Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 05 Temmuz 2012, 18:45   #5
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Cevap: ircservives yardimi acil

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[Jul 05 18:13:57 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:13:57 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:13:57 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:35 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:14:35 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:35 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:43 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:14:43 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:43 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:44 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:14:44 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:44 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:14:45 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:15:16 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:15:16 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:15:16 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused [Jul 05 18:15:17 2012] IRC Services 5.0.59 starting up [Jul 05 18:15:17 2012] sockets: connect(0 -> Connection refused [Jul 05 18:15:17 2012] Connection to server failed: Connection refused

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