Cevap: youtube tcl
[00:31:07] <ArchangeL> !youtube matrix
[00:31:30] <ArchangeL> !youtube test
00:31:12] <BT> [23:29:16] longtitle : ved=CAUQvxs&ei=oKPQUeSOC8GF-Ab2kIGIAQ ---- number : o3odej6GD6U ----- title : Geek Wars - 05 - Matrix 3 vs Spiderman 3
[00:31:12] <BT> [23:29:16] Tcl error [youtube]: wrong # args: should be "sendmsg target command message"
[00:31:31] <BT> [23:29:35] longtitle : ei=s6PQUaDYIcWP-waIkIGYBg&ved=CBUQvxs ---- number : yDEahsoa_N4 ----- title : Nokia Lumia 920 Hammer & Knife Scratch Test
[00:31:32] <BT> [23:29:35] Tcl error [youtube]: wrong # args: should be "sendmsg target command message"
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