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Alt 22 Aralık 2014, 02:45   #25
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Cevap: Unreal3.2.3 moduller

Jaqen Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
bilgi.c / rapor.c versiyonunda calismiyolar

modülü aktif hale getirdikten sonra sunucuya giris/cikis oldugunda ya da sunucuda kill/line gibi komutlar kullanildiginda sunucu kapaniyor.

elinde uyumlu edit olan paylasirsa cok memnun olurum.
hub kurulu. bu tip bi modul olmadan ancak bagli oldugum linkdeki hareketleri görebiliyorum


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/* Written by AngryWolf Edited(sytle) BehroozWolf Conf ayarlari; chansno { // msgtype privmsg; channel "#Bilgi-1" { joins; parts; kicks; mode-changes; topics; }; channel "#Bilgi-2" { nickchanges; connects; disconnects; server-connects; squits; }; }; */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #ifdef STRIPBADWORDS #include "badwords.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif typedef struct _conf_operflag OperFlag; typedef struct _chansnoflag ChanSnoFlag; struct _conf_operflag { long flag; char *name; }; struct _chansnoflag { ChanSnoFlag *prev, *next; char *channel; long flags; }; extern ConfigEntry *config_find_entry(ConfigEntry *, char *); extern OperFlag *config_binary_flags_search(OperFlag *table, char *cmd, int size); #define MSG_CHANSNO "CHANSNO" #define TOK_CHANSNO "CR" #define MyMod ModChanSno->handle #define CHSNO_TABLESIZE sizeof(_ChanSnoFlags)/sizeof(_ChanSnoFlags[0]) #define MaxSize (sizeof(msgbuf) - strlen(msgbuf) - 1) #define ircstrdup(x,y) if (x) MyFree(x); if (!y) x = NULL; else x = strdup(y) #define IsParam(x) (parc > (x) && !BadPtr(parv[(x)])) #define IsNotParam(x) (parc <= (x) || BadPtr(parv[(x)])) #define DelHook(x) if (x) HookDel(x); x = NULL #define DelCommand(x) if (x) CommandDel(x); x = NULL /* Messages types */ #define MT_PRIVMSG 0x00 #define MT_NOTICE 0x01 #define MsgType (msgtype == MT_PRIVMSG ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE") /* Channel server notice masks */ #define CHSNO_CONNECT 0x0001 #define CHSNO_DISCONNECT 0x0002 #define CHSNO_NICKCHANGE 0x0004 #define CHSNO_JOIN 0x0008 #define CHSNO_PART 0x0010 #define CHSNO_KICK 0x0020 #define CHSNO_CHANMODE 0x0040 #define CHSNO_SCONNECT 0x0080 #define CHSNO_SQUIT 0x0100 #define CHSNO_TOPIC 0x0200 /* This MUST be alphabetized */ OperFlag _ChanSnoFlags[] = { { CHSNO_CONNECT, "connects" }, { CHSNO_DISCONNECT, "disconnects" }, { CHSNO_JOIN, "joins" }, { CHSNO_KICK, "kicks" }, { CHSNO_CHANMODE, "mode-changes" }, { CHSNO_NICKCHANGE, "nickchanges" }, { CHSNO_PART, "parts" }, { CHSNO_SCONNECT, "server-connects" }, { CHSNO_SQUIT, "squits" }, { CHSNO_TOPIC, "topics" } }; static Command *AddCommand(char *msg, char *token, int (*func)()); DLLFUNC int m_chansno(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]); DLLFUNC int test_chansno(ConfigFile *, ConfigEntry *, int, int *); DLLFUNC int conf_chansno(ConfigFile *, ConfigEntry *, int); DLLFUNC int rehash_chansno(); DLLFUNC int cb_mode(aClient *, aClient *, aChannel *, char *, char *, TS, int); DLLFUNC int cb_connect(aClient *); DLLFUNC int cb_quit(aClient *, char *); DLLFUNC int cb_join(aClient *, aClient *, aChannel *, char *[]); DLLFUNC int cb_kick(aClient *, aClient *, aClient *, aChannel *, char *); DLLFUNC int cb_nickchange(aClient *, char *); DLLFUNC int cb_part(aClient *, aClient *, aChannel *, char *); DLLFUNC int cb_server_connect(aClient *); DLLFUNC int cb_server_quit(aClient *); DLLFUNC int cb_topic(); ModuleInfo *ModChanSno = NULL; Command *CmdChanSno = NULL; ChanSnoFlag *ConfChanSno; Hook *HookConfTest, *HookConfRun, *HookConfRehash; Hook *HookMode, *HookConnect, *HookQuit, *HookJoin; Hook *HookKick, *HookNickChange, *HookPart, *HookServerConnect; Hook *HookServerQuit, *HookTopic; static char msgbuf[BUFSIZE+1]; u_int msgtype = MT_PRIVMSG; static char mybuf[BUFSIZE+1]; ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(chansno) = { "Bilgilendirme", "v0.1", "AngryWolf", "3.2-b8-1", NULL }; static Command *AddCommand(char *msg, char *token, int (*func)()) { Command *cmd; if (CommandExists(msg)) { config_error("%s komutu zaten kullaniliyor.", msg); return NULL; } if (CommandExists(token)) { config_error("%s token'i(markasi) zaten kullaniliyor.", token); return NULL; } cmd = CommandAdd(MyMod, msg, token, func, MAXPARA, 0); #ifndef _WIN32 if (ModuleGetError(MyMod) != MODERR_NOERROR || !cmd) #else if (!cmd) #endif { #ifndef _WIN32 config_error("%s komutu eklenemedi: %s", msg, ModuleGetErrorStr(MyMod)); #else config_error("%s komutu eklenemedi", msg); #endif return NULL; /* just to be sure */ } return cmd; } // ================================================================= // Functions related to loading/unloading configuration // ================================================================= static void InitConf() { ConfChanSno = NULL; msgtype = MT_PRIVMSG; } static void FreeConf() { ChanSnoFlag *c; ListStruct *next; for (c = ConfChanSno; c; c = (ChanSnoFlag *) next) { next = (ListStruct *) c->next; DelListItem(c, ConfChanSno); MyFree(c->channel); MyFree(c); } } // ================================================================= // Module functions // ================================================================= DLLFUNC int MOD_TEST(chansno)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { ModChanSno = modinfo; HookConfTest = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGTEST, test_chansno); return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(chansno)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { ModChanSno = modinfo; InitConf(); CmdChanSno = AddCommand(MSG_CHANSNO, TOK_CHANSNO, m_chansno); HookConfRun = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGRUN, conf_chansno); HookConfRehash = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_REHASH, rehash_chansno); if (!CmdChanSno) return MOD_FAILED; return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(userauth)(int module_load) { HookMode = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_CHANMODE, cb_mode); HookConnect = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_CONNECT, cb_connect); HookQuit = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_QUIT, cb_quit); HookJoin = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_JOIN, cb_join); HookKick = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_KICK, cb_kick); HookNickChange = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_NICKCHANGE, cb_nickchange); HookPart = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_PART, cb_part); HookServerConnect = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_SERVER_CONNECT, cb_server_connect); HookServerQuit = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_SERVER_QUIT, cb_server_quit); HookTopic = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_TOPIC, cb_topic); return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_chansno)(int module_unload) { DelHook(HookTopic); DelHook(HookServerQuit); DelHook(HookServerConnect); DelHook(HookPart); DelHook(HookNickChange); DelHook(HookKick); DelHook(HookJoin); DelHook(HookQuit); DelHook(HookConnect); DelHook(HookMode); DelHook(HookConfRehash); DelHook(HookConfRun); DelHook(HookConfTest); DelCommand(CmdChanSno); FreeConf(); return MOD_SUCCESS; } // ================================================================= // Config file interfacing // ================================================================= DLLFUNC int rehash_chansno() { FreeConf(); InitConf(); return 1; } DLLFUNC int test_chansno(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type, int *errs) { ConfigEntry *cep, *cepp; int errors = 0; if (type != CONFIG_MAIN) return 0; if (!strcmp(ce->ce_varname, "chansno")) { for (cep = ce->ce_entries; cep; cep = cep->ce_next) { if (!cep->ce_varname) { config_error("%s:%i: blank chansno item", cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum); errors++; continue; } if (!cep->ce_vardata) { config_error("%s:%i: chansno::%s item without value", cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_varname); errors++; continue; } if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "channel")) { if (!cep->ce_entries) { config_error("%s:%i: chansno::channel without contents", cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum); errors++; continue; } for (cepp = cep->ce_entries; cepp; cepp = cepp->ce_next) { if (!cepp->ce_varname) { config_error("%s:%i: chansno::channel item without variable name", cepp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cepp->ce_varlinenum); errors++; continue; } if (!config_binary_flags_search(_ChanSnoFlags, cepp->ce_varname, CHSNO_TABLESIZE)) { config_error("%s:%i: unknown chansno::channel flag '%s'", cepp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cepp->ce_varlinenum, cepp->ce_varname); errors++; } } } else if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "msgtype")) { if (!strcmp(cep->ce_vardata, "privmsg")) ; else if (!strcmp(cep->ce_vardata, "notice")) ; else { config_error("%s:%i: unknown chansno::msgtype '%s'", cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_varname); errors++; } } else { config_error("%s:%i: unknown directive chansno::%s", cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_varname); errors++; } } *errs = errors; return errors ? -1 : 1; } else return 0; } DLLFUNC int conf_chansno(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type) { ConfigEntry *cep, *cepp; OperFlag *ofp; ChanSnoFlag *ca; if (type != CONFIG_MAIN) return 0; if (!strcmp(ce->ce_varname, "chansno")) { for (cep = ce->ce_entries; cep; cep = cep->ce_next) { if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "channel")) { ca = MyMallocEx(sizeof(ChanSnoFlag)); ircstrdup(ca->channel, cep->ce_vardata); for (cepp = cep->ce_entries; cepp; cepp = cepp->ce_next) { if ((ofp = config_binary_flags_search(_ChanSnoFlags, cepp->ce_varname, CHSNO_TABLESIZE))) ca->flags |= ofp->flag; } AddListItem(ca, ConfChanSno); } else if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "msgtype")) { if (!strcmp(cep->ce_vardata, "privmsg")) msgtype = MT_PRIVMSG; else if (!strcmp(cep->ce_vardata, "notice")) msgtype = MT_NOTICE; } } return 1; } return 0; } // =============================================================== // Functions used by m_chansno // =============================================================== static char *get_flag_names(long flags) { u_int i, found = 0; memset(&msgbuf, 0, sizeof msgbuf); for (i = 0; i < CHSNO_TABLESIZE; i++) if (flags & _ChanSnoFlags[i].flag) { if (found) strncat(msgbuf, ", ", MaxSize); else found = 1; strncat(msgbuf, _ChanSnoFlags[i].name, MaxSize); } if (!strlen(msgbuf)) strcpy(msgbuf, "<None>"); return msgbuf; } static void stats_chansno_channels(aClient *sptr) { ChanSnoFlag *c; for (c = ConfChanSno; c; c = c->next) sendto_one(sptr, "%s %i %s :Kanal %s: %s", me.name, RPL_TEXT, sptr->name, c->channel, get_flag_names(c->flags)); sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_ENDOFSTATS), me.name, sptr->name, 'S'); } static void stats_chansno_config(aClient *sptr) { ChanSnoFlag *c; sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %i %s :msgtype: %s", me.name, RPL_TEXT, sptr->name, MsgType); sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_ENDOFSTATS), me.name, sptr->name, 'S'); } // =============================================================== // m_chansno // parv[0]: sender prefix // parv[1]: option // parv[2]: server name (optional) // =============================================================== DLLFUNC int m_chansno(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { if (!IsPerson(sptr)) return -1; if (!IsAnOper(sptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]); return -1; } if (!IsParam(1)) { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :Kullanimi:", me.name, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s : /chansno <tercih> [<serveradi>]", me.name, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :Ozellikleri:", me.name, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s : list: displays the chansno::channel block list", me.name, sptr->name); sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s : config: shows the rest of chansno configuration", me.name, sptr->name); return 0; } if (IsParam(2)) { if (hunt_server_token(cptr, sptr, MSG_CHANSNO, TOK_CHANSNO, "%s", 2, parc, parv) != HUNTED_ISME) return 0; } if (!strcasecmp(parv[1], "list")) stats_chansno_channels(sptr); else if (!strcasecmp(parv[1], "config")) stats_chansno_config(sptr); else { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :Hatali option %s." " Valid options are: list | config", me.name, sptr->name, parv[1]); return -1; } return 0; } // =============================================================== // Interface for sending notifications // =============================================================== #define SendBuf_simple \ if ((sendto = find_channel(c->channel, NullChn)) != NullChn) \ sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, sendto, ":%s %s %s :%s", \ me.name, MsgType, sendto->chname, msgbuf) #define SendBuf_channel \ if (!find_sno_channel(chptr) && (sendto = find_channel(c->channel, NullChn)) != NullChn) \ sendto_channel_butone(&me, &me, sendto, ":%s %s %s :%s", \ me.name, MsgType, sendto->chname, msgbuf) static u_int find_sno_channel(aChannel *chptr) { ChanSnoFlag *c; for (c = ConfChanSno; c; c = c->next) if (!strcasecmp(chptr->chname, c->channel)) return 1; return 0; } static void SendNotice_simple(long type) { ChanSnoFlag *c; aChannel *sendto; for (c = ConfChanSno; c; c = c->next) { if (c->flags & type) SendBuf_simple; } } static void SendNotice_channel(aChannel *chptr, long type) { ChanSnoFlag *c; aChannel *sendto; for (c = ConfChanSno; c; c = c->next) { if (c->flags & type) SendBuf_channel; } } static char *FullDate(TS time_in) { struct tm *tp = localtime(&time_in); if (!tp) return NULL; memset(&mybuf, 0, sizeof mybuf); strftime(mybuf, sizeof mybuf, "%d-%m-%Y - %H:%M:%S", tp); //strftime(mybuf, sizeof mybuf, "%B %x %A %X", tp); return mybuf; } DLLFUNC int cb_mode(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *modebuf, char *parabuf, TS sendts, int samode) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) rumuzu (%s) kanalina mod ayarini degistirerek (%s%s%s) yapti", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, chptr->chname, modebuf, BadPtr(parabuf) ? "" : " ", BadPtr(parabuf) ? "" : parabuf); SendNotice_channel(chptr, CHSNO_CHANMODE); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_connect(aClient *sptr) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s@%s) rumuzu (%d) portu üzerinden sunucuya baglanti kurdu. [%s] %s%s%s", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, sptr->listener->port, sptr->class ? sptr->class->name : "", #ifdef USE_SSL IsSecure(sptr) ? "[secure " : "", IsSecure(sptr) ? SSL_get_cipher((SSL *)sptr->ssl) : "", IsSecure(sptr) ? "]" : ""); #else "", "", ""); #endif SendNotice_simple(CHSNO_CONNECT); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_quit(aClient *sptr, char *comment) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s@%s) rumuzu sunucudan ayrildi. (%s)", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, comment); SendNotice_simple(CHSNO_DISCONNECT); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_join(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *parv[]) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s@%s) rumuzu (%s) kanalina giris yapti", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, chptr->chname); SendNotice_channel(chptr, CHSNO_JOIN); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_kick(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aClient *who, aChannel *chptr, char *comment) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) kanal operatoru (%s) (%s) rumuzunu kanaldan uzaklastirdi (%s)", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), chptr->chname, sptr->name, who->name, comment); SendNotice_channel(chptr, CHSNO_KICK); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_nickchange(aClient *sptr, char *nick) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s@%s) rumuzu nick degistirdi ve (%s) oldu", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, nick); SendNotice_simple(CHSNO_NICKCHANGE); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_part(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *comment) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s@%s) rumuzu (%s) kanalindan cikis yapti (%s)", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, chptr->chname, comment ? comment : sptr->name); SendNotice_channel(chptr, CHSNO_PART); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_server_connect(aClient *sptr) { if (!MyConnect(sptr)) return 0; snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) (%s) rumuzu (%d) portu üzerinden sunucuya baglanti kurdu. [%s] %s%s%s%s", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name, sptr->info, sptr->listener->port, sptr->class ? sptr->class->name : "", #ifdef USE_SSL IsSecure(sptr) ? "[secure " : "", IsSecure(sptr) ? SSL_get_cipher((SSL *)sptr->ssl) : "", IsSecure(sptr) ? "]" : "", #else "", "", "", #endif #ifdef ZIP_LINKS IsZipped(sptr) ? " [zip]" : ""); #else ""); #endif SendNotice_simple(CHSNO_SCONNECT); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_server_quit(aClient *sptr) { if (!MyConnect(sptr)) return 0; /* The hook supports no reason :-( */ snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) rumuzu sunucudan ayrildi.", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), sptr->name); SendNotice_simple(CHSNO_SQUIT); return 0; } DLLFUNC int cb_topic(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *topic) { snprintf(msgbuf, BUFSIZE, "[%s] (%s) kanalinin giris metni(topik) (%s) tarafindan degistirilerek (%s) yapildi", FullDate(sptr->lasttime), chptr->chname, sptr->name, topic); SendNotice_channel(chptr, CHSNO_SQUIT); return 0; }

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