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Alt 06 Ocak 2020, 21:28   #7
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Altaki koda muaf nick nasil ekliye biliriz yani özelde belirlicegim nicke özel yaza bilsin.

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/* *This module is Server Security module. * The user, is connecting and, user can't write to channels notext minutes. * You can change notext time. * notext is seconds.. * And... if user write to channels in one minutes, The modul blocked users's messages one minute. * User sjoin to #Kontrol. * And, You are look to users messages in #BotKontrol channel.. * Use The /Knowledges Commands for forbid list. * The messages are writing to yasaklilar.txt with User's IP, Date, clock, Nick and messages. They are logging.. */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #ifdef STRIPBADWORDS #include "badwords.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif aChannel *chptr; #define tox "#BotKontrol" #define SUNUCU "Zurna.NET" #define RPL_OPERS 337 #define MSG_knowledges "knowledges" #define TOK_knowledges "BL" #define MSG_kalan "kalan" #define TOK_kalan "KL" DLLFUNC char *m_notext(aClient *, aClient *, aClient *, char *, int); DLLFUNC char *m_noptext(aClient *, aClient *, aClient *, char *, int); DLLFUNC int m_knowledges(aClient *sptr); DLLFUNC int m_kalan(aClient *sptr); //seconds static int sure = 60; #define modulismi "m_notext" #define aciklama "Forbiddin text to channels/private 1 min. v3 (toXic)" #define aciklama2 "Forbiddin text to channels/private 1 min. v3(toXic)" #define version "3.2-b8-1" ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(m_notext) = { modulismi, aciklama, aciklama2, version, NULL }; DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(m_notext)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { HookAddPCharEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CHANMSG, m_notext); add_Command(MSG_knowledges, TOK_knowledges, m_knowledges, 1); add_Command(MSG_kalan, TOK_kalan, m_kalan, 1); HookAddPCharEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_USERMSG, m_noptext); return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(m_notext)(int module_load) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_notext)(int module_unload) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int m_knowledges(aClient *sptr) { if ( !IsNetAdmin(sptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, sptr->name); return 0; } #define OKU "yasaklilar.txt" int i; FILE *dosya; char buf[BUFSIZE]; dosya = fopen(OKU, "r"); if (dosya != NULL) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), dosya)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; //if ((chptr = find_channel(tox, NullChn)) != NullChn) //sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, chptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s %s Kullanicisi, \2Yasaklilara\2 Bakti.", me.name, tox, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %d %s :%s", me.name, RPL_OPERS, sptr->name, buf); } } } DLLFUNC char *m_notext(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aClient *acptr, char *text, int notice) { if(!IsARegNick(sptr) && !IsULine(acptr) && !IsServer(sptr) && !IsOper(sptr) && (sptr->firsttime + sure > TStime())) { if ((chptr = find_channel(tox, NullChn)) != NullChn) { sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, chptr, ":Agent PRIVMSG %s Nick-> \2%s\2 Message-> \2( %s )\2 remainder time -> \2%d\2..", tox, sptr->name, text, sure - (TStime() - sptr->firsttime)); } time_t irc_time; struct tm tdate; irc_time = time(NULL); tdate = *localtime(&irc_time); FILE * pFile; pFile = fopen ("yasaklilar.txt", "a"); fprintf (pFile, "Tarih: %02d-%02d-%02d Saat: %02d:%02d Nick: %s IP: %s Text: %s\n", tdate.tm_mday, tdate.tm_mon + 1, tdate.tm_year - 100, tdate.tm_hour, tdate.tm_min, sptr->name, sptr->user->realhost, text); fclose (pFile); sendto_one(sptr, ":Uyari NOTICE %s :Kanalda, \2Mesaj\2 Kullanabilmen icin \2%d\2 Saniye Daha Beklemelisiniz.", sptr->name, sure - (TStime() - sptr->firsttime)); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Kanala Mesaj atabilmeniz icin \2 bir sure \2 beklemelisiniz.. ", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Bundan muaf olmak istiyorsaniz, nickinizi \2/ns register sifre email\2 komutu ile sifreleyiniz..", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Kalan surenize gormek icin, \2/Kalan\2 yaziniz.", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :\2 Hos Sohbetler..", SUNUCU, sptr->name); char *kanal = "#Kontrol"; char *k[3], channels[512]; strlcpy(channels, kanal, sizeof(channels)); k[0] = sptr->name; k[1] = channels; k[2] = NULL; do_cmd(sptr, sptr, "JOIN", 2, k); /* if you want to shun. ******************************************************* * return place_host_ban(sptr, BAN_ACT_SHUN, "reason", 60); ******************************************************* */ return NULL; } else return text; } DLLFUNC char *m_noptext(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aClient *acptr, char *text, int notice) { if(!IsARegNick(sptr) && !IsULine(acptr) && !IsServer(sptr) && !IsOper(sptr) && (sptr->firsttime + sure > TStime())) { if ((chptr = find_channel(tox, NullChn)) != NullChn) { sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, chptr, ":Agent PRIVMSG %s Nick-> \2%s\2 Message-> \2( %s )\2 remainder time -> \2%d\2..", tox, sptr->name, text, sure - (TStime() - sptr->firsttime)); } sendto_one(sptr, ":Uyari NOTICE %s :Ozelde, \2Mesaj\2 Kullanabilmen icin \2%d\2 Saniye Daha Beklemelisiniz.", sptr->name, sure - (TStime() - sptr->firsttime)); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Ozele Mesaj atabilmeniz icin \2 bir sure \2 beklemelisiniz.. ", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Bundan muaf olmak istiyorsaniz, nickinizi \2 /NS Register sifre email\2 komutu ile sifreleyiniz..", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :Mesaj yazmak icin kac saniyeniz kaldigini gormek istiyorsaniz, \2/Kalan\2 yaziniz.", SUNUCU, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :\2 Hos Sohbetler..", SUNUCU, sptr->name); char *kanal = "#Kontrol"; char *k[3], channels[512]; strlcpy(channels, kanal, sizeof(channels)); k[0] = sptr->name; k[1] = channels; k[2] = NULL; do_cmd(sptr, sptr, "JOIN", 2, k); return NULL; } else return text; } DLLFUNC int m_kalan(aClient *sptr) { aClient *acptr; if(!IsARegNick(sptr) && !IsULine(acptr) && !IsServer(sptr) && !IsOper(sptr) && (sptr->firsttime + sure > TStime())) { sendto_one(sptr, ":Uyari PRIVMSG %s Kalan sureniz \2%d\2 saniyedir.", sptr->name, sure - (TStime() - sptr->firsttime)); sendto_one(sptr, ":Uyari PRIVMSG %s Bu sureden sonra mesaj yazabileceksiniz.", sptr->name); } else { sendto_one(sptr, ":Uyari PRIVMSG %s Mesaj yazabilirsiniz.", sptr->name); } }

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