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Alt 08 Kasım 2010, 13:58   #4
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Klasik Öğrenci Kayıt Sistemi
C++ dersini aldığımda verilmiş bir proje idi. Bilg. Mühd. öğrencilerine genellikle verilen fix projelerden biridir.


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cctype> using namespace std; class StudentList; class StudentList { private: struct node { int StudentId; string StudentSurname; string StudentName; string Department; node *IdNext; node *SurnameNext; }; public: StudentList(); ~StudentList(); void add(node n); void pSurname(); //List w.r.t Surname void pId(); //List w.r.t ID bool del(int id); friend void createStudentList(string fileName,StudentList&); node *First,*FirstSurname; friend void editStudentList(StudentList & listName); }; string CutPart(int First,int last,string line); string _ToUpper(string s);


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#include "project2.h" #define sizeOfLine 1000 #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #define PrintWrtSurname "ps" #define PrintWrtId "pi" #define AddStudent "i" #define DeleteStudent "d" #define Quit "q" StudentList::StudentList() { First = NULL; FirstSurname = NULL; } StudentList::~StudentList() { node *temp,*q; if ( First==NULL) return; temp = First; if (temp->IdNext == First) { delete temp; return; } while ( temp->IdNext != First) { q= temp; temp = temp->IdNext; delete q; } delete temp; } void editStudentList(StudentList &List) { string command; cout << "Welcome to Student Registration System " << endl; for(;;){ cout << "Enter a command: "; cin >> command; if(command == PrintWrtSurname){ List.pSurname(); cout << "With respect to surname" << endl; } else if(command == PrintWrtId){ List.pId(); cout << "With respect to id" << endl;} else if (command == Quit){ break; cout << "DONE" << endl; return; } else if (command ==AddStudent){ string t; int num; StudentList::node temp; cout << "Enter idno:"; cin >> t; temp.StudentId = atoi(t.c_str()); cout << "Enter Surname:"; cin >> t; temp.StudentSurname = _ToUpper(t); cout <<"Enter Name:"; cin >> t; temp.StudentName = _ToUpper(t); cout << "Enter Department:"; cin >> t; temp.Department = _ToUpper(t); List.add(temp); } else if (command == DeleteStudent){ unsigned int num; StudentList::node temp; cout << "Enter idno:"; cin >> num; List.del(num); } else cout << "No Command:" << command << endl; } } string _ToUpper(string str) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { str[i]=toupper(str[i]); } return str; } void StudentList::add(node n) { node *temp,*t,*k; t = new node; t->StudentId = n.StudentId; t->StudentName = n.StudentName; t->StudentSurname =n.StudentSurname; t->Department = n.Department; if ( First == NULL) { t->IdNext = t; t->SurnameNext = t; First = t; FirstSurname = t; return; } for ( k= First; k->IdNext !=First; k= k->IdNext) { if (k->StudentId == t->StudentId) { cout << "StudentID is unique"; return; } } if ( k->StudentId == t->StudentId) { cout << "StudentID is unique"; return; } // In the List, there is one element if (First->IdNext == First) { First->IdNext = t; t->IdNext = First; if (First->StudentId > t->StudentId){ First = t; } // Changing Surname FirstSurname->SurnameNext = t; t->SurnameNext = FirstSurname; if (FirstSurname->StudentSurname > t->StudentSurname){ FirstSurname = t; } } else { temp = FirstSurname; // Begining of the Surname List, there may be add new node if (t->StudentSurname < FirstSurname->StudentSurname) { t->SurnameNext = FirstSurname; // Last Node while ( temp->SurnameNext != FirstSurname) { temp= temp->SurnameNext;} temp->SurnameNext = t; t->SurnameNext = FirstSurname; FirstSurname = t; } else { while ( temp->SurnameNext != FirstSurname) { if ((temp->SurnameNext)->StudentSurname > t->StudentSurname) { t->SurnameNext = (temp->SurnameNext); temp->SurnameNext = t; break; } temp = temp->SurnameNext; } // At the end of the list, there may be added if ( temp->SurnameNext == FirstSurname) { temp->SurnameNext = t; t->SurnameNext = FirstSurname; } } temp = First; //If new node is added begining of the ID Number List if (t->StudentId < First->StudentId){ // Last of List while ( temp->IdNext != First){temp=temp->IdNext;} temp->IdNext = t; t->IdNext = First; First = t; } // Added element to the List else { while (temp->IdNext != First){ if ( (temp->IdNext)->StudentId > t->StudentId){ t->IdNext = (temp->IdNext); temp->IdNext = t; break; } temp= temp->IdNext; } if( temp->IdNext ==First){ temp->IdNext = t; t->IdNext = First; } } } } bool StudentList::del(int id) { node *temp,*i, *tempSur, *j,*lastSurname; if ( First== NULL){ cout << "Empty List"; return false; } else if ( First->IdNext == First) { if(First->StudentId == id){ delete First; First = NULL; FirstSurname =NULL; return true; } return false; } else { temp = First; i= First; j= FirstSurname; while ( temp->StudentId != id) { temp = temp->IdNext;} while ( i->IdNext != temp){ i= i->IdNext;} // i is a node i->IdNext = temp->IdNext; if ( temp == First) {First = temp->IdNext;} // Next Surname while (j->SurnameNext != temp) {j = j->SurnameNext;} // j points to a node in Surname List j->SurnameNext = temp->SurnameNext; if ( temp == FirstSurname ) {FirstSurname = temp->SurnameNext;} delete temp; } } void StudentList::pId() { node *temp; temp= First; if(First==NULL) { cout << "Empty List"; return; } else if ( temp->IdNext == First){ cout << First->StudentId <<", "<<First->StudentName<<", "<< First->StudentSurname<< ", "<< First->Department; return; } else { while (temp->IdNext != First){ cout << temp->StudentId <<", "<<temp->StudentName<<", "<< temp->StudentSurname<< ", "<< temp->Department<<endl; temp = temp->IdNext; } cout << temp->StudentId <<", "<<temp->StudentName<<", "<< temp->StudentSurname<< ", "<< temp->Department<<endl; } } void StudentList::pSurname() { node *temp; temp= FirstSurname; if(FirstSurname==NULL) { cout << "The List is empty"; return; } else if ( temp->SurnameNext == FirstSurname) { cout << FirstSurname->StudentSurname <<", "<<FirstSurname->StudentName<<", "<< FirstSurname->StudentId<< ", "<< FirstSurname->Department; return; } else { while (temp->SurnameNext != FirstSurname) { cout << temp->StudentSurname <<", "<<temp->StudentName<<", "<< temp->StudentId << ", "<< temp->Department<<endl; temp = temp->SurnameNext; } cout << temp->StudentSurname <<", "<<temp->StudentName<<", "<< temp->StudentId<< ", "<< temp->Department<<endl; } } void createStudentList(string fileName,StudentList &List){ char line[500]; int pivot1,pivot2,count=1,idNum,recordNum=0; string temp,aline,name,surname,department; ifstream ListFile (fileName.c_str()); // End of the Line while (! ListFile.eof() ) { recordNum++; ListFile.getline (line,500); aline=line; pivot1=pivot2=0; count=1; // A Line for(unsigned int i=0;i<(aline.length());i++) { if(line[i]==','&& count==1) { pivot2=i; temp=CutPart(pivot1,pivot2,aline); count++; pivot1=i; idNum= atoi(temp.c_str()); } else if(line[i]==',' && count==2) { pivot2=i; temp=CutPart(pivot1+1,pivot2,aline); count++; pivot1=i; name= temp; } else if(line[i]==',' && count==3) { pivot2=i; temp=CutPart(pivot1+1,pivot2,aline); count++; pivot1=i; surname= temp; pivot2=aline.length(); temp=CutPart(pivot1+1,pivot2,aline); department=temp; } } if(count!=4) { cout <<"Invalid record in file at "<<recordNum<<"th(nd) row"; } else { StudentList::node temp; temp.StudentId = idNum; temp.StudentName = name; temp.StudentSurname = surname; temp.Department = department; List.add(temp); } } ListFile.close(); } string& trim(string &str) { int i,j,start,end; //left trim for (i=0; (str[i]!=0 && str[i]<=32); ) i++; start=i; //right trim for(i=0,j=0; str[i]!=0; i++) j = ((str[i]<=32)? j+1 : 0); end=i-j; str = str.substr(start,end-start); return str; } string& ltrim(string &str) { int i,start; for (i=0; (str[i]!=0 && str[i]<=32); ) i++; start=i; str = str.substr(start,str.length()-start); return str; } string& rtrim(string &str) { int i,j,end; for(i=0,j=0; str[i]!=0; i++) j = ((str[i]<=32)? j+1 : 0); end=i-j; str = str.substr(0,end); return str; } string CutPart(int First,int last,string line) { string temp; if(First<0 && First>line.length() && last>line.length() && First>last) return temp; for(int i=First;i<last;i++) { temp+= line[i]; } return trim(temp); }


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#include "project2.h" int main() { StudentList x; createStudentList("StudentList.txt",x); editStudentList(x); for(;;); }


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stack> #include <cctype> using namespace std; // The following defns should go into a .h file #define PrintWrtSurname "ps" #define PrintWrtId "pi" #define AddStudent "i" #define DeleteStudent "d" void editStudentList(/* StudentList&*/) { string command; cout << "Welcome to Student Registration System " << endl; for(;;){ cout << "Enter a command: " << endl; cin >> command; if(command == PrintWrtSurname){ // StudentList.printwrtSurname(); // cout << "List with respect to surname" << endl;} else if(command == PrintWrtId){ // StudentList.printwrtId(); // cout << "List with respect to id" << endl;} else if (command == Quit){ cout << "DONE " << endl; return;} else cout << "NO command: " << command << endl; } } int main(){ editStudentList(/* cmpe160 */); return 0; }


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
2007100307, OGUZ ,CEYLAN , cet 2005100700, HASAN , COSKUN , tt 2008400024,DUYGU ,ALGAN , cmpe 2007101336, BETUL ,ARI ,cmpe 2006104564,ERCAN , AY , ee 2008400180, ERVIN ,DOMAZET,man 2004102743,AHMET FAIK, BAK , cmpe 2007100631, EMRECAN ,BATI ,cee 2004104291, TURGAY, CAN , cmpe 2003104024,ERSIN, AYDIN , ee 2006104624,AHMET , AYDIN , cmpe 2008400033, HAKAN , DEMIR , man 2007100625, ENES BAHADIR , DISBUDAK , man 2003104471,HASAN,ELMAS,man 2007102347,ESRA ,ARSLAN ,cmpe 2005100736,REMZI ,ASCI ,ee 2006102371, BULUT ,DEMIR , ptw

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