Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 21 Haziran 2020, 22:09   #11051
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Şu an dinlediğiniz şarkının içinden bir cümle

I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear
There something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same
There something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same
I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear
There something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same
There something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same
There something inside you (there's something inside you)
It's hard to explain (it's hard to explain )
They're talking about you boy (they're talking about you boy)
But you're still the same

Dinlemenizi öneririm. (Driver filminin de müziği)

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