val'a ilettim.
<@Valware> if someone doesn't use SSL, it means that anyone on the internet can "sniff" the plain data and sit listening to our channel conversations without even be connected to the IRC
<@Valware> I can do something like that yeah
<@Valware> it's called STS
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<@Valware> this will indicate to the user that TLS is available on another port and the connection will be upgraded if the client supports TLS/SSL
<@Valware> I can keep 6667 open for the sole purpose of pointing people towards the TLS port
<@Valware> and make it reject connections, just upgrad
<@Valware> usually if a client connects insecurely, they don't have to listen to STS, they can just continue connecting insecurely
dediğin noktaya geldik gibi mIRC girişlerini normal girişe kapıyoruz.
teşekkür ederim güzel fikrin için.