Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 04 Mart 2020, 03:00   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Cevap: unrealircd qwebirc sorunu

aytac yaptigim dedin ama yine cikti

[01:17] == Logging in, please wait...
[01:17] -irc.webchat.tk- *** Looking up your hostname...
[01:17] -irc.webchat.tk- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
[01:17] == ERROR: Closing Link: [] (CGI:IRC -- No access)
[01:17] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.

--IRCForumlari.NET ; Flood Engellendi -->-> Yeni yazılan mesaj 01:19 -->-> Daha önceki mesaj 01:17 --

[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** ufuk is rehashing server config file
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** Loading IRCd configuration..
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: /home/hosting/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf:420: the cgiirc block has been renamed to webirc and the syntax has changed in UnrealIRCd 4
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: 1 errors encountered
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: ************************************************** ****************
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: This *seems* an UnrealIRCd 3.2.x configuration file.
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: To upgrade it to the new 4.x format, run: ./unrealircd upgrade-conf
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: ************************************************** ****************
[01:19] -irc.webchat.tk-*** error: IRCd configuration failed to pass testing

--IRCForumlari.NET ; Flood Engellendi -->-> Yeni yazılan mesaj 03:00 -->-> Daha önceki mesaj 01:19 --

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