Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 29 Şubat 2012, 18:09   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Karsilama, ugurlama tcl.

Kanalda sohbet tclsi $öyle bişi var kendine göre düzenliyebilirsin.

# Begin - Entertainment, Message Auto-Reply. (ent_areply.tcl)

# Designed & Written by Ninja_baby (Jaysee@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]see.Tv), © October 2000

# This TCL was made following the request of my friend Imran (ImRaN-- on DALnet) for his bot.

# This was a kewl idea, he ask how can his bots reply people who sent specific message-

# to the bot or to a channel, without getting lagged or stuffs. Thanks Imran
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

# Well as I said above, this TCL will make your bot reply people who send message-

# to it or to a channel (which listed in the variable). And that's the only purpose ;p

# but do not worry, the bot will auto-ignore people if it consider lines of messages-

# as excessive flood.

# Set this as reply channel. The bot will reply people ONLY in channels listed here. Eventhou-

# the words are same with what you sets below. You can set channelnames here as many as you-

# wish, but carefull you might make your bot getting lagged coz it has too many channels to-

# greet for ;p

set repchan {



# Ok fill this one with your words. Let me explain a little bit about HOW to set this variable.

# The one on the left side of the ":" sign is the trigger words. And words on the right side-

# of the ":" sign is what your bot will reply following the left one.

# Example: you set "hi :hello hello". Your bot will reply "hello hello" to people who said "hi"-

# in channel or to it.

# As my auto-greet does, you might set "%nick" here as replacement of the real nick the bot-

# will reply to. Example: there's a nick called "TheLamer" in channel, and you set-

# "hello :hi %nick". Then your bot will reply with words "hi TheLamer" when TheLamer guy said "hello"-

# in channel or to it.

# set this carefully and you might set this as many as you wish.
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

set repwords {

"s.a:%nick, aleyküm selam ho
ş geldin"

"selam:selam hoş geldin %nick.."

"nasılsınız:teşekurler sen nasılsın %nick"

"nasılsın:teşekurler bomba gibiyim sen nasılsın %nick"

"mrb:%nick: hoş geldin?"

"bye:hoşçakal %nick"

"bye:%nick: yine gelme seni özlemiycez =P"


# Set this as maximum trigger or lines before your bot consider the line of words as a flood.

# By setting this to "5:10", means if someone sent more than 5 lines within 10 seconds, the bot-

# will consider this as flood and will auto-ignore the person without giving any answers.

# So don't set this too low ;pp

set maxmsgrep 5:10

# Set this as messages which your bot will send to a user that just considered flooding.

# Set this as many as you wish, but remember, the key like %nick, etc. is NOT avalable in this-

# variable. I'm too lazy to convert those key in this variable, and will only get this script-

# work too hard ;pp hehe

set msgfloodm {

"you're performing MSG which considered as FLOOD..."


# Set this as your bot auto-ignore time. Set this one in Minute(s) format.

set msgrepignore 1

# This is for your benefit hehe
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
, you can either set your own LOGO here, your logo will appear-

# when the bot notice you, or when it makes msgs/notices/kicks or scripts loading. So keep smiling-

# and set this variable as you wish
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
, you can either set this to "" to leave it blank.

set utlarlg "\[J-C\]:"

######### Please do not edit anything below unless you know what you are doing
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

proc replyuser {nick uhost hand rest} {

global botnick repwords msgcount maxmsgrep msgfloodm msgrepignore utlarlg

if {[string match "#*" [lindex $rest 0]]} {set repto [lindex $rest 0] ; set rest [lrange $rest 1 end]} else {set repto $nick}

set repperf 0

foreach repwrd $repwords {

set rquestion [lindex [split $repwrd :] 0]

set ranswer [string trim [lrange [split $repwrd :] 1 end] "{}"]

if {[string match [string tolower $rquestion]* [string tolower $rest]]} {

regsub -all "%nick" $ranswer "$nick" ranswer

set repperf 1 ; putquick "PRIVMSG $repto :$ranswer" ; return 0



if {!$repperf && $repto != $nick} {return 0}

set repperf 0 ; set n [string tolower *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]]

if {[info exists msgcount($n)]} {

set msgcount{$n} [incr msgcount($n)] ; set currmsgcount $msgcount($n) ; set maxmsgreprecv [lindex [split $maxmsgrep :] 0]

if {$currmsgcount >= $maxmsgreprecv} {

set msgingrep [lindex $msgfloodm [rand [llength $msgfloodm]]]

foreach msgreptimer [utimers] {if {[string match "unset msgcount($n)" [lindex $msgreptimer 1]]} {killutimer [lindex $msgreptimer 2]}}

if {$repto == $nick} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :$utlarlg $msgingrep. Ignored for: $msgrepignore min(s)."}

newignore *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1] $botnick "MSG flood" $msgrepignore

putlog "$utlarlg MSG flood ($msgcount($n)), received from $nick. Message replies will be stopped for $msgrepignore min(s)." ; unset msgcount($n) ; return 1

} else {

foreach msgreptimer [utimers] {if {[string match "unset msgcount($n)" [lindex $msgreptimer 1]]} {return 1}}

utimer [lindex [split $maxmsgrep :] 1] "unset msgcount($n)"


} else {set msgcount($n) 1}


proc replychan {nick uhost hand chan rest} {

global botnick repchan

foreach targchan $repchan {if {[string match *[string tolower $targchan]* [string tolower $chan]]} {append reps "$chan $rest" ; replyuser $nick $uhost $hand $reps ; return 0}}


bind msgm - * replyuser

bind pubm - * replychan

putlog "*** ${utlarlg} Entertainment, Entertainment, MSG Auto Reply + Query Flood Protection. Loaded."

# End of - Entertainment, Message Auto-Reply. (ent_areply.tcl)

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