Kodu calistiramadim?
;Auto Identification;
On ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{
if ($nick == NickServ) {
if ((is owned by someone else isin $1-) || (Please identify isin $1-)) {
if ( [ % $+ [ $me ] ] == $null) { echo 10 -a *** ERROR!: PassWord Unknown for '4 $+ $me $+ ' Type /set.pass <Pass> to store a pass for this nick }
else { .nickserv IDENTIFY [ % $+ [ $me ] ] }
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. ervices Filtering;
On ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{
if ($chr(64) isin $1-) && ($chr(35) isin $1-) { /echo -a kanal isareti :p }
if ($nick == NickServ) { echo -a 4«2NickServ4»* $1- | halt }
elseif ($nick == ChanServ) { echo -a 4«ChanServ4» $1- | halt }
elseif ($nick == OperServ) { goto filters }
elseif ($nick == MemoServ) && ($dialog(ms) == $null) { echo -a 4«MemoServ4» $1- | halt }
elseif ($nick != MemoServ) { echo -a 4«2- $+ $nick $+ \Private-4»: $1- | halt }
else { halt }
:filters {
if ($2-7 == has been added to the autokill) { echo -a 8,1«0OperServ8,1»*: Exterminated IP $1 For $10 Minutes. | halt }
elseif ($1-3 == This autokill will) { echo -a 8,1«0OperServ8,1»*: IP Exterminated. ( $+ $5 Users - $9 $+ ) | halt }
elseif ($1 == WARNING Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. { halt }
elseif ($2-3 == already exist) { echo -a 8,1«0OperServ8,1»*: $1 Already Appears On The AutoKill List. | halt }
elseif ($nick == OperServ) { echo -a 8,1«0OperServ8,1»*: $1- | halt }
Bu Kodu calistiramadim arkadaslar, yardim edebilir misiniz? asagida ki hatayi veriyor?
*** ERROR!: PassWord Unknown for '4KuRSuN' Type /set.pass <Pass> to store a pass for this nick
4«2NickServ4»* This nickname is owned by someone else. You must select a different one.
*** ERROR!: PassWord Unknown for '4KuRSuN' Type /set.pass <Pass> to store a pass for this nick
4«2NickServ4»* If this is your nickname, please identify by using the command: /NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
4«2NickServ4»* You have 60 seconds to comply before your nickname is changed.
9,1*>*>*> 0,1ON Tanilmamis Komut..
9,1*>*>*> 0,1ON Tanilmamis Komut..
9,1*>*>*> 0,1ON Tanilmamis Komut.. |