Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 18 Haziran 2014, 22:10   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Aradım Aradım Anca Bunu Buldum ||Yardımcı Olucak ?||

Verdiğim Kod Görüldüğü Üzere İngilicez Bunu Türkçe Yapamazmıyız ?
Özellik Açısından Bakarsak User 1 Küfür de İkaz Alıyor 2 Küfür de Yine İkaz Alıyor 3'de İse Ban Atılıyor Aynı Dakika İçersinde İse Ban'î Bot Tekrar Açıyor.

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################################################## ######## ### Bad Word TCL modified for 1.3.x bots by TheGhost aka TG ### you can contact me at TheGhost@EFNET
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
### THIS SCRIPT WONT WORK ON 1.1.5 BOTS ### ### Made it a little more secure and slimed it down a tad ### took out the other checks about ops and masters it only ### checks for the +f flag now so if you have a user with +f ### it wont kick them, seemed silly to have all that stuff ### about masters and owners in it. ### Also dekiddyized it, for adult usage. ### ### Orginal author I forgot kuz i cut the garbage off the top ### ### Not Really : Rajeh Alharithi - ZimoZimo@EFnet ### ### Make sure you check the set flagx lines to be sure they ### dont conflict with any other scripts. ################################################## ########## # Set this to the default password to assign to the added user # record. set bword "badword1" ##Ban time for second warning set ban-time 10 ##Comment for ban set Ban "For abusive language" set flag1 Y set flag2 E set flag3 G ###The bad words add and remove as you please bind pubm - "*fuck*" badword bind pubm - "*bastard*" badword bind pubm - "*cock *" badword bind pub - "cunt" badword bind pub - "nigger" badword bind pubm - "*fag*" badword bind pubm - "*shit*" badword bind pubm - "*asshole*" badword bind pubm - "*asshole*" badword bind pubm - "*bitch*" badword bind pubm - "*pussy*" badword bind pub - "whore" badword bind pub - "slut" badword bind pub - "dickhead" badword bind pub - "nigga" badword bind pub - "nigger" badword bind pub - "piss" badword bind pub - "maricon" badword bind pub - "maricone" badword bind pub - "suck" badword bind pub - "shithead" badword bind pub - "prick" badword bind pub - "sucks" badword bind pub - "dicks" badword bind pub - "pricks" badword proc badword {nick uhost hand chan rest} { putlog "$nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest" global botnick ban-time Ban bword if {([ matchattr $hand f ])} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\001ACTION OVER Hears \002$nick\002 And SmiLes L:-)\001" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand G])} { chattr $nick +dk setuser $nick COMMENT "Perm banned for 4 bad word offenses" putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick You Are Not Welcomed Here Anymore..." putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$Ban \[Perm\]" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand E])} { chattr $nick +G-E putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick You Have Had Your Chances, Now You Are Out of Here. Strike! two Your --------=>>> Out." set banlamer [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] newban $banlamer Badword $Ban 120 none setuser $nick COMMENT "3 Bad Word Offenses" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand Y])} { chattr $nick +E-Y putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Has taken action on $nick for the 2nd Offense" set banlamer [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] newban $banlamer Badword $Ban 10 none setuser $nick COMMENT "2 Bad Word Offenses" return 1 } adduser $nick [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\001ACTION Detected A Banned Word by $nick\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001ACTION Hey, $nick, Profanity IS BAD,I Will Not allow Such A Thing In This Channel!!!\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\001ACTION Bad Language Is Not Fun, $nick Should never have said that...\001" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :Get The out of here with that kind of talk" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Please DON'T use that language in $chan" putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001ACTION Is Frowning At $nick This is your \[1st Warning\]\001" putserv "NOTICE $nick :If You Continue, You Will Be Banned The Second Time For 1 hour" chattr $nick +Y setuser $nick PASS $bword setuser $nick COMMENT "1st Offense Badword" return 0 } putlog "\[Word|KiCk\] v3.0 By \002TheGhost\002 is Loaded"

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