Konu: Çözüldü Mobil ban ekleme sistemi
Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 15 Ocak 2020, 22:36   #7
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Cevap: Mobil ban ekleme sistemi

diE Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Kolay Gelsin arkadaşlar bazı botlarda mobil ban ekleme sistemi var nasıl çalışıyor bilmiyorum ama fikir verecek varmı bunu nasıl yapıyolar kodu paylasırlarsada fena olmaz :P

!mobilekle nick denıldıgı zaman telden gelmesını engellemek misal
telefon modelıne gore yasaklama bıcımı yapmak ıstemıyorum atıyorumkı samsung telefon kullanıyor yasaklıcam o kısıyı ama telefonu yasaklayınca o modelle kımse gıremez baska bı cozum yolu varmıdır nasıl engel konulabılır nasıl sorgu yapılabılır şimdiden teşekkürler.

Sana yardimci olayim mantik wersion cektiginde orda numara cikcak o numarayi spam filtere alirsin.

qwebirc.js altaki kodu ekliyorsun

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
;(function(name,context,definition) { if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = definition(); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(definition); } else { context[name] = definition(); } } ) ('Fingerprint', this, function() { 'use strict'; var Fingerprint = function(options) { var nativeForEach, nativeMap; nativeForEach = Array.prototype.forEach; nativeMap = Array.prototype.map; this.each = function(obj, iterator, context) { if (obj === null) { return; } if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) { obj.forEach(iterator, context); } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) { for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) { if (iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj) === {}) return; } } else { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj) === {}) return; } } } }; this.map = function(obj, iterator, context) { var results = []; if (obj == null) return results; if (nativeMap && obj.map === nativeMap) return obj.map(iterator, context); this.each(obj, function(value, index, list) { results[results.length] = iterator.call(context, value, index, list); }); return results; }; if (typeof options == 'object') { this.hasher = options.hasher; this.screen_resolution = options.screen_resolution; this.screen_orientation = options.screen_orientation; this.canvas = options.canvas; this.ie_activex = options.ie_activex; } else if (typeof options == 'function') { this.hasher = options; } }; Fingerprint.prototype = { get: function() { var keys = []; keys.push(navigator.userAgent); keys.push(navigator.language); keys.push(screen.colorDepth); if (this.screen_resolution) { var resolution = this.getScreenResolution(); if (typeof resolution !== 'undefined') { keys.push(this.getScreenResolution().join('x')); } } keys.push(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()); keys.push(this.hasSessionStorage()); keys.push(this.hasLocalStorage()); keys.push(!!window.indexedDB); if (document.body) { keys.push(typeof(document.body.addBehavior)); } else { keys.push(typeof undefined); } keys.push(typeof(window.openDatabase)); keys.push(navigator.cpuClass); keys.push(navigator.platform); keys.push(navigator.doNotTrack); keys.push(this.getPluginsString()); if (this.canvas && this.isCanvasSupported()) { keys.push(this.getCanvasFingerprint()); } if (this.hasher) { return this.hasher(keys.join('###'), 31); } else { return this.murmurhash3_32_gc(keys.join('###'), 31); } }, murmurhash3_32_gc: function(key, seed) { var remainder, bytes, h1, h1b, c1, c2, k1, i; remainder = key.length & 3; bytes = key.length - remainder; h1 = seed; c1 = 0xcc9e2d51; c2 = 0x1b873593; i = 0; while (i < bytes) { k1 = ((key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24); ++i; k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17); k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19); h1b = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 5) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 5) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 = (((h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64) + ((((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654) & 0xffff) << 16)); } k1 = 0; switch (remainder) { case 3: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16; case 2: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8; case 1: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff); k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17); k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; } h1 ^= key.length; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; h1 = (((h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 13; h1 = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; return h1 >>> 0; }, hasLocalStorage: function() { try { return !!window.localStorage; } catch (e) { return true; } }, hasSessionStorage: function() { try { return !!window.sessionStorage; } catch (e) { return true; } }, isCanvasSupported: function() { var elem = document.createElement('canvas'); return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d')); }, isIE: function() { if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { return true; } else if (navigator.appName === 'Netscape' && /Trident/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return true; } return false; }, getPluginsString: function() { if (this.isIE() && this.ie_activex) { return this.getIEPluginsString(); } else { return this.getRegularPluginsString(); } }, getRegularPluginsString: function() { return this.map(navigator.plugins, function(p) { var mimeTypes = this.map(p, function(mt) { return [mt.type, mt.suffixes].join('~'); }).join(','); return [p.name, p.description, mimeTypes].join('::'); }, this).join(';'); }, getIEPluginsString: function() { if (window.ActiveXObject) { var names = ['ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash', 'AcroPDF.PDF', 'PDF.PdfCtrl', 'QuickTime.QuickTime', 'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control', 'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1', 'RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)', 'RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)', 'RealPlayer', 'SWCtl.SWCtl', 'WMPlayer.OCX', 'AgControl.AgControl', 'Skype.Detection' ]; return this.map(names, function(name) { try { new ActiveXObject(name); return name; } catch (e) { return null; } }).join(';'); } else { return ""; } }, getScreenResolution: function() { var resolution; if (this.screen_orientation) { resolution = (screen.height > screen.width) ? [screen.height, screen.width] : [screen.width, screen.height]; } else { resolution = [screen.height, screen.width]; } return resolution; }, getCanvasFingerprint: function() { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var txt = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\:"<>?;,.'; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.font = "14px 'Arial'"; ctx.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; ctx.fillStyle = "#f60"; ctx.fillRect(125, 1, 62, 20); ctx.fillStyle = "#069"; ctx.fillText(txt, 2, 15); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.7)"; ctx.fillText(txt, 4, 17); return canvas.toDataURL(); } }; return Fingerprint;}); /**************************************************/ var fp = new Fingerprint({ canvas: true, ie_activex: true, screen_resolution: true }); var uid = fp.get();

irc/basaircilent.js altaki uid ekliyorsun

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
qwebirc.irc.RegisteredCTCPs = new QHash({ "VERSION": function(x) { return "qwebirc v" + qwebirc.VERSION + " " + uid + " null copyright (C) 2008-2014 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project -- " + qwebirc.util.browserVersion(); },

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