Konu: meal.tcl
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Alt 25 Nisan 2012, 01:30   #6
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Cevap: meal.tcl

yukardaki işlemden evvel bu scriptle birlikte kullanmayı deneyin bu scripti ayrıca scripts'lerin en üstüne ilk sıraya ekleyinz..source scripts/fix.tcl
diye belirterek .conf ekleyin bu script işe yaraması için tüm modüller yüklendikten sonra ilk yüklenecek script olmalı..tüm modüllerin yüklü olması ve bunun ilk yüklenecek script olması önemli...bu script için en az tcl 8.5 yüklü olmalı botun kurulu olduğu makinada..bu script botun bellek kullanımını biraz arttırabilir*...

yukardaki patch işleminden evvel bunu bir deneyin bu işe yaramaz ise ihtiyacı karşılamıyor ise yukardaki işilemi uygulayabilirsiniz.seçim sizindir..

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
###### # Copyright Johannes Kuhn <#John @ quakenet> # This fixes the utf-8 issue on an eggdrop without patch. # Feel free to distribute and or use. # No warranty. # # Background: # # The problem is that eggdrop sometimes treats things as utf-8 strings # And sometimes as simple byte array. # Almost each string is passed to the tcl interp # Witch calls an eggdrop command and this calls again the eggdrop interp. # When eggdrop passes a string to the interp, it calls Tcl_Eval. # Tcl_Eval trats the input string as utf-8 # But when a eggdrop command is called, it only uses the lower 8 bit # This leads to data loss. # # # This script converts all data that should be passed to an eggdrop command # to utf-8, so only the lowest 8 bit are used. When Tcl_Eval is called again # it can convert the data back to utf. package require Tcl 8.5 encoding system utf-8 # Ok, here is a problem: # We need all eggdrop commands. # The good thing is that all the eggdrop commands are in the global namespace. # The difficulty is to disingush between eggdrop commands # And Tcl commands. # To find out if it is a tcl command I just create an other interp, look at the commands there # and skip them # To make sure that this works, source this script as first script. # Otherwise there might be extra commands in the global namespace that we don't know. proc initUtf8 {} { rename initUtf8 {} set i [interp create] set tcmds [interp eval $i {info commands}] interp delete $i set procs [info procs] foreach cmd [info commands] { if {[string index $cmd 0] eq "*" || ($cmd ni $tcmds && $cmd ni $procs) } { # Eggdrop command. rename $cmd ${cmd}_orig interp alias {} $cmd {} fixutf8 ${cmd}_orig } } } initUtf8 proc fixutf8 args { set cmd {} foreach arg $args { lappend cmd [encoding convertto utf-8 $arg] } catch {{*}$cmd} res opt dict incr opt -level return -opt $opt $res }

kod Johannes13'e ait..[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] 'den alıntıdır..

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