Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 28 Haziran 2014, 00:01   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Bu TCL Hakkın da Bilgi İstiyorum Ne İşe Yarar ?

TCL Arşivimde Duruyormuş Bakayım Dedim Tamamen İngilizce Çıktı Ne İşe Yarar Sizce bu ?

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
###################################################### # Topic Guard # # # # By: Dr_P@EFNet (Morten Nilsen) # # E-mail: Morten@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]sen.com # # mentor: Aug@EFNet (Adam Ormond) # # E-mail: augurer@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]magic.net # # Created: 1/19/00 # # Modified: 2/15/01 # ###################################################### ###################################################### # DESCRIPTION # # # # NEW: # # # # * Topic guard ignores channels with topic="none" # # # # Features: # # # # * Controls the topics in all channels either # # aggressively or passively. # # # # Installation: # # # # Place this script in the same directory you # # store all of your other scripts. # # Put "source scriptdir/topic.tcl" in your .conf # # Telnet to your bot, and .rehash, then # # type .tguard help # # # # # # NOTES: # # # # * Concept by Dr_P # # # ###################################################### ###################################################### # GLOBAL VARIABLES # # # # Aggressive topic setting: 1 # # Passive topic setting: 0 # # # set topic_mode 1 # # # The default topic for all channes # # # set topics(default) "-{ 4th Age - Higher Knowledge }- ( Default Topic )" # # ###################################################### ###################################################### # DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING # # BELOW THIS! # ###################################################### ###################################################### # BINDINGS # # # # Causes the bot to check the topic every 10 minutes # # # bind time - "%5*" check_topics # # # Causes the bot to save the topics daily # # # bind evnt logfile save_topics # # # gives users access to the topic guard # # # bind dcc o|o tguard topic_front # # ###################################################### if {[file exists "topics"]} { set fin [open "topics" r] while {[gets $fin line] != -1} { set topics([lindex $line 0]) [join [lrange $line 1 end]] } close $fin putlog "Topics loaded successfully! ***" } else { putlog "No topics to load! Please use \002tguard set\002 <\002chan\002> <\002topic\002>" } proc topic_front {hand idx args} { set action [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] set params [join [lrange [lindex $args 0] 1 end]] switch $action { set { set_topic $params } check { check_topics 0 0 0 0 0 } save { save_topics } clear { erase_topic $params } help { give_help $idx } } } proc give_help {idx} { putdcc $idx "*** Topic-Guard by \002Dr_P\002 and \002Aug\002 ***\n\ syntax: \002tguard\002 <\002action\002> \[\002parameters\002\]\n\ supported actions:\n\ \n\ \002set\002 - set a default channel topic\n\ syntax: \002tguard set\002 <\002channel\002> \002<topic\002>\n\ \n\ \002check\002 - check the channels topics\n\ syntax: \002tguard check\002\n\ this is automagically called by the bot every 10 minutes\n\ \n\ \002save\002 - write the set topics to disk\n\ syntax: \002tguard save\002\n\ \n\ \002clear\002 - remove a set topic\n\ syntax: \002tguard clear\002 <\002channel\002>\n\ functionally equivalent to \002tguard set #chan none\002\n\ but only works on channels with a previous topic.\n\ \n\ \002help\002 - display help\n\ syntax: \002tguard help\002" } proc erase_topic {args} { global topics set $topics($args) putlog "topic for $args set to default" } proc set_topic {args} { global topics set chan [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] if [validchan $chan] { set ctopic "[lrange [lindex $args 0] 1 end]" set topics($chan) [join $ctopic] putlog "Topicguard: '$ctopic' set for $chan" } else { putlog "the bot is not on the channel $chan" } } proc save_topics {} { global topics set fout [open "topics" w] foreach chan [ channels ] { if [info exists topics($chan)] { set ctopic "$topics($chan)" puts $fout "$chan $ctopic" } } close $fout putlog "channel topics saved" } proc check_topics {min hour day month year} { global topics global topic_mode foreach chan [channels] { if { ($topics($chan) != "none") && [botisop $chan] } { if { [info exists topics($chan)] && ($topics($chan) != "") } { set ctopic $topics($chan) } else { set ctopic [join $topics(default)] } set istopic [topic $chan] switch $topic_mode { 0 { if { ($istopic == "") } { putserv "TOPIC $chan :$ctopic" } } 1 { if { ($istopic != $ctopic) } { putserv "TOPIC $chan :$ctopic" } } } } } } putlog "Topic-guard 0.2.5 Written by \002Aug\002 & \002Dr_P\002 ***"

@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] & @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] Ve Diğer Arkadaşlar Necidir Bu TCL ?

Guard Diyo Kanallarda Reklam Topiclerini mi Bildiriyor Acaba ?

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