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Livescore Tcl

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################################################################################ # # # :::[ T h e R u s s i a n E g g d r o p R e s o u r c e ]::: # # ____ __ # # / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ ____ __ __ # # / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / __// _ `/ / __// // / # # /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/ __ \___//_/ \_, / __ /_/ \___/ # # /___/ /___/ /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ # # # ################################################################################ # # # livescore.tcl 2.0 # # # # Author: Stream@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]net <stream@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...].org.ru> # prevod ot ruski: psycho <
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
> # # # Official support: irc.eggdrop.org.ru @ #eggdrop # # # ################################################################################ if {![info exists egglib(ver)]} { putlog "************************************************" putlog " egglib_pub NOT FOUND !" putlog " Download last version of egglib_pub here:" putlog " http://eggdrop.org.ru/scripts/egglib_pub.zip" putlog "************************************************" die } if {[expr {$egglib(ver) < 1.4}]} { putlog "************************************************" putlog " YOUR VERSION OF egglib_pub IS TOO OLD !" putlog " Download last version of egglib_pub here:" putlog " http://eggdrop.org.ru/scripts/egglib_pub.zip" putlog "************************************************" putlog " version installed : $egglib(ver)" putlog " version required: 1.4" die } ################################################# namespace eval ls {} setudef flag nopubls ################################################# bind pub - !ls ::ls::pub_ls bind pub - !score ::ls::pub_ls bind pub - !livescore ::ls::pub_ls bind msg - !ls ::ls::msg_ls bind msg - !score ::ls::msg_ls bind msg - !livescore ::ls::msg_ls ################################################# foreach p [array names ls *] { catch {unset ls($p)} } #max results per public query set ls(maxres) 10 set ls(timeout) 20 set ls(debug) 1 set ls(use_proxy) 0 set ls(proxy_host) "proxy1.bezeqint.net" set ls(proxy_port) 3128 ################################################# ##### DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ##### ################################################# set ls(ver) "2.0" set ls(authors) "Stream@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]Net <stream@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...].org.ru>" set ls(agent) "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)" ################################################# proc ::ls::pub_ls { nick uhost hand chan args } { if {[channel get $chan nopubls]} return set args [string tolower [string trim $args]] if {[llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] > 1 || [llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] == 0} {set args [split [lindex $args 0]]} if {[llength $args] < 1} {::egglib::outn $nick "Izpolzvai !livescore \[-strana\] <maska>. maskata moge da sydyrga '*' i '?' ."; return} ::ls::ls $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args } proc ::ls::msg_ls { nick uhost hand args } { set args [string tolower [string trim $args]] if {[llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] > 1 || [llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] == 0} {set args [split [lindex $args 0]]} if {[llength $args] < 1} {::egglib::outn $nick "Izpolzvai !livescore \[-strana\] <maska>. maskata moge da sydyrga '*' i '?' ."; return} ::ls::ls $nick $uhost $hand $nick $args } ################################################# proc ::ls::ls { nick uhost hand chan args } { global ls if {[info exists ls(host,$uhost)]} {::egglib::outn $nick "Predishnata zaqvka ne e izlylnena oshte..."; return} if {[llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] > 1 || [llength [split [lindex $args 0]]] == 0} {set args [split [lindex $args 0]]} if {[string range [lindex $args 0] 0 0] == "-"} { set country [string range [lindex $args 0] 1 end] set mask [lrange $args 1 end] } else { set country "ukraine" set mask $args } ::egglib::log $chan $nick "ls" "$country $mask" if {[string range $mask 0 0] != "*"} {set mask "*$mask"} if {[string range $mask end end] != "*"} {set mask "$mask\*"} set ls(host,$uhost) [list $country $mask] set url "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
set id [::egglib::http_init "::ls::ls_"] if {$ls(use_proxy)} {::egglib::http_set_proxy $id $ls(proxy_host) $ls(proxy_port)} ::egglib::http_set_timeout $id $ls(timeout) ::egglib::http_get $id $url [list $nick $chan $uhost] } proc ::ls::ls_on_data { id html nick chan uhost } { global ls if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls\] callback executed... analyzing data..."} regsub -all -nocase -- <tr $html \n<tr html #::egglib::writedata "debugls.htm" [list $html] foreach line [split $html \n] { if {[regexp -nocase -- {<html>.*robots.*refresh.*URL\=(.*?)\".*action\=\"(.*?)\".*value\=\"(.*?)\"} $line garb url posturl sid]} { putlog "antibot check found. redirecting to $url & POSTing to $posturl (params sid=$sid)" set url "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
set id [::egglib::http_init "::ls::ls1_"] if {$ls(use_proxy)} {::egglib::http_set_proxy $id $ls(proxy_host) $ls(proxy_port)} ::egglib::http_set_timeout $id 1 ::egglib::http_get $id $url [list $nick $chan $uhost] set url "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
set param "sid=$sid" set id [::egglib::http_init "::ls::lspost_"] if {$ls(use_proxy)} {::egglib::http_set_proxy $id $ls(proxy_host) $ls(proxy_port)} ::egglib::http_set_timeout $id $ls(timeout) ::egglib::http_set_method $id "POST" ::egglib::http_post $id $url $param [list $nick $chan $uhost] break } } if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls\] html parsed"} } proc ::ls::ls_on_error { id nick chan uhost } { global ls catch {unset ls(host,$uhost)} if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls\] connection timed out"} if {$nick == " "} {return} ::egglib::out $nick $chan "nemoga da se svyrga s livescore.com..." } proc ::ls::ls1_on_data { id html nick chan uhost } { ::egglib::writedata "debugls1.htm" [list $html] if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls1\] callback executed! Something is wrong..."} } proc ::ls::ls1_on_error { id nick chan uhost } { global ls if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls1\] connection timed out - OK"} } proc ::ls::lspost_on_data { id html nick chan uhost } { global ls if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[lspost\] callback executed... analyzing data..."} #::egglib::writedata "debugpost.htm" [list $html] set moved 0 foreach line [split $html \n] { if {[string match "HTTP* 302 Object Moved" $line]} {set moved 1 } elseif {$moved == 1} { if {[regexp -nocase -- {^Location\:\ (.*?)$} $line garb url]} { if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "recieved HTTP 302 Object Moved, new location: $url"} set url "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
set id [::egglib::http_init "::ls::ls2_"] if {$ls(use_proxy)} {::egglib::http_set_proxy $id $ls(proxy_host) $ls(proxy_port)} ::egglib::http_set_timeout $id $ls(timeout) ::egglib::http_get $id $url [list $nick $chan $uhost] } } } if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[lspost]: html parsed"} } proc ::ls::lspost_on_error { id nick chan uhost } { global ls catch {unset ls(host,$uhost)} if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[lspost\] connection timed out"} if {$nick == " "} {return} ::egglib::out $nick $chan "nemoga da se svyrga s livescore.com..." } proc ::ls::ls2_on_data { id html nick chan uhost } { global ls catch { set country [lindex $ls(host,$uhost) 0] set mask [lrange $ls(host,$uhost) 1 end] #putlog "country = $country , mask = $mask" unset ls(host,$uhost) } if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls2\] callback executed... analyzing data..."} regsub -all -nocase -- <tr $html \n<tr html #::egglib::writedata "debugls2.htm" [list $html] if {$nick != $chan} {set nick ""} set cfound 0 set cts "" set title "" set tshown 0 set timedate "" set tdshown 0 set resshown 0 set restotal 0 foreach line [split $html \n] { if {$cfound == 0} { if {[regexp -nocase -- {<tr><td.*><img.*name\=\"i(.*)\"\ alt.*><a\ href\=\"/default.dll\?page\=([a-z]+)\"\ on.*>(.*?)</a></td></tr>} $line garb cnum page ctr]} { if {$cnum > 4} { if {$cts == ""} {set cts $page} else {set cts "$cts\, $page"} if {$page == $country} {set cfound 1} } } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {<tr><td.*><img.*name\=\"i(.*)\"\ alt.*><a\ href\=\"/default.dll\?page\=([a-z]+)\"\ class\=\"selected\">(.*?)</a></td></tr>} $line garb cnum page ctr]} { if {$cnum > 4} { if {$cts == ""} {set cts $page} else {set cts "$cts\, $page"} if {$page == $country} {set cfound 1} } } if {[string match "<tr><td colspan=\"4\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>" $line] && $cfound == 0} { ::egglib::out $nick $chan "Äîñòóïíûå çíà÷åíèÿ: $cts" return } } if {[regexp -nocase -- {^<tr.*><td\ class\=\"title\".*>\&nbsp\;<b>(.*?)</b>\ \-\ (.*?)</td></tr>} $line garb country league]} { set title "\002$country\002 - $league" set tshown 0 set tdshown 0 set timedate "" #putlog "title = $title" continue } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {^<tr.*><td.*>\&nbsp\;(.*?)</td><td.*>(.*?)\&nbsp\;</td></tr>$} $line garb tm dt]} { if {$tm == ""} {set timedate $dt} else {set timedate "$tm, $dt"} set tdshown 0 #putlog "timedate = $timedate" continue } elseif {![regexp -nocase -- {<tr.*><td.*>\&nbsp\;(.*?)</td><td.*>(.*?)</td>.*<a.*>(.*?)</a></td><td.*>(.*?)</td>} $line garb state team1 score team2]} { if {![regexp -nocase -- {<tr.*><td.*>\&nbsp\;(.*?)</td><td.*>(.*?)</td><td.*>(.*?)</td><td.*>(.*?)</td>} $line garb state team1 score team2]} {continue} } regsub -nocase {^(.*?)\-(.*?)$} $score {\1-\2} score set res "($state) $team1 $score $team2" if {[string match $mask [string tolower $res]]} { #putlog "res = $res" incr restotal if {$restotal > $ls(maxres) && $nick != $chan} {continue} incr resshown if {$tshown == 0} { ::egglib::out $nick $chan $title set tshown 1 } if {$tdshown == 0} { ::egglib::out $nick $chan $timedate set tdshown 1 } ::egglib::out $nick $chan $res } } if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls2\] html parsed"} if {$resshown < $restotal} {::egglib::out $nick $chan "Pokazani $resshown ot $restotal (pylniq spisyk shte byde pokazan s komanda na private)."} } proc ::ls::ls2_on_error { id nick chan uhost } { global ls catch {unset ls(host,$uhost)} if {$ls(debug)} {putlog "\[ls2\] connection timed out"} if {$nick == " "} {return} ::egglib::out $nick $chan "nemoga da se svyrga s livescore.com..." } putlog "livescore.tcl | downloaded from
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arkadaslar botu görmek icin irc.dalnet.com #BAHLUL veya #eXtReMe kanalina girebilirsiniz..

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