Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
; GN admin Script
; By Psicopath
; How to install
; If you had already installed a previous version:
; -Delete all previous content from popup tab, Remote tab and aliases tab from
; Scripts Editor (alt+r)and then click OK then place this file in the mIRC directory
; and type: /load -rs GNadminscript.mrc. You can delete UpdateTool.exe too. It's no longer
; being supported. An update system will be launched in future time.
; If it's a fresh install place this file in the mIRC directory
; and type: /load -rs GNadminscript.mrc
; Contact/suggestion/bug report/whatever: Psiico @ Qnet or
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
on *:start:start
on *:connect:if (%GNactive == 1) { if (*quakenet.org iswm $server) { auth } | if (*GameSurge.net iswm $server) { auth2 } }
on *:invite:#:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader You have been invited by the bot, to join the admin channel. joining.... %GNfooter | /join $chan } }
on *:text:*Your game is now launched, you are allowed to use this server*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Your gather is now started. You are able to use the server for $16 minutes and your personal rcon is: $23 %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*Teams for gather*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Your gather information match ID: $+ $5 $+ Teams are: $7- %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*Found a substitute player*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader A substitute was found for your game! His nickname and (authname) are $+ $6 ( $+ $7 $+ ) the substitute's channel is $+ $9 $+ He just received gather information. %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*You try to ban*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Trying to ban the player: $+ $6 $+ %GNfooter | /msg %GNadminChanBot baninfo ok | aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Ban confirmation sent to the bot! %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*You are attempting to ban*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Trying to ban the player: $+ $7 $+ %GNfooter | /msg %GNadminChanBot baninfo ok | aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Ban confirmation sent to the bot! %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*Informations about*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Information from bot: $1- $+ %GNheader
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
5, 15)) %GNfooter } } | if (%GNautofill == 1) { set %GNadminQuser $9 | set %GNadminAuth $mid($strip($4),2) | set %GNadminChan $14 | set %GNadminChanAdmin $14 $+ .admin | set %GNadminChanBot $replace($mid($strip($14),2),.,-) | set %GNautofill 0 | GNadminCfg }
on *:text:*Ban Recorded*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Ban Recorded! %GNfooter | timerban 1 3 nextBan } }
on *:text:*You can't add banpoints to *:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader The user you wanted to ban, is already banned from GN! %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*If this information is correct*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader You are trying to start a gather on %GNadminChan %GNfooter | msg %GNadminChanBot info ok | aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Gather confirmation sent to bot! Gather will start at any second at %GNadminChan %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*This server is currently in use by*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader The server you want to use is being used by the admin: $13 %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*You can't ban*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Seems like you don't have the required access level to ban that person! Contact a Manager or Leader from your channel. The list of the staff can be found at:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
2, 15) %GNfooter } }
on *:text:*A gather is currently running on the channel*:?:if (%GNactive == 1) { if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Error: A gather is being launched by the admin ( $+ $12 $+ ) %GNfooter } }
on *:nick:if ($newnick == %GNadminChanBot || $newnick == $replace(%GNadminChanBot,-,`)) { set %GNscriptMsg The GN bot from your channel changed his nickname to $newnick | set %GNadminChanBot $newnick | dialog -x gnscriptmsg | dialog -m gnscriptmsg gnscriptmsg }
on *:quit:if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { set %GNscriptMsg The GN bot from your channel got disconnected. | dialog -m gnscriptmsg gnscriptmsg }
on *:join:if ($nick == $replace(%GNadminChanBot,-,`) || $nick == %GNadminChanBot) { set %GNscriptMsg The GN bot from your channel joined your channel. | dialog -x gnscriptmsg | dialog -m gnscriptmsg gnscriptmsg }
on *:text:* - 3FREE - *:#:if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot && %GNservers == 1) { didtok GNMenu 7 C $1 - FREE }
on *:text:* - 4SERVER IN USE *:#:if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot && %GNservers == 1) { didtok GNMenu 7 C $1 - BUSY }
on *:text:* - 4BLOCKED *:#:if ($nick == %GNadminChanBot) { didtok GNMenu 7 C $1 - BLOCKED }
on *:text:*Channel Servers*:#:set %GNservers 1 | if ($chan == %GNadminChanAdmin && $nick == %GNadminChanBot) { did -r GNMenu 7 }
on *:text:*Global Servers*:#:set %GNservers 0
on *:text:*is now 3FREE*:#:UpdateList $3 1
on *:text:*is now 4BLOCKED0 by*:#:UpdateList $3 2
on *:text:*Server informations*:#:if ($chan == %GNadminChan && $nick == %GNadminChanBot) { set %GNgetIP 1 | /msg %GNadminChan !ip }
on *:text:*The next match will be played *:#:if ($chan == %GNadminChan && $nick == %GNadminChanBot) { set %GNgetIP 0 | UpdateList $mid($strip($9),0,-1) 3 | set %GNIP $mid($strip($9),0,-1) }
on *:text:*The server admin*:#:if (%GNIP != "") { UpdateList %GNIP 1 | unset %GNIP }
menu channel {
GN Admin
.Configuration:/dialog -m GNadminConfig GNadminConfig
.Commands: /tell_cmds2
..Auth: /Gnauth
..Self Information: /GNself
.Admin Channel
..Get servers list: msg %GNadminChanAdmin !ip
...Free server: set %GNtempip $$?="Ip to free?" | free_ip %GNtempip | unset %GNtempip
...Block server: set %GNtempip $$?="Ip to block?" | block_ip %GNtempip | unset %GNtempip
.Add Game: set %GNtempIP $$?="IP?" | set %GNtempPw $$?="Server Password?" | gather %GNtempIP %GNtempPw | unset %GNtempIP | unset %GNtempPw
.End Game: msg %GNadminChanBot endgame
.!add: msg %GNadminChan !add
.!remove: msg %GNadminChan !remove
.New admin: set %GNtempNA $$?="New admin username?" | new_admin %GNtempNA | unset %GNtempNA
.Games modes
..Fairteams: game_type fair
..Random: game_type random
.Add Map
..Defuse maps
...de_nuke: addmap de_nuke
...de_inferno: addmap de_inferno
...de_dust2: addmap de_dust2
...de_cpl_mill: addmap de_cpl_mill
...de_cbble: addmap de_cbble
...de_train: addmap de_train
...de_forge: addmap de_forge
..Hostages maps
...cs_assault: addmap cs_assault
...cs_vegas: addmap cs_vegas
...cs_estate: addmap cs_estate
..Assassination VIP maps
...as_oilrig: addmap as_oilrig
...as_tundra: addmap as_tundra
...as_office: addmap as_office
..Fun maps
...aim_ak-colt: addmap aim_ak-colt
...aim_map: addmap aim_map
...aim_glock: addmap aim_glock
...awp_map: addmap awp_map
...awp_india: addmap awp_india
..Custom map...: set %GNtempmap $$?="Map?" | addmap %GNtempmap | unset %GNtempmap
..Defuse maps
...de_nuke: votemap de_nuke
...de_inferno: votemap de_inferno
...de_dust2: votemap de_dust2
...de_cpl_mill: votemap de_cpl_mill
...de_cbble: votemap de_cbble
...de_train: votemap de_train
...de_forge: votemap de_forge
..Hostages maps
...cs_assault: votemap cs_assault
...cs_vegas: votemap cs_vegas
...cs_estate: votemap cs_estate
..Assassination VIP maps
...as_oilrig: votemap as_oilrig
...as_tundra: votemap as_tundra
...as_office: votemap as_office
..Fun maps
...aim_ak-colt: votemap aim_ak-colt
...aim_map: votemap aim_map
...aim_glock: votemap aim_glock
...awp_map: votemap awp_map
...awp_india: votemap awp_india
..Custom map...: set %GNtempmap $$?="Map?" | votemap %GNtempmap | unset %GNtempmap
.Topmaps: /msg %GNadminChan !topmaps
.Add Type
..Gn rules or ban!: addtype Gn rules or ban!
..GN rules
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
addtype GN rules
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
type?" | addtype %GNcustomType | unset %GNcustomType
.Ban Player: /dialog -m GNadminban GNadminban
..Mode +m: /mode %GNadminChan +m | /aline @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Just +m %GNadminChan %GNfooter
..Mode -m: /mode %GNadminChan -m | /aline @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Just -m %GNadminChan %GNfooter
.Update Script: /run $mircdir $+updatetool.exe
..See about: /aline @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader This script (GN Admin Script v $+ %GNversion $+ ) was developed by Psicopath (c) 2010 for Gather-Network. More updates soon, keep tunned. Thanks for choosing my script! %GNfooter | /aline @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Contact/suggestion/bug report/whatever: Psiico @ Qnet or
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
..Tell on current window about this.: /say %GNheader I'm using GN Admin Script coded by Psicopath %GNfooter $+ %GNheader Download it on
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
or http://psiico.webcindario.com/gnadminscript.mrc %GNfooter
alias GNadmin { /change_mode }
alias GNadmincfg { /dialog -m GNadminConfig GNadminConfig }
alias GNban { /dialog -m GNadminban GNadminban }
alias GNauth { /auth }
alias GNself { /self }
alias GNcommands { /tell_cmds2 }
alias GNMenu { /dialog -m GNMenu GNMenu }
alias start {
if (%GNcfg != 1) {
set %GNheader 0,114[3«0
set %GNfooter 0,13»14]
set %GNactive 1
set %GNMenuMin 0
set %GNVersion 3.5
set %GNPwArray gather,lol,timetoplay,join,asap,together,rice,cooking,phone,channel,mirc
echo -m %GNheader Seems like it's the first time you run this script! %GNfooter
echo -m %GNheader You need to configure it 4before0,1 use it (or it won't work), for that type: /GNadmincfg . %GNfooter
echo -m %GNheader Thanks for using! GN Admin script v $+ %GNVersion (c) Psicopath %GNfooter
else {
timerGNMenu 0 1 if (%GNmenuClosed == 1) { GNMenu | set %GNmenuClosed 0 }
alias tell_cmds {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
window -e[1] @GN_Admin_Control_Window 0 0 450 160 tahoma 14
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Script loaded! DON'T CLOSE THIS! Have fun! %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNadmin - toogle on/off the script. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNadmincfg - Open the script configuration window. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /gather <ip> <password> - Start a gather (both fields required). %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNban - Open GN ban window. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNauth - Auth yourself on Q Service and Gather-Network bot. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNnotice <times> <message> - Notice the Gather-Network( $+ %GNadminChan $+ ) channel (both fields required). %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNcommands - Tells the entire list of script commands. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNmenu - Shows the menu. %GNfooter
timerwindow 0 1 if (%GNactive == 1) { window -e[1] @GN_Admin_Control_Window 0 0 450 160 tahoma 14 }
echo -m %GNheader GN Admin script v $+ %GNVersion 3Loaded %GNfooter
alias tell_cmds2 {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
; aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Script loaded! DON'T CLOSE THIS! Have fun! %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNadmin - toogle on/off the script. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNadmincfg - Open the script configuration window. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /gather <ip> <password> - Start a gather (both fields required). %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNban - Open GN ban window. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNauth - Auth yourself on Q Service and Gather-Network bot. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNnotice <times> <message> - Notice the Gather-Network( $+ %GNadminChan $+ ) channel (both fields required). %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNcommands - Tells the entire list of script commands. %GNfooter
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader /GNmenu - Shows the menu. %GNfooter
alias auth {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
/auth %GNadminQuser %GNadminQpw
/join %GNadminChan
/msg %GNadminChanBot auth
alias auth2 {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
/authserv auth %GNadminQuser %GNadminQpw
/join %GNadminChan
/msg %GNadminChanBot auth
alias self {
/msg %GNadminChanBot whois $me
alias change_mode {
if (%GNactive == 0) {
set %GNactive 1
echo -m %GNheader GN Admin script activated! %GNfooter
if (%GNactive == 1) {
set %GNactive 0
echo -m %GNheader GN Admin script disabled! %GNfooter
alias gather {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChanBot addgame $1 $2 member
aline -p @GN_Admin_Control_Window %GNheader Trying to launch a gather on IP: $1 with the password: $2 %GNfooter
msg %GNadminChanAdmin %GNheader I will use the IP: 7 $+ $1 0and the password:7 $+ $2 $+ %GNfooter
alias new_admin {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChan !newadmin $1
alias free_ip {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChanAdmin !free $1
alias block_ip {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChanAdmin !block $1
alias game_type {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
if ($1 == fair) {
msg %GNadminChan !fairteams
if ($1 == random) {
msg %GNadminChan !random
alias addmap {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChan !addmap $1
alias votemap {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChan !votemap $1
alias addtype {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
msg %GNadminChan !addtype $1-
alias GNnotice {
if (%GNactive == 1) {
var %i = 1
var %ii = 0
while (%ii < 3) {
mode %GNadminChan -N
inc %ii
while (%i <= $1) {
notice %GNadminChan $2-
inc %i
mode %GNadminChan +N
alias UpdateList {
var %GNcount = 1
while (%GNcount != $calc($numtok($didtok(GNmenu,7).text, 44)+1)) {
if ($gettok($gettok($didtok(GNmenu,7).text,%GNcount,44),1,32) == $1) {
if ($2 = 1) {
did -o Gnmenu 7 %GNcount $1 - FREE
if ($2 = 2) {
did -o Gnmenu 7 %GNcount $1 - BLOCKED
if ($2 = 3) {
did -o Gnmenu 7 %GNcount $1 - BUSY
inc %GNcount
alias nextBan {
if (%GNbanRecursion == 1) {
did -d GNadminban 15 1
if ($did(GNadminban, 15).lines == 0) {
set %GNbanRecursion 0
did -c GNadminban 15 1
msg %GNadminChanBot $did(GNadminban, 15).seltext
dialog GNadminConfig {
title "GN admin script v3.5 by Psicopath [ /GNadminCFG ]"
size -1 -1 150 190
option pixels dbu
box "Network (Qnet or GS) Auth", 1, 4 6 261 149
text "Authname:", 3, 13 42 68 17
text "Password:", 4, 14 63 67 17
edit %GNadminQuser, 5, 84 40 129 20
edit %GNadminQpw, 6, 85 62 129 20, pass
text "-------------------------------------------------------", 7, 15 82 219 17
text "GN Authname:", 8, 16 122 80 17
edit %GNadminAuth, 10, 88 119 100 20
box "Channel", 11, 6 163 255 96
text "Channel Name:", 12, 12 180 75 17
edit %GNadminChan, 13, 93 180 100 20
text "Admin Channel Name:", 14, 14 202 113 17
edit %GNadminChanAdmin, 15, 121 201 119 20
text "Channel Bot Name:", 16, 13 226 98 17
edit %GNadminChanBot, 17, 108 224 100 20
text "The network auth works on Qnet and GS, it will automatically detect where you are connected and auth in proper manner. The script will automatically auth when connect to an IRC Server. Fill all fields in order to script work correctly! Thanks for using this!", 18, 10 292 248 79
button "Save", 19, 119 262 65 25
button "Close", 20, 190 262 65 25
button "Auto Fill", 21, 45 262 65 25
on *:dialog:GNadminConfig:sclick:19:{
set %GNadminQuser $did(5)
set %GNadminQpw $did(6)
set %GNadminAuth $did(10)
set %GNadminChan $did(13)
set %GNadminChanAdmin $did(15)
set %GNadminChanBot $did(17)
if (%GNcfg != 1) {
echo -m %GNheader Script configurated! Restart mIRC in order to work! Thanks %GNfooter
set %GNcfg 1
dialog -x GNadminConfig
on *:dialog:GNadminConfig:sclick:20:{
dialog -x GNadminConfig
on *:dialog:GNadminConfig:sclick:21:{
msg CS-Gather-UK whois $me
msg CS`Gather`UK whois $me
set %GNautofill 1
set %GNscriptMsg To use the auto-fill option you need to be authed on GN
dialog -mo GNscriptMsg GNscriptMsg
dialog -x GNadminConfig
dialog GNadminban {
title "Ban Player"
size -1 -1 270 164
option dbu
box "Single Ban", 11, 3 3 265 77
text "Authname to ban:", 1, 5 12 50 8
edit "#", 2, 50 11 52 10
text "Reason:", 3, 28 24 21 9
combo 4, 51 23 50 12, drop
text "Comment:", 5, 24 39 27 8
edit "", 6, 52 39 213 21, multi
text "Match-ID:", 7, 25 64 26 8
edit "#", 8, 52 63 50 10
button "Set Ban", 9, 231 62 33 12
edit "", 12, 103 23 15 12, disable
box "Multi Ban", 13, 4 84 264 76
text "To use multi ban, fill the 'Single Ban' ban information and press '+' to add or '-' to remove. To add the multi bans press the 'Add bans' button.", 14, 10 93 254 14
list 15, 12 108 197 55
button "+", 16, 232 108 32 12
button "Add bans", 17, 232 136 32 12
button "-", 10, 232 122 32 12
on *:dialog:GNadminban:init:*: {
didtok GNadminban 4 C Afk
didtok GNadminban 4 C Flame
didtok GNadminban 4 C Teamkills
didtok GNadminban 4 C Teamstacking
didtok GNadminban 4 C Leaver
didtok GNadminban 4 C No-Show
didtok GNadminban 4 C Troublemaker
didtok GNadminban 4 C Custom
did -b GNadminban 10
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:16:{
if ($did(4) == Custom) {
didtok GNadminban 15 C ban $did(2) $did(4) $did(12) $did(6)
if ($did(4) != Custom) {
didtok GNadminban 15 C ban $did(2) $did(4) $did(6) [ Match ID: $did(8) ]
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:10:{
did -d GNadminban 15 $did(GNadminban,15).sel
did -b GNadminban 10
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:15:{
did -e GNadminban 10
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:17:{
set %GNbanRecursion 1
did -c GNadminban 15 1
msg %GNadminChanBot $did(GNadminban, 15).seltext
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:9:{
if ($did(4) == Custom) {
msg %GNadminChanBot ban $did(2) $did(4) $did(12) $did(6)
if ($did(4) != Custom) {
msg %GNadminChanBot ban $did(2) $did(4) $did(6) [ Match ID: $did(8) ]
on *:dialog:GNadminban:sclick:4:{
if ($did(4) == Custom) {
did -e GNadminban 12
did -b GNadminban 8
if ($did(4) != Custom) {
did -b GNadminban 12
did -e GNadminban 8
dialog GNscriptMsg {
title "Script Message"
size -1 -1 140 35
option pixels dbu
text %GNscriptMsg, 1, -10 4 300 28, center
button "OK", 2, 130 35 25 25, ok
dialog GNMenu {
title "GN Admin Script Menu [ /GNmenu ]"
size -1 -1 153 160
option dbu
button "!add", 1, 114 16 32 13
button "-", 2, 134 2 13 7
button "!sub", 3, 78 32 33 13
button "!last", 4, 42 32 33 13
button "!remove", 5, 5 32 33 13
text "Channel Servers (global servers are ignored):", 6, 5 48 118 8
list 7, 11 59 135 78
text "Please do not close this window. Use the button to minimize it.", 8, 5 0 124 13
button "Config", 9, 5 16 32 13
button "!fairteams", 10, 42 16 32 13
button "Endgame", 11, 79 16 32 13
button "Start", 13, 112 134 32 13
text "Use this 'Start' button, to start a gather with the first avaliable FREE server and a random password.", 14, 12 134 98 20
button "Ban", 12, 114 32 32 13
on *:dialog:GNMenu:init:*:{
set %GNmenuClosed 0
on *:dialog:GNMenu:close:*:{
set %GNmenuClosed 1
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:1:{
say !add
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:2:{
if (%GNMenuMin == 1) {
dialog -sb GNMenu -1 -1 153 160
set %GNMenuMin 0
if (%GNMenuMin == 0) {
set %GNMenuMin 1
dialog -sb GNMenu -1 -1 153 14
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:3:{
msg %GNadminChan !sub
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:4:{
msg %GNadminChan !last
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:5:{
msg %GNadminChan !remove
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:9:{
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:10:{
msg %GNadminChan !fairteams
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:11:{
msg %GNadminChanBot endgame
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:12:{
on *:dialog:GNMenu:sclick:13:{
var %i = 1
while (%i != $calc($numtok($didtok(GNmenu,7).text, 44)+1)) {
if ($gettok($gettok($didtok(GNmenu,7).text,%i,44),3,32) == FREE) {
gather $gettok($gettok($didtok(GNmenu,7).text,%i,44),1,32) $gettok($gettok(%GNPwArray,$rand(1,$numtok(%GNPwArray, 44)),44),1,32)
inc %i
; GN admin Script
; By Psicopath
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