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Alt 11 Aralık 2016, 20:18   #15
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Cevap: UnreaIRCd 4 Kurulumu (Oto-bash)

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
Loading IRCd configuration.. /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf:1: unknown directive include /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf:204: unknown directive webirc /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:33: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:34: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:35: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:36: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:37: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:38: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:39: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:40: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:41: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:42: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:43: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:44: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:45: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:46: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:47: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:48: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:49: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:50: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:51: unknown directive badword /home/ircsohbet/Unreal/unrealircd/conf/badwords.conf:52: unknown directive badword config error: ERROR: efunction 'do_join' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'join_channel' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'can_join' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'do_mode' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'set_mode' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'm_umode' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'register_user' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'tkl_hash' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'tkl_typetochar' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'tkl_add_line' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: ERROR: efunction 'tkl_del_line' not found, you probably did not load all required modules! (hint: see modules.default.conf) config error: [--efunction errors truncated to prevent flooding--] config error: IRCd configuration failed to pass testing

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