOCKS5:2373;
protocol = SOCKS5:7040;
protocol = SOCKS5:54906;
protocol = SOCKS5:29913;
protocol = SOCKS5:1813;
protocol = SOCKS5:1080;
protocol = SOCKS5:14281;
protocol = SOCKS5:1029;
protocol = SOCKS5:1212;
protocol = SOCKS5:8481;
protocol = SOCKS5:18572;
protocol = SOCKS5:4438;
protocol = SOCKS5:5104;
protocol = SOCKS5:5113;
protocol = SOCKS5:5262;
protocol = SOCKS5:5634;
protocol = SOCKS5:6552;
protocol = SOCKS5:6561;
protocol = SOCKS5:7464;
protocol = SOCKS5:7810;
protocol = SOCKS5:8130;
protocol = SOCKS5:8148;
protocol = SOCKS5:8520;
protocol = SOCKS5:8814;
protocol = SOCKS5:9100;
protocol = SOCKS5:9186;
protocol = SOCKS5:9447;
protocol = SOCKS5:9578;
protocol = ROUTER:23;
protocol = WINGATE:23;
# vhost = "";
fd = 512;
max_read = 4096;
timeout = 30;
target_ip = "";
target_port = 6667;
target_string = "*** Looking up your hostname...";
# target_string = ":irc.turkiyeliyiz.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...";
target_string = "ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast.";
target_string = "ERROR :Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled.";

scanner {
name = "extended";

protocol = HTTP:81;
protocol = HTTP:8000;
protocol = HTTP:8001;
protocol = HTTP:8081;
protocol = HTTPPOST:81;
protocol = HTTPPOST:6588;
# protocol = HTTPPOST:4480;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8000;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8001;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8080;
protocol = HTTPPOST:8081;

* IRCnet have seen many socks5 on these ports, more than on the
* standard ports even.
protocol = SOCKS4:4960;
protocol = SOCKS4:4914;
protocol = SOCKS4:6826;
protocol = SOCKS4:7198;
protocol = SOCKS4:7366;
protocol = SOCKS4:9036;
protocol = SOCKS5:4960;
protocol = SOCKS5:4438;
protocol = SOCKS5:5104;
protocol = SOCKS5:5113;
protocol = SOCKS5:5262;
protocol = SOCKS5:5634;
protocol = SOCKS5:6552;
protocol = SOCKS5:6561;
protocol = SOCKS5:7464;
protocol = SOCKS5:7810;
protocol = SOCKS5:8130;
protocol = SOCKS5:8148;
protocol = SOCKS5:8520;
protocol = SOCKS5:8814;
protocol = SOCKS5:9100;
protocol = SOCKS5:9186;
protocol = SOCKS5:9447;
protocol = SOCKS5:9578;

fd = 400;

/* If required you can add settings such as target_ip here
* they will override the defaults set in the first scanner
* for this and subsequent scanners defined in the config file
* This affects the following options:
* fd, vhost, target_ip, target_port, target_string, timeout and
* max_read.

* User blocks define what scanners will be used to scan which hostmasks. When
* a user connects they will be scanned on every scanner {} (above) that
* matches their host.

user {
* Users matching this host mask will be scanned with all the
* protocols in the scanner named.
mask = "*!*@*";
scanner = "default";

user {
/* Connections without ident will match on a vast number of connections
* very few proxies run ident though */
# mask = "*!~*@*";
mask = "*!squid@*";
mask = "*!nobody@*";
mask = "*!
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mask = "*!cache@*";
mask = "*!CacheFlowS@*";
mask = "*!*@*
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mask = "*!*@*proxy*";
mask = "*!*@*cache*";

scanner = "extended";

* Exempt hosts matching certain strings from any form of scanning or dnsbl.
* BOPM will check each string against both the hostname and the IP address of
* the user.
* There are very few valid reasons to actually use "exempt". BOPM should
* never get false positives, and we would like to know very much if it does.
* One possible scenario is that the machine BOPM runs from is specifically
* authorized to use certain hosts as proxies, and users from those hosts use
* your network. In this case, without exempt, BOPM will scan these hosts,
* find itself able to use them as proxies, and ban them.

exempt {
mask =
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bu confu olustur bopm.conf adiyla etc dosyasi icine at elbette %100 engelleyecek diye bisey yok conf ne kadar zenginse o kadar iyi engeller proxy girisini.. netadmin olarak girsin servere /os admin add nick olarakta ekle listeye
Not : Turkiyeliyiz yazan yerleri ve ip numaralarini kendi sunucuna göre ayarlamayi unutma
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