Allah Allah ...
şimdi gene açtım botu bir yabancı elin sunucusuna soktum açık şimdi arada cevap veriyorum oyuna oper vs değil tabi yabancı bir sunucuda #oxm diye bir kanala girdirdim işleyip duruyor ne lag nede başka birşey.size verdiğimden daha düz basit bir .conf'u var onuda atayı versiyonu 1.6.21
bende çalışan botun .conf'u
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#! /home/broken/eggdrop/eggdrop
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
#loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule share
loadmodule transfer
checkmodule blowfish
# start configuring here!
##### variables:
set nick botun-nicki
set username bot-adı
set botnet-nick BoTnet-adı
set init-server { putserv "MODE $nick +i-ws" }
set init-server { putserv "nickserv identify şifresi" }
# the nick of the bot, that which it uses on IRC, and on the botnet
# unless you specify a sperate botnet-nick
set altnick "ikinci-nickit"
# an alternative nick to use if the nick specified by 'set nick' is
# unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by a random number.
set realname "bot-realname"
# what to display in the real-name field for the bot
set servers {
# the server list -- the bot will start at the first server listed, and cycle
# through them whenever it's disconnected
# (please note: you need to change these servers to YOUR network's servers)
channel add #oyun
channel add #OXM
set global-flood-chan 0:0
set global-flood-deop 0:0
set global-flood-kick 0:0
set global-flood-join 0:0
set global-flood-ctcp 0:0
set global-flood-nick 0:0
set global-chanmode ""
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 0
set global-exempt-time 0
set global-invite-time 0
set global-chanset {
-dynamicbans -userbans
-dynamicexempts -userexempts
-dynamicinvites -userinvites
-autoop -autohalfop -autovoice
-bitch -protectops -protecthalfops
-protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
-greet -statuslog
-secret +shared
-cycle -inactive
set net-type 5
# set here your network
# [0/1/2/3/4/5] What is your network?
# 0 = Efnet (non +e/+I hybrid), 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 = Dalnet,
# 4 = Efnet +e/+I hybrid, 5 = Others
# log files
set max-logs 5
set max-logsize 0
set quick-logs 0
set raw-log 0
logfile jpk * logs/${username}.log
set log-time 1
set keep-all-logs 0
set logfile-suffix .%d%b%Y
set switch-logfiles-at 300
set quiet-save 1
# Eggdrop Telnet Port & Connection IP
listen 3333 all
set timezone "GMT"
set offset "-2"
set keep-nick 1
set my-ip sistem-adresi
# User Settings
set owner bot-sahip
set admin bot-admin
set must-be-owner 1
addlang "english"
# files & directories
if {![file isdirectory system]} {
file mkdir system
set pidfile system/pid.${username}
set userfile system/${username}.user
set chanfile system/${username}.chan
set ident "Coke"
bind evnt -|- connect-server evnt:connect_server
proc evnt:connect_server { type } {
global ident
global nick
set file [open ~/.oidentd.conf "w"]
puts $file "global { reply \"$ident\" }"
close $file
# default console flags
set console "mkcobxs"
##### SCRIPTS #####
# these are some commonly loaded (and needed) scripts.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/oxm/ayar.tcl
source scripts/oxm/oxm_oyun.tcl
source scripts/oxm/http.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl