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Alt 01 Mayıs 2010, 22:05   #1
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Mp Player (bir kaç eklenti - düzeltme)

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#mp3player on alias mp3 { $iif($dialog(mp3),dialog -x mp3,dialog -m mp3 mp3) } alias mp3set { if (!$dialog(mp3set)) dialog -m mp3set mp3set } alias -l plisthide { dialog -s mp3 $dialog(mp3).x $dialog(mp3).y 270 110 } alias -l plistshow { dialog -s mp3 $dialog(mp3).x $dialog(mp3).y 270 417 } alias mdxpath { return $shortfn($mircdir $+ mdx\) } alias mdxdll { return $shortfn($mdxpath $+ mdx.dll) } alias ctl { return $mdxpath $+ ctl_gen.mdx } alias viewsdll { return $shortfn($mdxpath $+ views.mdx) } alias bars { return $shortfn($mdxpath $+ bars.mdx) } alias diags { return $shortfn($mdxpath $+ dialog.mdx) } alias mdx { if ($isid) return $dll($mdxdll,$1,$2-) else dll $mdxdll $$1- } alias -l _mskin { return $readini($mircdir $+ %mp3.cfile,$1,$2) } alias -l _lfile { return $shortfn($mircdir $+ %mp3.lfile) } alias -l _mcount { return $ini($_lfile,list,0) } dialog mp3 { title " »» mp3 player <Kapatmak için ESC> " size 202 82 135 209 option dbu box "", 1, 1 0 131 57 box "", 21, 3 1 35 30, edit "00:00", 2, 5 5 31 12,autohs center read edit "", 3, 5 18 31 12,autohs left read list 11, 3 33 127 10,size button "9", 4, 3 46 10 8,autohs center button "4", 5, 14 46 10 8,autohs center button "<", 6, 25 46 10 8,autohs center button ";", 7, 36 46 10 8,autohs center button ":", 8, 47 46 10 8,autohs center box "", 9, 39 1 92 15, edit "", 10, 41 5 88 10,autohs left read box "", 12, 39 14 92 17, list 13, 41 19 36 10,size button "X" 15, 86 46 10 8,autohs center edit "", 16, 78 19 24 10,left read text "" , 17, 103 19 26 10,autohs left read button "-" 20, 64 46 10 8,autohs center button "q" 23, 75 46 10 8,autohs center button "P" 24, 120 46 10 8,autohs center button "E" 25, 109 46 10 8,autohs center icon 26, 0 59 135 6, $mircdirimages/plist2.jpg, 0, noborder center ;box "", 27, 1 61 132 150, list 28, 3 66 128 140,autohs center button "+", 29, 3 200 10 8,autohs center button "-", 30, 15 200 10 8,autohs center button "5", 31, 97 200 10 8,autohs center button "C", 32, 121 200 10 8,autohs center button "6", 33, 109 200 10 8,autohs center } on *:dialog:mp3:init:*: { mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetControlMDX $dname 11,13 TrackBar trackbar noticks > $bars mp3color did -i mp3 11,13 1 params 0 0 100 1 0 0 1 13 did -f $dname 4 did -a $dname 3 $deltok($duration($int($calc($sound(%mp3).length / 1000)),3),1,58) did -a $dname 10 %mp3.id did -a $dname 16 $int($calc($vol(master) *100 / 65535)) $chr(37) did -a $dname 17 $sound(%mp3).bitrate Kbps $sound(%mp3).sample KHz if ($insong == $true) .timermp3 0 1 update did -a $dname 20 $iif(%mp3.shuffle == on,-,y) did -a $dname 23 $iif(%mp3.loop == on,q,x) did -i mp3 13 1 params $int($calc($vol(master) *100 / 65535)) did -ra mp3 13 1 params $int($calc($vol(master) *100 / 65535)) $chr(37) did -ra mp3 15 $iif($vol(master).mute == $true,r,X) refresh $dname 28 did -c $dname 28 %mp3.x set %mp3.plhide off } on *:dialog:mp3:dclick:28: { setsong $did($dname,28).sel if ((%mp3.lecho != on) && (%mp3.echo == on)) echow playit } on *:dialog:mp3:close:*: { .timermp3 off } alias -l mp3color { mdx SetFont mp3 4,5,6,7,8,20,23,31,33 -12 100 Webdings mdx SetFont mp3 15 -16 200 Webdings mdx SetFont mp3 10 -8 600 MS Sans Serif mdx SetFont mp3 2,3 -16 800 MS Sans Serif mdx SetFont mp3 16 -12 800 tahoma mdx SetFont mp3 17 -9 500 tahoma mdx SetDialog [ mp3 ] bgcolor [ $_mskin(main,bg) ] mdx SetDialog [ mp3 ] style tool smaller title bars mdx SetColor 2,3 background [ $_mskin(time,bg) ] mdx SetColor 2,3 textbg [ $_mskin(time,textbg) ] mdx SetColor 2,3 text [ $_mskin(time,text) ] ;mdx SetColor 4,5,6,7,8,15,20,23,24,25 background [ $_mskin(mbutton,bg) ] mdx SetColor 10 background [ $_mskin(song,bg) ] mdx SetColor 10 textbg [ $_mskin(song,textbg) ] mdx SetColor 10 text [ $_mskin(song,text) ] mdx SetColor 16,17 background [ $_mskin(info,bg) ] mdx SetColor 16,17 textbg [ $_mskin(info,textbg) ] mdx SetColor 16,17 text [ $_mskin(info,text) ] mdx SetColor 11 background [ $_mskin(tbar,bg) ] mdx SetColor 13 background [ $_mskin(vbar,bg) ] mdx SetColor 28 background [ $_mskin(list,bg) ] mdx SetColor 28 textbg [ $_mskin(list,textbg) ] mdx SetColor 28 text [ $_mskin(list,text) ] } alias -l refresh { did -r $1 $2 var %x 1 while ($readini($_lfile,list,n $+ %x)) { ;did -a $1 $2 $sound($ifmatch).artist - $sound($ifmatch).title did -a $1 $2 %x $+ . $+ $nopath($ifmatch) inc %x } } alias -l update { if (($insong != $true) || (!$dialog(mp3))) { .timermp3 off | return } did -ra mp3 2 $deltok($duration($int($calc($insong.pos / 1000)),3),1,58) did -i mp3 11 1 params $int($calc($calc($insong.pos / $insong.length) * 100)) } alias -l setsong { set %mp3 $readini($_lfile,list,n $+ $1) setid } alias -l setid { if (($sound(%mp3).artist) && ($sound(%mp3).title)) { set %mp3.id $sound(%mp3).artist - $sound(%mp3).title } else set %mp3.id $remove($nopath(%mp3),.mp3) } alias nextsong { set %mp3.psong %mp3 if (%mp3.shuffle == on) set %mp3.x $rand(1,$_mcount) elseif ($did(mp3,28).sel) { set %mp3.x $calc($ifmatch + 1) } else set %mp3.x $calc(%mp3.x + 1) setsong %mp3.x $iif($dialog(mp3),did -c mp3 28 %mp3.x) playit } alias privsong { set %mp3 %mp3.psong setid playit } alias -l echow { var %match if ((%mp3.act == msg) || (%mp3.act == notice)) { var %x 1 while ($gettok(%mp3.chans,%x,124)) { %match = $ifmatch if ($me ison %match) %mp3.act %match %mp3.id inc %x } } elseif ((%mp3.act == amsg) || (%mp3.act == ame)) %mp3.act %mp3.id } alias playit { if (!$exists(%mp3)) return if (%mp3.lecho == on) { echow } set %mp3.paused 0 if ($dialog(mp3)) { did -ra mp3 3 $deltok($duration($int($calc($sound(%mp3).length / 1000)),3),1,58) did -ra mp3 17 $sound(%mp3).bitrate Kbps $sound(%mp3).sample KHz .timermp3 0 1 update did -ra mp3 10 %mp3.id } splay -p %mp3 } alias -l iniload { var %y $calc($_mcount + 1) var %x 1 | var %path $shortfn($1-) while ($findfile(%path,*.mp3,%x)) { writeini $_lfile list n $+ %y $ifmatch inc %x | inc %y if (%y >= %mp3.limit) return } } on *:dialog:mp3:sclick:*: { if ($did == 5) { if ($did(mp3,28).sel) { set %mp3.x $ifmatch | did -c mp3 28 %mp3.x } setsong %mp3.x if ((%mp3.lecho != on) && (%mp3.echo == on)) echow playit | return } if ($did == 6) { splay -p stop | did -i mp3 11 1 params 0 | .timermp3 off | return } if (($did == 7) && ($insong == $true)) { if (!%mp3.paused) { set %mp3.paused 1 | splay -p pause | .timermp3 off } else { splay -p resume | set %mp3.paused 0 | .timer 1 0 update | .timermp3 0 1 update } return } if ($did == 4) { privsong | return } if ($did == 8) { nextsong | return } if (($did == 11) && ($insong)) { splay -p seek $int($calc($calc($gettok($did($dname,11).seltext,1,32) / 100) * $insong.length)) | return } if ($did == 13) { vol -v $int($calc($calc($gettok($did(mp3,$did).seltext,1,32) / 100) * 65535)) did -ra $dname 16 $int($calc($vol(master) * 100 / 65535)) $chr(37) | return } if ($did == 15) { if ($vol(master).mute == $true) { vol -vu2 | did -ra mp3 15 X } else { vol -vu1 | did -ra mp3 15 r } | return } if ($did == 20) { if (%mp3.shuffle == on) { set %mp3.shuffle off | did -ra $dname $did y } else { set %mp3.shuffle on | did -ra $dname $did - } | return } if ($did == 23) { if (%mp3.loop == on) { set %mp3.loop off | did -ra $dname $did x } else { set %mp3.loop on | did -ra $dname $did q } | return } if ($did == 24) { if (%mp3.plhide == off) { plisthide set %mp3.plhide on } else { plistshow set %mp3.plhide off } return } if ($did == 25) { $iif($dialog(mp3set),dialog -x mp3set,mp3set) | return } if ($did == 29) { set %mp3.fdir $$sfile(%mp3.fdir,Yüklenecek Mp3 Dosyasını Seçin) writeini $_lfile list n $+ $calc($_mcount + 1) %mp3.fdir | refresh $dname 28 | return } if ($did == 30) { if (!$did($dname,28).seltext) return | var %x 1 | hmake mp3.dtable $_mcount while ((%x < $did($dname,28).sel) && ($readini($_lfile,list,n $+ %x))) { hadd mp3.dtable n $+ %x $ifmatch | inc %x } while ($readini($_lfile,list,n $+ $calc(%x + 1))) { hadd mp3.dtable n $+ %x $ifmatch | inc %x } remini $_lfile list | var %x 1 while ($hget(mp3.dtable,n $+ %x)) { writeini $_lfile list n $+ %x $ifmatch | inc %x } hfree mp3.dtable | refresh $dname 28 | return } if ($did == 31) { set %mp3.mdir $shortfn($$sdir(%mp3.mdir,Yüklenecek Mp3 Klasörünü Seçin)) iniload %mp3.mdir refresh $dname 28 return } if ($did == 33) { if (!$_mcount) return set %mp3.mdir $shortfn($$sdir(%mp3.mdir,Geri Yüklenecek Mp3 Klasörünü Seçin)) var %path %mp3.mdir | var %x 1 | var %y 0 | var %temp | hmake mp3.dtable $_mcount while ($readini($_lfile,list,n $+ %x)) { %temp = $ifmatch if (%path !isin $nofile($ifmatch)) { inc %y | hadd mp3.dtable n $+ %x %temp } | inc %x } remini $_lfile list | %y = $calc(%x - %y) | var %x 1 while ($hget(mp3.dtable,n $+ %y)) { writeini $_lfile list n $+ %x $ifmatch | inc %x | inc %y } hfree mp3.dtable | refresh $dname 28 | return } if ($did == 32) { if ($input(Tüm Listeyi Silmek İstiyor Musunuz ?,iy,Listeyi Temizle,Temizle,mesaj) == $false) return remini $_lfile list | refresh $dname 28 | return } } on *:mp3end: { if ($dialog(mp3)) { did -i mp3 11 1 params 0 | did -ra mp3 2 00:00 } if (%mp3.loop == on) { nextsong } } dialog mp3set { title "Echo Ayarları" size -1 -1 110 100 option dbu box "Ayarlar", 1, 1 1 105 95 check "play'de echo" 2, 10 10 40 13, check "devamlı echo" 3, 55 10 40 13,autohs center text "Echo şekli:" 4, 10 26 40 13 combo 5, 55 25 40 80,drop text "Echo kanallari:" 6, 10 40 40 13 list 7, 55 40 40 60 button "Ekle" 8, 9 50 20 10,default button "Çıkar" 9, 30 50 20 10,default button "Kaydet" 10, 9 80 20 10,default button "Çıkış" 11, 30 80 20 10,cancel } on *:dialog:mp3set:init:*: { did $iif(%mp3.echo == on,-c,-u) $dname 2 did $iif(%mp3.lecho == on,-c,-u) $dname 3 did -a $dname 5 msg did -a $dname 5 notice did -a $dname 5 amsg did -a $dname 5 ame did -c $dname 5 $findtok(msg|notice|amsg|ame,%mp3.act,124) set %mp3.plhide off refresh2 } on *:dialog:mp3set:sclick:*: { if ($did == 8) { var %temp #$$?="Kanal?" if (!$istok(%mp3.chans,%temp,124)) set %mp3.chans $addtok(%mp3.chans,%temp,124) refresh2 | return } if (($did == 9) && ($did(7).seltext)) { set %mp3.chans $remtok(%mp3.chans,$ifmatch,124) | refresh2 | return } if ($did == 10) { set %mp3.echo $iif($did($dname,2).state,on,off) set %mp3.lecho $iif($did($dname,3).state,on,off) if ($istok(msg.notice.amsg.ame,$did(5),46)) set %mp3.act $did(5) } } alias -l refresh2 { did -r mp3set 7 | var %x 1 while ($gettok(%mp3.chans,%x,124)) { did -a mp3set 7 $ifmatch | inc %x } } menu { - » Mp3 Calar .» Mp3 Calari Ac:mp3 .- .» Mp3 Temalari ..$submenu($mp3skin($1)) .» Echo Ayarlari:mp3set } alias mp3skin { if ($1 == begin) return - var %x 1,%match while ($findfile($shortfn($mircdirmp3\skin),*.ini,%x)) { %match = $ifmatch if ($1 == %x) return $iif(mp3\skin\ $+ $nopath(%match) == %mp3.cfile,$style(1)) $readini(%match,skin,name) : { setf mp3.cfile mp3\skin\ $+ $nopath(%match) } inc %x } } alias -l setf { set % $+ [ $1 ] $2- } #mp3player end

ben bu kodun mp3 uyarısını şöyle değiştirmek istiyorum

Çalan Şarkıcı - Çalan Parça - Parça Boyutu - Parça Süresi - Parça Hızı -

bunları eklememiz mümkün mü? ve eklenebilecek başka şeyler varsa onlarıda

Korkuyorsan yapma,
yapıyorsan korkma..

wake the fuck up samurai we have a city to burn..

Kullanıcı imzalarındaki bağlantı ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 20 mesaja sahip olmanız gerekir ya da üye girişi yapmanız gerekir.

Konu Heavenly tarafından (01 Mayıs 2010 Saat 22:14 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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