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Some people run more than one bot from one installation to save disk space. All you need to do is make sure each bot has its own config file and different botchk files (e.g.
Horse.conf and
Horse.botchk, and
Donkey.conf and
Donkey.botchk would be one way to organise the files), and in each config file, make sure the bot has its own userfile, channel file, and log files defined in those configs. To start the two bots separately, all you'd need to do is type
./eggdrop Horse.conf and
./eggdrop Donkey.conf.
yukarida verdigim linki referans alarak...boyle bir seyin oldugu soyleniyor.
1.conf ve 1.botchk , 2.conf ve 2.botchk dosyalari olur ise...botadi.user ve botadi.chan , botadi1.user ve botadi1.chan dosyalarida olusmus ise.
bir eggdrop dizininden 2 tane .conf ;
./eggdrop 1.conf ve ./eggdrop 2.conf diye calistirilabilir.
denedim oldu.
Kolay Gelsin.
haarp ~ turkirc.gen.tr