Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
| Clone Arama
Elimde yabancı bir siteden bulduğum şöyle bir kod var. Bu kodla kanalda, clone taraması yapıyorum. Ayrıca varsa bazı işlemler uyguluyorum. Benim istediğim, acaba bu tarama sonuçlarını kanalda değil de @Clones diye bir pencerede verdirebilir miyiz? Şimdiden teşekkürler.
alias showclones {
if ($hget(clones)) hfree clones
hmake clones 10
var %x = $nick($1,0)
while (%x) {
var %addr = $address($nick($1,%x),2)
; Get user's clones
var %g = $clones(%addr,$1)
var %n = $gettok(%g,2-,32), %g = $gettok(%g,1,32)
if (%n) && (!$hget(clones,%addr)) && (!$is_clone_prot($address($nick($1,%x),5))) {
; If we haven't already shown clones from this host then do that now
echo $colour(info) $1 *** %g clones from %addr $+ : %n
; If there are more clones than the threshold, and the user is not protected, start kicking
if ($2 = -k) && (%g > $thresh($chan)) && (!$is_clone_prot($address($nick($1,%x),5))) {
mode $chan +b %addr
.timer 1 600 mode $chan -b %addr
var %xx = $ialchan(%addr,$1,0)
while (%xx) {
if ($ialchan(%addr,$1,%xx).nick isreg $1) { kick $chan $ifmatch Clones from %addr }
dec %xx
hinc clones %addr
dec %x
hfree clones
; $clones(*!*@site,#channel)
; Returns the number of clones matching *!*@site and their nicknames in this format:
; N nicknames
; where N is the number of clones and nicknames is a space delimited list of the users.
alias clones {
var %x = $ialchan($1,$2,0)
if (%x = 1) { return 1 }
if (%x > 80) { return %x Too many to list }
var %r
while (%x) {
%r = %r $ialchan($1,$2,%x).nick
dec %x
return $ialchan($1,$2,0) %r
; The options below the seperator are per channel settings.
menu channel {
.Göster clones in $chan:showclones #
.Kick/Ban current clones:if ($input(Are you sure you want to kick/ban all clones in $chan $+ ?,y)) { showclones # -k }
.$iif($($+(%,clones.join),2),$style(1)) Show clones on join:if ($($+(%,clones.join),2)) { set $+(%,clones.join) 0 } | else { set $+(%,clones.join) 1 }
.$iif($($+(%,clones.kick.,$chan),2),$style(1)) Kick/Ban clones on join:if ($($+(%,clones.kick.,$chan),2)) { set $+(%,clones.kick.,$chan) 0 } | else { set $+(%,clones.kick.,$chan) 1 }
.Clone threshold - $thresh($chan).1:set $+(%,clones.th.,$chan) $input(Enter how many clones a site is allowed in the channel [0 means only 1 user/host $+ $chr(44) 1 means 2 users/host]:,e)
menu nicklist {
$iif(!$is_clone_prot($address($$1,5)),Clone Utilities)
.Protect User
$iif($is_clone_prot($address($$1,5)),Clone Utilities)
.Unprotect $is_clone_prot($address($$1,5)).addr:ruser $is_clone_prot($address($$1,5)).addr
alias -l getmasks {
if ($1 > 19) { return }
return $1 $address($snick($active,1),$1) $+ :auser cloneprotect $address($snick($active,1),$1)
; $is_clone_prot(nick!user@host)
; Returns $true of user is protected from clone kick
alias is_clone_prot {
var %x = $ulist(*,cloneprotect,0)
while (%x) {
var %a = $ulist(*,cloneprotect,%x)
if (%a iswm $1) { return $iif($prop = addr,%a,$true) }
dec %x
return $false
ON *:JOIN:#: {
; Show users clones
var %n = $clones($wildsite,$chan)
if ($($+(%,clones.join),2)) && (!$is_clone_prot($fulladdress)) {
if ($gettok(%n,2-,32)) {
echo -tc info2 $chan * $gettok(%n,1,32) clones from $wildsite $+ : $gettok(%n,2-,32)
; If you are opped, there are more clones from the host than the threshold allows, kicking clones has been enabled for this channel and the user is not protected, kick/ban the clones
if ($me isop $chan) && ($gettok(%n,1,32) > $thresh($chan)) && ($($+(%,clones.kick.,$chan),2)) && (!$is_clone_prot($fulladdress)) {
; Ban the host if we haven't already
if (!$($+(%,clonekicking,$cid,$chan,$wildsite),2)) {
mode $chan +b $wildsite
.timer 1 600 mode $chan -b $wildsite
set -u10 $+(%,clonekicking,$cid,$chan,$wildsite) 1
var %x = $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0)
while (%x) {
; Kick this user is we haven't already
if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%x).nick isreg $chan) && (!$($+(%,clonekicking,$cid,$chan,$ifmatch),2)) {
var %nick = $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%x).nick
kick $chan %nick Clones from $wildsite
set -u10 $+(%,clonekicking,$cid,$chan,%nick) 1
dec %x
; Returns the clone threshold for a channel
; $thresh(#channel).N
; If you give the N parameter that value will be subtratced from the threshold.
; The threshold returns the maximum number of users a host can have in #channel,
; not the number of clones a host can have. Use $thresh(#channel).1 to get the
; number of clones a host can have.
alias -l thresh {
if ($gettok($($+(%,clones.th.,$1),2),1,32) != $null) { return $calc($ifmatch + 1 - $prop) }
return $calc(1 - $prop)
Konu SovaLyem tarafından (04 Mart 2010 Saat 12:01 ) değiştirilmiştir.