fnshow $6 $9-
this my raw code if you have another raw 352 code dont add more you need to combine them.
just add this code " fnshow $6 $9- " raw 352 code section.
like this:
raw 352:*:{
code / code exp...
add my code first line
raw 352:*:{
fnshow $6 $9-
code / code exp...
like this. it should be above halt or haldef.
halt or haldef its stopping continue commands.
change your RNR raw code
old :
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
raw 352:*:.ialmark $6 ( $+ $9- $+ ) | halt
new :
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
raw 352:*:{
if %FN == on { fnshow $6 $9- }
.ialmark $6 ( $+ $9- $+ )
and here is changed my code:
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
on !*:join:#:{
if *mibbit* !iswm $site { halt }
set % [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$nick,$chr(46),$chan) ] ] 1
set %FN on | who +g $nick
on !*:part:#:{ unset % [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$nick,$chr(46),$chan) ] ] }
raw 315:*:haltdef
on *:exit:{ unset %FN* }
on ^*:snotice:*Client*exiting*: { unset % [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$6,*) ] ] }
alias -l fnshow {
var %x = 1,%y = $comchan($1,0)
while (%x <= %y) {
if (% [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$1,$chr(46),$comchan($1,%x)) ] ] == 1) { echo $color(info) -t $comchan($1,%x) * Login: $1 - FN: $2- | set % [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$1,$chr(46),$comchan($1,%x)) ] ] 2 }
inc %x
unset % [ $+ [ $+(FN,$chr(46),$1,$chr(46),*) ] ] | set %FN off
Good luck
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