Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 17 Aralık 2015, 13:30   #16
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IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ConferenceRoom mIRC Script Hakkında

master kontrol kodu gelişmiş durumda.
Arkadaşlar yazılan kodları addonları yazma gereği duymuya gerek yok işinizi görecek kodlar scriptinize ekliyerek kullana bilirsiniz.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
on *:CONNECT: { if (%jjj = on) join %chans } menu channel,menubar,nicklist,status { Master Kontrol:dialog -m mastercontrol mastercontrol } dialog mastercontrol { title "Genel Kontrol Menüsü" size -1 -1 420 250 option pixels tab "Op kontrol", 24, 10 10 360 200 box "", 26, 15 30 348 165, tab 24 edit "#", 1, 25 65 80 20, tab 24 edit "", 2, 25 115 80 20, tab 24 button "kick", 3, 130 45 50 20, tab 24 button "ban", 4, 130 70 50 20, tab 24 button "unban", 9, 130 95 50 20, tab 24 text "Kanal" 6, 25 45 80 20, tab 24 text "Nick" 7, 25 95 80 20, tab 24 button "akick", 8, 130 120 50 20, tab 24 button "delakick", 5, 130 145 50 20, tab 24 button "op", 10, 190 45 50 20, tab 24 button "deop", 11, 190 70 50 20, tab 24 button "halfop", 12, 190 95 50 20, tab 24 button "dehalfop", 13, 190 120 50 20, tab 24 button "voice", 14, 190 145 50 20, tab 24 button "devoice", 15, 250 45 50 20, tab 24 button "sop", 16, 250 70 50 20, tab 24 button "aop", 17, 250 95 50 20, tab 24 button "hop", 18, 250 120 50 20, tab 24 button "vop", 19, 250 145 50 20, tab 24 button "delsop", 20, 310 45 50 20, tab 24 button "delaop", 23, 310 70 50 20, tab 24 button "delhop", 21, 310 95 50 20, tab 24 button "delvop", 22, 310 120 50 20, tab 24 button "kb", 30, 310 145 50 20, tab 24 menu "File", 48 menu "Yardim", 46 item "Web Aç", 49, 48 item "Kapat", 47, 48, cancel menu "Script Site", 51 item "mIRCCLub", 50, 51 item "bilgi", 56, 46 menu "Araçlar", 59 item "Msg", 60, 59 item "Ame", 61, 59 item "Çıkış", 62, 48 item "Bağlan", 63, 48 item "User Host", 64, 59 tab "Zamanli Ban", 86 tab "Auto join", 116 tab "Modeler", 124 tab "Ignore", 175 list 174, 25 45 120 143, size vsbar, tab 175 button "Ekle ignore", 176, 155 45 120 20, tab 175 button "Sil ignore", 177, 155 70 120 20, tab 175 edit "#", 125, 25 65 80 20, tab 124 text "Kanal" 126, 25 45 80 20, tab 124 button "autojoin açık", 121, 155 45 120 20, tab 116 button "autojoin kapali", 118, 155 70 120 20, tab 116 button "Ekle autojoin", 119, 155 100 120 20, tab 116 button "Sil autojoin", 120, 155 125 120 20, tab 116 tab "Komutlar", 104 box "", 105, 15 30 348 165, tab 104 box "", 87, 15 30 348 165, tab 86 box "", 117, 15 30 348 165, tab 116 text "", 44, 15 217 70 20 list 122, 25 45 120 143, size vsbar, tab 116 button "Geri", 45, 310 215 90 20, cancel edit "#", 89, 25 65 80 20, tab 86 text "Kanal" 90, 25 45 80 20, tab 86 text "Nick" 91, 25 95 80 20, tab 86 edit "", 88, 25 115 80 20, tab 86 button "1 Dakika", 92, 130 45 100 20, tab 86 button "5 Dakika", 93, 130 70 100 20, tab 86 button "10 Dakika", 94, 130 95 100 20, tab 86 button "15 Dakika", 95, 130 120 100 20, tab 86 button "30 Dakika", 96, 130 145 100 20, tab 86 button "1 Saat", 97, 235 45 100 20, tab 86 button "3 Saat", 98, 235 70 100 20, tab 86 button "6 Saat", 99, 235 95 100 20, tab 86 button "12 Saat", 100, 235 120 100 20, tab 86 button "18 Saat", 101, 235 145 100 20, tab 86 button "1 Gün", 102, 130 170 205 20, tab 86 button "kick", 103, 25 145 80 45, tab 86 button "BaglantiKopar", 106, 25 45 100 20, tab 104 button "Baglan", 107, 25 70 100 20, tab 104 button "KanallardanÇık", 108, 25 95 100 20, tab 104 button "join", 109, 25 120 100 20, tab 104 button "hop", 110, 135 120 100 20, tab 104 button "nick", 111, 135 45 100 20, tab 104 button "leave", 112, 135 70 100 20, tab 104 button "pass change", 113, 135 95 100 20, tab 104 button "global kick", 163, 245 120 100 20, tab 104 button "global msg", 164, 245 70 100 20, tab 104 button "global act", 165, 245 45 100 20, tab 104 button "global ban", 166, 245 95 100 20, tab 104 menu "Mode Yardim", 161 tab "Status", 28 tab "Yardim", 114 item "Modeler Yardim", 162, 161 button "s", 130, 130 45 50 20, tab 124 button "i", 131, 130 70 50 20, tab 124 button "M", 132, 190 45 50 20, tab 124 button "m", 133, 190 70 50 20, tab 124 button "N", 134, 190 95 50 20, tab 124 button "O", 135, 70 95 50 20, tab 124 button "e", 136, 250 45 50 20, tab 124 button "r", 137, 250 70 50 20, tab 124 button "R", 138, 250 95 50 20, tab 124 button "S", 139, 130 95 50 20, tab 124 button "T", 140, 70 120 50 20, tab 124 button "t", 141, 310 45 50 20, tab 124 button "V", 142, 310 70 50 20, tab 124 button "v", 143, 310 95 50 20, tab 124 button "-s", 144, 70 145 50 20, tab 124 button "-i", 158, 70 170 50 20, tab 124 button "-M", 146, 130 120 50 20, tab 124 button "-m", 147, 130 145 50 20, tab 124 button "-N", 148, 130 170 50 20, tab 124 button "-O", 149, 190 120 50 20, tab 124 button "-e", 150, 190 145 50 20, tab 124 button "-r", 151, 190 170 50 20, tab 124 button "-R", 152, 250 120 50 20, tab 124 button "-S", 153, 250 145 50 20, tab 124 button "-T", 154, 250 170 50 20, tab 124 button "-t", 155, 310 120 50 20, tab 124 button "-V", 156, 310 145 50 20, tab 124 button "-v", 157, 310 170 50 20, tab 124 box "", 145, 15 30 348 165, tab 124 box "", 179, 15 30 348 165, tab 175 box "", 171, 15 30 348 165, tab 114 text "", 52, 25 45 120 20, tab 28 text "", 53, 25 70 150 20, tab 28 text "", 54, 25 95 250 20, tab 28 text "", 55, 25 120 100 20, tab 28 box "", 81, 15 30 348 165, tab 28 button "Arama", 170, 210 215 90 20 button "Yenile", 178, 110 215 90 20, ok close text "Genel Kontrol Addonu. Bu Addon ile Bir cok İşlevi Yapabiliyorsunuz. Resim arama Normal Arama Video Arama. Komutlar. Mesajlar. Daha Fazlasini Tek bir Addonla Yapabilirsiniz. Türkçe Çeviri by absolut" 115, 25 45 280 155, tab 114 } dialog userahost { title "Userhost" size -1 -1 300 50 option pixels text "", 1, 10 10 280 30 } dialog search { title "Ara" size -1 -1 350 70 option pixels tab "Ara", 4, 5 5 330 60 tab "Resim", 5 tab "Video", 6 edit "", 2, 20 32 200 20, tab 4 button "Git!", 3, 230 32 50 20, tab 4 edit "", 7, 20 32 200 20, tab 5 button "Git!", 8, 230 32 50 20, tab 5 edit "", 9, 20 32 200 20, tab 6 button "Git!", 10, 230 32 50 20, tab 6 } alias timez { did -ra mastercontrol 44 $time(h:nn:ss tt) } alias userahost { dialog $iif($dialog(userahost),-v,-md) userahost userahost } alias mastercontrol { dialog $iif($dialog(mastercontrol),-v,-md) mastercontrol mastercontrol } alias search { dialog $iif($dialog(search),-v,-md) search search } on *:DIALOG:mastercontrol:init:0:{ var %bo = $numtok(%chans,44), %or = 1 while ( %or <= %bo ) { did -a mastercontrol 122 $gettok(%chans,%or,44) inc %or } var %bo = $numtok(%igynrea,44), %or = 1 while ( %or <= %bo ) { did -a mastercontrol 174 $gettok(%igynrea,%or,44) inc %or } did -a mastercontrol 44 $time(h:nn:ss tt) | .timerclockk 0 1 timez did -a mastercontrol 52 ip : $ip did -a mastercontrol 53 server : $server did -a mastercontrol 54 userhost : $address($me,0) did -a mastercontrol 55 nick : $me } on *:DIALOG:userahost:init:0:{ did -a userahost 1 %nicae userhost: $address(%nicae,0) } on *:dialog:mastercontrol:close:*:{ .timerclockk off } on *:DIALOG:mastercontrol:menu:*:{ if ($did = 49) { set %site $?="what website would you like to visit?" | run %site } if ($did = 50) { run
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
if ($did = 56) { run
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
if ($did = 60) { set %text $?="what would you like to say?" | set %chaneb $?="in which channel?" | msg %chaneb %text } if ($did = 61) { set %texter $?="what would you like to act?" | set %chaneb $?="in which channel?" | describe %chaneb %texter } if ($did = 62) { disconnect } if ($did = 63) { server } if ($did = 64) { set %nicae $?="User Hostunu Gir" | userahost } if ($did = 162) { run
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
on *:DIALOG:search:sclick:*:{ if ($did = 3) { run
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
if ($did = 8) { run http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&q= $+ $($did(7)) } if ($did = 10) { run
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
on *:DIALOG:mastercontrol:sclick:*:{ if ($did = 4) { set %nicke $did(2) | mode $did(1) +b $address(%nicke,0) } if ($did = 3) { kick $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 8) { cs akick $did(1) add $did(2) } if ($did = 5) { cs akick $did(1) del $did(2) $+ $(!*@*) } if ($did = 9) { set %nicke $did(2) | mode $did(1) -b $address(%nicke,0) } if ($did = 10) { cs op $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 11) { cs deop $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 12) { cs halfop $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 13) { cs dehalfop $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 14) { cs voice $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 15) { cs devoice $did(1) $did(2) } if ($did = 16) { cs sop $did(1) add $did(2) } if ($did = 17) { cs aop $did(1) add $did(2) } if ($did = 18) { cs hop $did(1) add $did(2) } if ($did = 19) { cs vop $did(1) add $did(2) } if ($did = 20) { cs sop $did(1) del $did(2) } if ($did = 21) { cs hop $did(1) del $did(2) } if ($did = 22) { cs vop $did(1) del $did(2) } if ($did = 23) { cs aop $did(1) del $did(2) } if ($did = 30) { kick $did(1) $did(2) | set %nicke $did(2) | mode $did(1) +b $address(%nicke,0) } if ($did = 82) { set %pmb 1 } if ($did = 83) { unset %pmb } if ($did = 84) { set %adders $?="what nick do you wish to add to Pmexception list?" | set %spnick $addtok(%spnick,%adders,44) } if ($did = 85) { set %delers $?="what nick do you wish to remove to Pmexception list?" | set %spnick $remtok(%spnick,%delers,44) } if ($did = 92) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u60 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 93) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u300 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 94) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u600 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 95) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u900 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 96) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u1200 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 97) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u3600 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 98) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u10800 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 99) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u21600 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 100) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u43200 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 101) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u64800 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 102) { set %nickez $did(88) | ban -u86400 $did(89) $address(%nickez,0) } if ($did = 103) { kick $did(89) $did(88) } if ($did = 106) { quit } if ($did = 107) { server } if ($did = 108) { var %x = $chan(0) | while (%x) { | part $chan(%x) | dec %x } } if ($did = 109) { set %joie $?="Oto Giriceginiz Kanali Yaziniz" | join %joie } if ($did = 110) { set %hope $?="what channel would you like to hop in?" | hop %hope } if ($did = 111) { set %nickew $?="Nickiniz" | set %passew $?="Şifreniz" | nick %nickew | ns identify %passew } if ($did = 112) { set %leave $?="Otomatik Giriceginiz Kanal" | part %leave } if ($did = 113) { set %passen $?="Yeni Şifre" | ns set password %passen } if ($did = 119) { set %chans $addtok(%chans,$?="what channel do you want to add to autojoin?",44) } if ($did = 120) { set %chans $remtok(%chans,$?="what channel do you want to delete from autojoin?",44) } if ($did = 121) { set %jjj on } if ($did = 118) { set %jjj off } if ($did = 130) { mode $did(125) +s } if ($did = 131) { mode $did(125) +i } if ($did = 132) { mode $did(125) +M } if ($did = 133) { mode $did(125) +m } if ($did = 134) { mode $did(125) +N } if ($did = 135) { mode $did(125) +O } if ($did = 136) { set %nicbe $?="e Mode Kipi açık" | mode $did(125) +e %nicbe } if ($did = 137) { mode $did(125) +r } if ($did = 138) { mode $did(125) +R } if ($did = 139) { mode $did(125) +S } if ($did = 140) { mode $did(125) +T } if ($did = 141) { mode $did(125) +t } if ($did = 142) { mode $did(125) +V } if ($did = 143) { mode $did(125) +v } if ($did = 144) { mode $did(125) -s } if ($did = 145) { mode $did(125) -i } if ($did = 146) { mode $did(125) -M } if ($did = 147) { mode $did(125) -m } if ($did = 148) { mode $did(125) -N } if ($did = 149) { mode $did(125) -O } if ($did = 150) { set %nicbes $?="e Mode Kipi Kapali" | mode $did(125) -e %nicbes } if ($did = 151) { mode $did(125) -r } if ($did = 152) { mode $did(125) -R } if ($did = 153) { mode $did(125) -S } if ($did = 154) { mode $did(125) -T } if ($did = 155) { mode $did(125) -t } if ($did = 156) { mode $did(125) -V } if ($did = 157) { mode $did(125) -v } if ($did = 166) { set %nickre $?="who would you like to globally ban?" | var %x = $chan(0) | while (%x) { | mode $chan(%x) +b $address(%nickre,0) | dec %x } } if ($did = 163) { set %nikca $?="who would you like to globally kick?" | var %x = $chan(0) | while (%x) { | kick $chan(%x) %nikca | dec %x } } if ($did = 164) { set %msge $?="Amsg Mesajinizi Giriniz" | amsg %msge } if ($did = 165) { set %msge $?="Ame Mesajinizi Giriniz" | var %x = $chan(0) | while (%x) { | describe $chan(%x) %msge | dec %x } } if ($did = 170) { search } if ($did = 176) { set %igynrea $addtok(%igynrea,$?="İgnore Listene Ekle",44) | ignore %igynrea } if ($did = 177) { set %igynrea $remtok(%igynrea,$?="İgnore Listenden Sil",44) | unignore %igynrea } if ($did = 178) { timer 1 1 mastercontrol } }

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