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Alt 03 Mart 2010, 12:07   #11
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Cevap: Kanal Kaydedince, Chanserv'in Kanala Kuralları Yazması.

toXic Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
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toXic , Falan Göremedim ßen Arıyorum 2 Saattir. Ne Yaptımsa. Hata Veriyor ; S

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/* Main ChanServ module. * * IRC Services is copyright (c) 1996-2006 Andrew Church. * E-mail: <
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
> * Parts written by Andrew Kempe and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for * details. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "services.h" #include "modules.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "language.h" #include "commands.h" #include "encrypt.h" #include "modules/nickserv/nickserv.h" #include "modules/operserv/operserv.h" #include "chanserv.h" #include "cs-local.h" /*************************************************************************/ /************************** Declaration section **************************/ /*************************************************************************/ static Module *module; static Module *module_nickserv; static int cb_clear = -1; static int cb_command = -1; static int cb_help = -1; static int cb_help_cmds = -1; static int cb_invite = -1; static int cb_unban = -1; static int db_opened = 0; char *s_ChanServ; static char *desc_ChanServ; static char *ChanDBName; EXPORT_VAR(char *,s_ChanServ) static int CSEnableRegister; int CSRegisteredOnly; int32 CSMaxReg; int32 CSDefFlags; time_t C***pire; int CSShowPassword; int32 CSAccessMax; int32 CSAutokickMax; char * CSAutokickReason; time_t CSInhabit; time_t CSRestrictDelay; int CSListOpersOnly; int32 CSListMax; time_t CSSuspendExpire; time_t CSSuspendGrace; int CSForbidShortChannel; EXPORT_VAR(int32,CSMaxReg) /*************************************************************************/ /* Channel option list. */ #define CHANOPT(x) \ { #x, CI_##x, CHAN_INFO_OPT_##x, \ CHAN_SET_##x##_ON, CHAN_SET_##x##_OFF, CHAN_SET_##x##_SYNTAX } ChanOpt chanopts[] = { CHANOPT(KEEPTOPIC), CHANOPT(TOPICLOCK), CHANOPT(PRIVATE), CHANOPT(SECUREOPS), CHANOPT(LEAVEOPS), CHANOPT(RESTRICTED), CHANOPT(SECURE), CHANOPT(OPNOTICE), CHANOPT(ENFORCE), { "NOEXPIRE", CI_NOEXPIRE, -1, CHAN_SET_NOEXPIRE_ON, CHAN_SET_NOEXPIRE_OFF, CHAN_SET_NOEXPIRE_SYNTAX }, { NULL } }; #undef CHANOPT /*************************************************************************/ /* Local functions. */ static void do_help(User *u); static void do_register(User *u); static void do_identify(User *u); static void do_drop(User *u); static void do_info(User *u); static void do_list(User *u); static void do_op(User *u); static void do_deop(User *u); static void do_voice(User *u); static void do_devoice(User *u); static void do_halfop(User *u); static void do_dehalfop(User *u); static void do_protect(User *u); static void do_deprotect(User *u); static void do_invite(User *u); static void do_unban(User *u); static void do_cskick(User *u); static void do_cstopic(User *u); static void do_clear(User *u); static void do_getpass(User *u); static void do_forbid(User *u); static void do_suspend(User *u); static void do_unsuspend(User *u); static void do_status(User *u); /*************************************************************************/ /* Command list. */ static Command cmds[] = { { "HELP", do_help, NULL, -1, -1,-1 }, { "REGISTER", do_register, NULL, CHAN_HELP_REGISTER, -1,-1 }, { "IDENTIFY", do_identify, NULL, CHAN_HELP_IDENTIFY, -1,-1 }, { "DROP", do_drop, NULL, -1, CHAN_HELP_DROP, CHAN_OPER_HELP_DROP }, { "SET", do_set, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_SET }, { "SET FOUNDER", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_FOUNDER, -1,-1 }, { "SET SUCCESSOR", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_SUCCESSOR, -1,-1 }, { "SET PASSWORD", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_PASSWORD, -1,-1 }, { "SET DESC", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_DESC, -1,-1 }, { "SET URL", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_URL, -1,-1 }, { "SET EMAIL", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_EMAIL, -1,-1 }, { "SET ENTRYMSG", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_ENTRYMSG, -1,-1 }, { "SET KEEPTOPIC", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_KEEPTOPIC, -1,-1 }, { "SET TOPICLOCK", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_TOPICLOCK, -1,-1 }, { "SET MLOCK", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_MLOCK, -1,-1 }, { "SET HIDE", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_HIDE, -1,-1 }, { "SET PRIVATE", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_PRIVATE, -1,-1 }, { "SET RESTRICTED", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_RESTRICTED, -1,-1 }, { "SET SECURE", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_SECURE, -1,-1 }, { "SET SECUREOPS", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_SECUREOPS, -1,-1 }, { "SET LEAVEOPS", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_LEAVEOPS, -1,-1 }, { "SET OPNOTICE", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_OPNOTICE, -1,-1 }, { "SET ENFORCE", NULL, NULL, CHAN_HELP_SET_ENFORCE, -1,-1 }, { "SET NOEXPIRE", NULL, NULL, -1, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_SET_NOEXPIRE }, { "UNSET", do_unset, NULL, CHAN_HELP_UNSET, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_UNSET }, { "INFO", do_info, NULL, CHAN_HELP_INFO, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_INFO }, { "LIST", do_list, NULL, -1, CHAN_HELP_LIST, CHAN_OPER_HELP_LIST }, { "AKICK", do_akick, NULL, CHAN_HELP_AKICK, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_SOP }, { "OP", do_op, NULL, CHAN_HELP_OP, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "DEOP", do_deop, NULL, CHAN_HELP_DEOP, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "VOICE", do_voice, NULL, CHAN_HELP_VOICE, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_VOP }, { "DEVOICE", do_devoice, NULL, CHAN_HELP_DEVOICE, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_VOP }, { "INVITE", do_invite, NULL, CHAN_HELP_INVITE, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "UNBAN", do_unban, NULL, CHAN_HELP_UNBAN, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "KICK", do_cskick, NULL, CHAN_HELP_KICK, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "TOPIC", do_cstopic, NULL, CHAN_HELP_TOPIC, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "CLEAR", do_clear, NULL, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_SOP }, { "STATUS", do_status, NULL, CHAN_HELP_STATUS, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_SOP }, { "GETPASS", do_getpass, is_services_admin, -1, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_GETPASS }, { "FORBID", do_forbid, is_services_admin, -1, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_FORBID }, { "SUSPEND", do_suspend, is_services_admin, -1, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_SUSPEND }, { "UNSUSPEND",do_unsuspend,is_services_admin, -1, -1, CHAN_OPER_HELP_UNSUSPEND }, { NULL } }; static Command cmds_halfop[] = { { "HALFOP", do_halfop, NULL, CHAN_HELP_HALFOP, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "DEHALFOP", do_dehalfop, NULL, CHAN_HELP_DEHALFOP, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { NULL } }; static Command cmds_chanprot[] = { { "PROTECT", do_protect, NULL, CHAN_HELP_PROTECT, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { "DEPROTECT",do_deprotect,NULL, CHAN_HELP_DEPROTECT, -1,-1, (void *)ACCLEV_AOP }, { NULL } }; /*************************************************************************/ /************************ Main ChanServ routines *************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* Introduce the ChanServ pseudoclient. */ static int introduce_chanserv(const char *nick) { if (!nick || irc_stricmp(nick, s_ChanServ) == 0) { char modebuf[BUFSIZE]; snprintf(modebuf, sizeof(modebuf), "o%s", pseudoclient_modes); send_nick(s_ChanServ, ServiceUser, ServiceHost, ServerName, desc_ChanServ, modebuf); return nick ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Main ChanServ routine. */ static int chanserv(const char *source, const char *target, char *buf) { char *cmd; User *u = get_user(source); if (irc_stricmp(target, s_ChanServ) != 0) return 0; if (!u) { module_log("user record for %s not found", source); notice(s_ChanServ, source, getstring(NULL, INTERNAL_ERROR)); return 1; } cmd = strtok(buf, " "); if (!cmd) { return 1; } else if (stricmp(cmd, "\1PING") == 0) { const char *s; if (!(s = strtok(NULL, ""))) s = "\1"; notice(s_ChanServ, source, "\1PING %s", s); } else { if (call_callback_2(module, cb_command, u, cmd) <= 0) run_cmd(s_ChanServ, u, module, cmd); } return 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Return a /WHOIS response for ChanServ. */ static int chanserv_whois(const char *source, char *who, char *extra) { if (irc_stricmp(who, s_ChanServ) != 0) return 0; send_cmd(ServerName, "311 %s %s %s %s * :%s", source, who, ServiceUser, ServiceHost, desc_ChanServ); send_cmd(ServerName, "312 %s %s %s :%s", source, who, ServerName, ServerDesc); send_cmd(ServerName, "318 %s %s End of /WHOIS response.", source, who); return 1; } void ago_time(char *buf, time_t t, User *u) { int days, hours, minutes, seconds; days = t/(24*3600); t %= 24*3600; hours = t/3600; t %= 3600; minutes = t/60; t %= 60; seconds = t; sprintf(buf,"%d gün, %d saat, %d dakika ve %d saniye önce", days, hours, minutes, seconds); } /*************************************************************************/ /* Save channel database. */ static int do_save_data() { sync_channel_db(ChanDBName); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for newly-created channels. */ static int do_channel_create(Channel *c, User *u, int32 modes) { /* Store ChannelInfo pointer in channel record */ c->ci = get_channelinfo(c->name); if (c->ci) { /* Store return pointer in ChannelInfo record */ c->ci->c = c; c->maxuser = c->ci->maxuser; c->maxuser_time = c->ci->maxuser_time; } else { c->maxuser = 1; c->maxuser_time = time(NULL); } /* Restore locked modes and saved topic */ /* Note: these should be outside the c->ci test to ensure any spurious * +r modes are cleared */ check_modes(c); restore_topic(c); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for users trying to join channels. */ static int do_channel_join_check(const char *channel, User *user) { return check_kick(user, channel); } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for users joining channels. */ static int do_channel_join(Channel *c, struct c_userlist *u) { User *user = u->user; ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci; check_chan_user_modes(NULL, u, c, -1); if (c->maxuser < ++(c->anuser)) { c->maxuser = c->anuser; c->maxuser_time = time(NULL); if(ci) { ci->maxuser = c->maxuser; ci->maxuser_time = c->maxuser_time; } } if (ci && ci->entry_message) notice(s_ChanServ, user->nick, "(%s) %s", ci->name, ci->entry_message); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for users leaving channels. Update the channel's last used * time if the user was an auto-op user. */ static int do_channel_part(Channel *c, User *u, const char *reason) { if (c->ci && check_access(u, c->ci, CA_AUTOOP)) { c->ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(c->ci); } return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for channels being deleted. */ static int do_channel_delete(Channel *c) { if (c->ci) c->ci->c = NULL; return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for channel mode changes. */ static int do_channel_mode_change(const char *source_unused, Channel *c) { check_modes(c); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for channel user mode changes. */ static int do_channel_umode_change(const char *source, Channel *c, struct c_userlist *u, int32 oldmodes) { if (!(u->mode & CUMODE_o)) u->flags &= ~CUFLAG_DEOPPED; check_chan_user_modes(source, u, c, oldmodes); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for channel topic changes. */ static int do_channel_topic(Channel *c, const char *topic, const char *setter, time_t topic_time) { ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci; if (check_topiclock(c, topic_time)) return 1; record_topic(ci, topic, setter, topic_time); return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for NickServ REGISTER/LINK check; we disallow * registration/linking of the ChanServ pseudoclient nickname. */ static int do_reglink_check(const User *u, const char *nick, const char *pass, const char *email) { return irc_stricmp(nick, s_ChanServ) == 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Callback for users who have identified to their nicks: give them modes * as if they had just joined the channel. */ static int do_nick_identified(User *u, int old_authstat) { struct u_chanlist *uc; /* Node in list of channels the user is in */ struct c_userlist *cu; /* Node in list of users in a channel */ LIST_FOREACH (uc, u->chans) { LIST_SEARCH_SCALAR(uc->chan->users, user, u, cu); if (!cu) { module_log("do_nick_identified(): BUG: user record not found in" " channel %s for user %s", uc->chan->name, u->nick); continue; } /* Use an empty source to force a mode recheck */ check_chan_user_modes("", cu, uc->chan, -1); } return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Remove a (deleted or expired) nickname group from all channel lists. */ static int do_nickgroup_delete(const NickGroupInfo *ngi, const char *oldnick) { int i; int id = ngi->id; ChannelInfo *ci; for (ci = first_channelinfo(); ci; ci = next_channelinfo()) { int modified = 0; if (ci->founder == id) { int was_suspended = (ci->suspendinfo != NULL); char name_save[CHANMAX]; if (was_suspended) strscpy(name_save, ci->name, CHANMAX); if (ci->successor) { NickGroupInfo *ngi2 = get_ngi_id(ci->successor); if (!ngi2) { module_log("Unable to access successor group %u for" " deleted channel %s, deleting channel", ci->successor, ci->name); goto delete; } else if (check_channel_limit(ngi2, NULL) < 0) { module_log("Transferring foundership of %s from deleted" " nick %s to successor %s", ci->name, oldnick, ngi_mainnick(ngi2)); uncount_chan(ci); ci->founder = ci->successor; ci->successor = 0; count_chan(ci); } else { module_log("Successor (%s) of %s owns too many channels," " deleting channel", ngi_mainnick(ngi2), ci->name); goto delete; } } else { module_log("Deleting channel %s owned by deleted nick %s", ci->name, oldnick); delete: delchan(ci); if (was_suspended) { /* Channel was suspended, so make it forbidden */ module_log("Channel %s was suspended, forbidding it", name_save); ci = makechan(name_save); ci->flags |= CI_VERBOTEN; } continue; } modified = 1; } if (ci->successor == id) { ci->successor = 0; modified = 1; } ARRAY_FOREACH (i, ci->access) { if (ci->access[i].nickgroup == id) { ci->access[i].nickgroup = 0; modified = 1; } } if (modified) put_channelinfo(ci); } return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ /*********************** ChanServ command routines ***********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* Short routine for do_help() to return the proper access level string for * a given level based on which access modules are loaded. Assumes numeric * levels if no access module is loaded. */ static const char *getstring_cmdacc(NickGroupInfo *ngi, int16 level) { int str_levxop, str_lev, str_xop; switch (level) { case ACCLEV_SOP: str_levxop = CHAN_HELP_REQSOP_LEVXOP; str_lev = CHAN_HELP_REQSOP_LEV; str_xop = CHAN_HELP_REQSOP_XOP; break; case ACCLEV_AOP: str_levxop = CHAN_HELP_REQAOP_LEVXOP; str_lev = CHAN_HELP_REQAOP_LEV; str_xop = CHAN_HELP_REQAOP_XOP; break; case ACCLEV_HOP: str_levxop = CHAN_HELP_REQHOP_LEVXOP; str_lev = CHAN_HELP_REQHOP_LEV; str_xop = CHAN_HELP_REQHOP_XOP; break; case ACCLEV_VOP: str_levxop = CHAN_HELP_REQVOP_LEVXOP; str_lev = CHAN_HELP_REQVOP_LEV; str_xop = CHAN_HELP_REQVOP_XOP; break; default: module_log("BUG: weird level (%d) in getstring_cmdacc()", level); return "???"; } if (find_module("chanserv/access-xop")) { if (find_module("chanserv/access-levels")) return getstring(ngi, str_levxop); else return getstring(ngi, str_xop); } else { return getstring(ngi, str_lev); } } static void do_help(User *u) { char *cmd = strtok_remaining(); Command *cmdrec; if (!cmd) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP); if (C***pire) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_EXPIRES, maketime(u->ngi,C***pire,0)); } else if (call_callback_2(module, cb_help, u, cmd) > 0) { return; } else if (stricmp(cmd, "COMMANDS") == 0) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS); if (find_module("chanserv/sendpass")) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_SENDPASS); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_DROP); if (find_module("chanserv/access-levels")) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_LEVELS); if (find_module("chanserv/access-xop")) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_XOP); if (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_HOP); } notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_OPVOICE); if (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_HALFOP); if (protocol_features & PF_CHANPROT) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_PROTECT); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_INVITE); if (!CSListOpersOnly) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_LIST); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_AKICK); call_callback_2(module, cb_help_cmds, u, 0); if (is_oper(u)) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_OPER_HELP_COMMANDS); if (EnableGetpass) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_OPER_HELP_COMMANDS_GETPASS); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_OPER_HELP_COMMANDS_FORBID); if (CSListOpersOnly) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_COMMANDS_LIST); call_callback_2(module, cb_help_cmds, u, 1); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_OPER_HELP_COMMANDS_END); } } else if (!CSEnableRegister && is_oper(u) && stricmp(cmd,"REGISTER")==0) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_REGISTER); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_REGISTER_ADMINONLY); } else if (stricmp(cmd, "LIST") == 0) { if (is_oper(u)) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_OPER_HELP_LIST); else notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_LIST); if (CSListOpersOnly) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_LIST_OPERSONLY); } else if (stricmp(cmd, "KICK") == 0) { cmdrec = lookup_cmd(module, cmd); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_KICK, getstring_cmdacc(u->ngi, cmdrec ? (int)(long)cmdrec->help_param1 : -1)); if (protocol_features & PF_CHANPROT) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_KICK_PROTECTED); } else if (stricmp(cmd, "CLEAR") == 0) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR); if (protocol_features & PF_BANEXCEPT) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR_EXCEPTIONS); if (protocol_features & PF_INVITEMASK) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR_INVITES); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR_MID); if (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR_HALFOPS); cmdrec = lookup_cmd(module, cmd); notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_CLEAR_END, getstring_cmdacc(u->ngi, cmdrec ? (int)(long)cmdrec->help_param1 : -1)); } else if ((stricmp(cmd, "AKICK") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "OP") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "DEOP") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "VOICE") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "DEVOICE") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "HALFOP") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "DEHALFOP") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "PROTECT") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "DEPROTECT") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "INVITE") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "UNBAN") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "KICK") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "TOPIC") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "CLEAR") == 0 || stricmp(cmd, "STATUS") == 0) && (cmdrec = lookup_cmd(module, cmd)) != NULL ) { notice_help(s_ChanServ, u, cmdrec->helpmsg_all, getstring_cmdacc(u->ngi, (int)(long)cmdrec->help_param1)); } else { help_cmd(s_ChanServ, u, module, cmd); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_register(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pass = strtok(NULL, " "); char *desc = strtok_remaining(); NickInfo *ni = u->ni; NickGroupInfo *ngi = u->ngi; Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; struct u_chaninfolist *uc; int max; if (readonly) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTER_DISABLED); return; } if (!desc) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "REGISTER", CHAN_REGISTER_SYNTAX); } else if (strcmp(chan, "#") == 0) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTER_SHORT_CHANNEL); } else if (*chan == '&') { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTER_NOT_LOCAL); } else if (*chan != '#') { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTER_INVALID_NAME); } else if (!ni) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_MUST_REGISTER_NICK, s_NickServ); } else if (!user_identified(u)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_MUST_IDENTIFY_NICK, s_NickServ, s_NickServ); } else if ((ci = get_channelinfo(chan)) != NULL) { if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { module_log("Attempt to register forbidden channel %s by %s!%s@%s", ci->name, u->nick, u->username, u->host); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_MAY_NOT_BE_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->suspendinfo) { module_log("Attempt to register suspended channel %s by %s!%s@%s", ci->name, u->nick, u->username, u->host); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_ALREADY_REGISTERED, chan); } else { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_ALREADY_REGISTERED, chan); } } else if (!is_chanop(u, chan)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_MUST_BE_CHANOP); } else if (!is_services_admin(u) && check_channel_limit(ngi, &max) >= 0) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, ngi->channels_count > max ? CHAN_EXCEEDED_CHANNEL_LIMIT : CHAN_REACHED_CHANNEL_LIMIT, max); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { /* Should not fail because we checked is_chanop() above, but just * in case... */ module_log("Channel %s not found for REGISTER", chan); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTRATION_FAILED); } else if (!(ci = makechan(chan))) { module_log("makechan() failed for REGISTER %s", chan); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTRATION_FAILED); } else { int len = strlen(pass); /* Password length check and truncation (like NickServ REGISTER) */ max = encrypt_check_len(len, PASSMAX); if ((max == 0 && len > PASSMAX-1) || max > PASSMAX-1) max = PASSMAX-1; if (max > 0) { memset(pass+max, 0, len-max); len = max; notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PASSWORD_TRUNCATED, max); } if (encrypt(pass, len, ci->founderpass, PASSMAX) < 0) { module_log("Couldn't encrypt password for %s (REGISTER)", chan); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTRATION_FAILED); delchan(ci); return; } c->ci = ci; ci->c = c; ci->flags = CSDefFlags; ci->mlock_on = CMODE_n | CMODE_t; ci->memos.memomax = MEMOMAX_DEFAULT; ci->last_used = ci->time_registered; ci->founder = u->ngi->id; ci->desc = sstrdup(desc); if (c->topic) { ci->last_topic = sstrdup(c->topic); strscpy(ci->last_topic_setter, c->topic_setter, NICKMAX); ci->last_topic_time = c->topic_time; } c->maxuser = c->anuser; c->maxuser_time = time(NULL); ci->maxuser = c->maxuser; ci->maxuser_time = c->maxuser_time; count_chan(ci); strscpy(last_register_chan, ci->name, CHANMAX); put_channelinfo(ci); module_log("Channel %s registered by %s!%s@%s", chan, u->nick, u->username, u->host); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_REGISTERED, chan, u->nick); if (CSShowPassword) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_PASSWORD_IS, pass); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_PASSWORD_IS, pass); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "SAJOIN K-Security %s", chan); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "MODE %s +oa K-Security K-Security", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "JOIN %s", chan); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "MODE %s +o ChanServ", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Nick ve Kanal şifrelerinin sorumluluğu tamamen kullanıcılara aittir.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Sunucuda huzuru bozucu haraketler, lame faliyetler", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s her türlü flood yasaklanmıştır.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Kanallarda başka kanallların reklamı yapılması, Kesinlikle yasaktır.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Bu Kurallara Uymadıgınız Takdirde", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Yönetim Tarafından Cezalandırılacaksınız.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s /rules yazarak Kuralları Görebilirsiniz.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG %s Hos Sohbetler.", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PART %s", chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #operlog :Kanal sifrelendi: * %s * kanali kayit edilmiştir. Kayit eden: (%s!%s@%s) ", chan, u->nick, u->username, u->host); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #operlog Sunucu Kuralları, Kanala Yazılmıstır"); memset(pass, 0, len); uc = smalloc(sizeof(*uc)); LIST_INSERT(uc, u->id_chans); strscpy(uc->chan, ci->name, CHANMAX); /* Implement new mode lock */ } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_identify(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pass = strtok_remaining(); ChannelInfo *ci; struct u_chaninfolist *uc; if (!pass) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "IDENTIFY", CHAN_IDENTIFY_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (ci->suspendinfo) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_SUSPENDED, chan); } else { int res = check_password(pass, ci->founderpass); if (res == 1) { ci->bad_passwords = 0; ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(ci); if (!is_identified(u, ci)) { uc = smalloc(sizeof(*uc)); LIST_INSERT(uc, u->id_chans); strscpy(uc->chan, ci->name, CHANMAX); module_log("%s!%s@%s identified for %s", u->nick, u->username, u->host, ci->name); } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_IDENTIFY_SUCCEEDED, chan); } else if (res < 0) { module_log("check_password failed for %s", ci->name); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_IDENTIFY_FAILED); } else { module_log("Failed IDENTIFY for %s by %s!%s@%s", ci->name, u->nick, u->username, u->host); chan_bad_password(u, ci); } } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_drop(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); ChannelInfo *ci; int is_servadmin = is_services_admin(u); Channel *c; if (readonly && !is_servadmin) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_DROP_DISABLED); return; } if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "DROP", CHAN_DROP_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (!is_servadmin && (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!is_servadmin && ci->suspendinfo) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_SUSPENDED, chan); } else if (!is_servadmin && !is_identified(u, ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_IDENTIFY_REQUIRED, s_ChanServ, chan); } else { const char *founder; char tmpbuf[64]; if (readonly) /* in this case we know they're a Services admin */ notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, READ_ONLY_MODE); if (ci->founder) { NickGroupInfo *ngi = get_ngi_id(ci->founder); if (ngi) { founder = ngi_mainnick(ngi); } else { snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "<unknown: ID %u>", ci->founder); founder = tmpbuf; } } else { founder = "<none>"; } module_log("Channel %s (founder %s) dropped by %s!%s@%s", ci->name, founder, u->nick, u->username, u->host); delchan(ci); if (chanmode_reg && (c = get_channel(chan))) { c->mode &= ~chanmode_reg; send_cmode_cmd(s_ChanServ, chan, "-%s", mode_flags_to_string(chanmode_reg, MODE_CHANNEL)); } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_DROPPED, chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #Services CHAN-DROPPED: * \2%s\2 * kanalı droplandı, komutu uygulayan: * \2%s\2 *", chan, u->nick); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* SADMINS, and users who have identified for a channel, can now cause its * entry message and successor to be displayed by supplying the ALL * parameter. * Syntax: INFO channel [ALL] * -TheShadow (29 Mar 1999) */ /* Check the status of show_all and make a note of having done so. See * comments at nickserv/main.c/do_info() for details. */ #define CHECK_SHOW_ALL (used_all++, show_all) static void do_info(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *param = strtok(NULL, " "); ChannelInfo *ci; NickGroupInfo *ngi, *ngi2 = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZE], *end, *s; char buf2[BUFSIZE]; time_t now=time(NULL); int is_servadmin = is_services_admin(u); int can_show_all = 0, show_all = 0, used_all = 0; if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "INFO", CHAN_INFO_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!ci->founder) { /* Paranoia... this shouldn't be able to happen */ module_log("INFO: non-forbidden channel %s has no founder, deleting", ci->name); delchan(ci); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (!(ngi = get_ngi_id(ci->founder)) || (ci->successor && !(ngi2 = get_ngi_id(ci->successor))) ) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, INTERNAL_ERROR); } else { /* Update last used time if the channel is currently in use. */ if (ci->c) { struct c_userlist *cu; LIST_FOREACH (cu, ci->c->users) { if (check_access(cu->user, ci, CA_AUTOOP)) { if (debug >= 2) module_log("debug: updating last used time for %s" " (INFO)", ci->name); ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(ci); break; } } } /* Only show all the channel's settings to sadmins and founders. */ can_show_all = (is_founder(u, ci) || is_servadmin); if ((param && stricmp(param, "ALL") == 0) && can_show_all) show_all = 1; notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_HEADER, chan); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_FOUNDER, ngi_mainnick(ngi)); if (ngi2 != NULL && CHECK_SHOW_ALL) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_SUCCESSOR, ngi_mainnick(ngi2)); } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_DESCRIPTION, ci->desc); strftime_lang(buf, sizeof(buf), u->ngi, STRFTIME_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, ci->time_registered); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_TIME_REGGED, buf); strftime_lang(buf, sizeof(buf), u->ngi, STRFTIME_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, ci->last_used); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_LAST_USED, buf); /* Do not show last_topic if channel is mlock'ed +s or +p, or if the * channel's current modes include +s or +p. -TheShadow */ /* But show it if we're showing all info. --AC */ if (ci->last_topic) { int mlock_sp = (ci->mlock_on & (CMODE_s | CMODE_p)); int mode_sp = (ci->c && (ci->c->mode & (CMODE_s | CMODE_p))); int hide = (ci->flags & CI_HIDE_TOPIC); if ((!mlock_sp && !mode_sp && !hide) || CHECK_SHOW_ALL) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_LAST_TOPIC, ci->last_topic); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_TOPIC_SET_BY, ci->last_topic_setter); } } if (ci->c) send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "NOTICE %s :Online kullanıcı : \2%d\2", u->nick, ci->c->anuser); ago_time(buf2, now-ci->maxuser_time, u); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "NOTICE %s :Kullanıcı rekoru : \2%d\2 [%s]", u->nick, ci->maxuser, buf2); if (ci->entry_message && CHECK_SHOW_ALL) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_ENTRYMSG, ci->entry_message); if (ci->url) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_URL, ci->url); if (ci->email && (!(ci->flags & CI_HIDE_EMAIL) || CHECK_SHOW_ALL)) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_EMAIL, ci->email); s = chanopts_to_string(ci, u->ngi); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_OPTIONS, *s ? s : getstring(u->ngi, CHAN_INFO_OPT_NONE)); end = buf; *end = 0; if (ci->mlock_on || ci->mlock_key || ci->mlock_limit) end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf)-(end-buf), "+%s", mode_flags_to_string(ci->mlock_on, MODE_CHANNEL)); if (ci->mlock_off) end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf)-(end-buf), "-%s", mode_flags_to_string(ci->mlock_off, MODE_CHANNEL)); if (*buf && (!(ci->flags & CI_HIDE_MLOCK) || CHECK_SHOW_ALL)) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_MODE_LOCK, buf); if ((ci->flags & CI_NOEXPIRE) && CHECK_SHOW_ALL) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_NO_EXPIRE); if (ci->suspendinfo) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_SUSPENDED, chan); if (CHECK_SHOW_ALL) { SuspendInfo *si = ci->suspendinfo; char timebuf[BUFSIZE], expirebuf[BUFSIZE]; strftime_lang(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), u->ngi, STRFTIME_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, si->suspended); expires_in_lang(expirebuf, sizeof(expirebuf), u->ngi, si->expires); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_SUSPEND_DETAILS, si->who, timebuf, expirebuf); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_SUSPEND_REASON, si->reason); } } if (can_show_all && !show_all && used_all) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_SHOW_ALL, s_ChanServ, ci->name); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* SADMINS can search for channels based on their CI_VERBOTEN and * CI_NOEXPIRE flags and suspension status. This works in the same way as * NickServ's LIST command. * Syntax for sadmins: LIST pattern [FORBIDDEN] [NOEXPIRE] [SUSPENDED] * Also fixed CI_PRIVATE channels being shown to non-sadmins. * -TheShadow */ static void do_list(User *u) { char *pattern = strtok(NULL, " "); char *keyword; ChannelInfo *ci; int nchans; char buf[BUFSIZE]; int is_servadmin = is_services_admin(u); int32 matchflags = 0; /* CI_ flags a chan must match one of to qualify */ int match_susp = 0; /* nonzero to match suspended channels */ if (CSListOpersOnly && (!u || !is_oper(u))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); return; } if (!pattern) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "LIST", is_oper(u) ? CHAN_LIST_OPER_SYNTAX : CHAN_LIST_SYNTAX); } else { nchans = 0; while (is_servadmin && (keyword = strtok(NULL, " "))) { if (stricmp(keyword, "FORBIDDEN") == 0) { matchflags |= CI_VERBOTEN; } else if (stricmp(keyword, "NOEXPIRE") == 0) { matchflags |= CI_NOEXPIRE; } else if (stricmp(keyword, "SUSPENDED") == 0) { match_susp = 1; } else { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "LIST", is_oper(u) ? CHAN_LIST_OPER_SYNTAX : CHAN_LIST_SYNTAX); } } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_LIST_HEADER, pattern); for (ci = first_channelinfo(); ci; ci = next_channelinfo()) { if (!is_servadmin && (ci->flags & (CI_PRIVATE | CI_VERBOTEN))) continue; if (matchflags || match_susp) { if (!((ci->flags & matchflags) || (ci->suspendinfo && match_susp))) continue; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-20s %s", ci->name, ci->desc ? ci->desc : ""); if (irc_stricmp(pattern, ci->name) == 0 || match_wild_nocase(pattern, buf) ) { if (++nchans <= CSListMax) { char noexpire_char = ' ', suspended_char = ' '; if (is_servadmin) { if (ci->flags & CI_NOEXPIRE) noexpire_char = '!'; if (ci->suspendinfo) suspended_char = '*'; } /* This can only be true for SADMINS - normal users * will never get this far with a VERBOTEN channel. * -TheShadow */ if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-20s [Forbidden]", ci->name); } notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, " %c%c%s", suspended_char, noexpire_char, buf); } } } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_LIST_END, nchans>CSListMax ? CSListMax : nchans, nchans); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* Internal routine to handle all op/voice-type requests. */ static struct { const char *cmd; int add; char mode; int target_acc; /* Target access (CA_*) at which we refuse command */ int success_msg, already_msg, failure_msg; } opvoice_data[] = { { "VOICE", 1, 'v', -1, CHAN_VOICE_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_VOICE_ALREADY, CHAN_VOICE_FAILED }, { "HALFOP", 1, 'h', CA_AUTODEOP, CHAN_HALFOP_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_HALFOP_ALREADY, CHAN_HALFOP_FAILED }, { "OP", 1, 'o', CA_AUTODEOP, CHAN_OP_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_OP_ALREADY, CHAN_OP_FAILED }, { "PROTECT", 1, 'a', -1, CHAN_PROTECT_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_PROTECT_ALREADY, CHAN_PROTECT_FAILED }, { "DEVOICE", 0, 'v', CA_AUTOVOICE, CHAN_DEVOICE_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_DEVOICE_ALREADY, CHAN_DEVOICE_FAILED }, { "DEHALFOP", 0, 'h', CA_AUTOHALFOP, CHAN_DEHALFOP_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_DEHALFOP_ALREADY, CHAN_DEHALFOP_FAILED }, { "DEOP", 0, 'o', CA_AUTOOP, CHAN_DEOP_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_DEOP_ALREADY, CHAN_DEOP_FAILED }, { "DEPROTECT", 0, 'a', CA_AUTOPROTECT, CHAN_DEPROTECT_SUCCEEDED, CHAN_DEPROTECT_ALREADY, CHAN_DEPROTECT_FAILED }, }; static void do_opvoice(User *u, const char *cmd) { const char *cmd2 = (strnicmp(cmd,"DE",2) == 0 ? cmd+2 : cmd); char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *target = strtok(NULL, " "); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; User *target_user; int i; int add, target_acc, success_msg, failure_msg, already_msg; int target_nextacc; /* Target level upper bound for DEVOICE, DEHALFOP */ int32 mode; ARRAY2_SEARCH(opvoice_data, lenof(opvoice_data), cmd, cmd, strcmp, i); if (i >= lenof(opvoice_data)) { module_log("do_opvoice: BUG: command `%s' not found in table", cmd); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } add = opvoice_data[i].add; mode = mode_char_to_flag(opvoice_data[i].mode, MODE_CHANUSER); target_acc = opvoice_data[i].target_acc; success_msg = opvoice_data[i].success_msg; already_msg = opvoice_data[i].already_msg; failure_msg = opvoice_data[i].failure_msg; if (strcmp(cmd, "DEVOICE") == 0) target_nextacc = (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) ? CA_AUTOHALFOP : CA_AUTOOP; else if (strcmp(cmd, "DEHALFOP") == 0) target_nextacc = CA_AUTOOP; else target_nextacc = -1; /* Special case for DEPROTECT: also remove channel-owner mode, if any */ if (strcmp(cmd, "DEPROTECT") == 0 && chanusermode_owner) mode |= chanusermode_owner; if (target) { target_user = get_user(target); } else { target = u->nick; target_user = u; } if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, cmd, CHAN_OPVOICE_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, cmd); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, cmd2, NULL)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else if (!target_user) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, NICK_X_NOT_IN_USE, target); } else if (target_user != u && !(!add && !(ci->flags & CI_ENFORCE)) /* Allow changing own mode; allow deops if !ENFORCE */ && target_acc >= 0 && check_access(target_user, ci, target_acc) /* Disallow if user is at/above disallow level... */ && (target_nextacc < 0 || !check_access(target_user, ci, target_nextacc)) /* ... and below level-above-disallow-level (if any) */ ) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, failure_msg, target, chan); } else { struct c_userlist *cu; char modebuf[3]; int32 umode, thismode; /* Retrieve c_userlist entry and see (1) if they're even on the * channel and (2) if they already have / don't have the mode */ LIST_SEARCH_SCALAR(c->users, user, target_user, cu); if (!cu) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, NICK_X_NOT_ON_CHAN_X, target, chan); return; } umode = cu->mode & mode; if (add) umode ^= mode; /* make note of which ones they DON'T have */ if (!umode) { /* Target user already has (or doesn't have, if !add) mode(s), * so don't do anything */ notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, already_msg, target, chan); return; } /* Set appropriate mode(s) */ modebuf[0] = add ? '+' : '-'; modebuf[2] = 0; thismode = 1; while (umode) { while (!(umode & thismode)) thismode <<= 1; if (!thismode) { /* impossible */ module_log("BUG: thismode==0 in opvoice!"); break; } modebuf[1] = mode_flag_to_char(thismode, MODE_CHANUSER); set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, modebuf, target); umode &= ~thismode; } set_cmode(NULL, c); /* Flush mode change out */ if (ci->flags & CI_OPNOTICE) { notice(s_ChanServ, chan, "%s command used for %s by %s", cmd, target, u->nick); } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, success_msg, target, chan); /* If it was an OP command, update the last-used time */ if (strcmp(cmd, "OP") == 0) { ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(ci); } } } static void do_op(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "OP"); } static void do_deop(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "DEOP"); } static void do_voice(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "VOICE"); } static void do_devoice(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "DEVOICE"); } static void do_halfop(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "HALFOP"); } static void do_dehalfop(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "DEHALFOP"); } static void do_protect(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "PROTECT"); } static void do_deprotect(User *u) { do_opvoice(u, "DEPROTECT"); } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_invite(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "INVITE", CHAN_INVITE_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, "INVITE"); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "INVITE", NULL)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else if (call_callback_3(module, cb_invite, u, c, ci) <= 0) { send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "INVITE %s %s", u->nick, chan); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INVITE_OK, u->nick, chan); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_unban(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "UNBAN", CHAN_UNBAN_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, "UNBAN"); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "UNBAN", NULL)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else if (call_callback_3(module, cb_unban, u, c, ci) <= 0) { clear_channel(c, CLEAR_BANS, u); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_UNBANNED, chan); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* do_kick() is used by users.c, so we use a different function name */ static void do_cskick(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *target = strtok(NULL, " "); char *reason = strtok_remaining(); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; User *target_user; if (!target) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "KICK", CHAN_KICK_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, "KICK"); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "KICK", NULL)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else if (!(target_user = get_user(target))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, NICK_X_NOT_IN_USE, target); } else { struct c_userlist *cu; char reasonbuf[BUFSIZE]; char *kick_av[3]; /* Retrieve c_userlist entry and see (1) if they're even on the * channel and (2) if they're protected (if the ircd supports that) */ LIST_SEARCH_SCALAR(c->users, user, target_user, cu); if (!cu) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, NICK_X_NOT_ON_CHAN_X, target, chan); return; } if (protocol_features & PF_CHANPROT) { int32 modes_to_check = chanusermode_owner | mode_char_to_flag('a', MODE_CHANUSER); if (cu->mode & modes_to_check) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_KICK_PROTECTED, target, chan); return; } } /* Also prevent Services opers and above from being kicked */ if (is_services_oper(target_user)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_KICK_PROTECTED, target, chan); return; } /* Construct reason string: "KICK by Nick" / "KICK by Nick (reason)" */ if (reason && !*reason) reason = NULL; snprintf(reasonbuf, sizeof(reasonbuf), "KICK by %s%s%s%s", u->nick, reason ? " (" : "", reason ? reason : "", reason ? ")" : ""); /* Actually kick user */ send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "KICK %s %s :%s", chan, target, reasonbuf); kick_av[0] = chan; kick_av[1] = target; kick_av[2] = reasonbuf; do_kick(s_ChanServ, 3, kick_av); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_KICKED, target, chan); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_cstopic(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *topic = strtok_remaining(); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; if (!topic) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "TOPIC", CHAN_TOPIC_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, "TOPIC"); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "TOPIC", NULL)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else { time_t now = time(NULL); set_topic(s_ChanServ, c, topic, u->nick, now); record_topic(ci, topic, u->nick, now); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_clear(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char *what = strtok(NULL, " "); Channel *c; ChannelInfo *ci; if (!what) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "CLEAR", CHAN_CLEAR_SYNTAX); } else if (!(c = get_channel(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan); } else if (c->bouncy_modes) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_BOUNCY_MODES, "CLEAR"); } else if (!(ci = c->ci)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!u || !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "CLEAR", what)) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } else if (call_callback_3(module, cb_clear, u, c, what) > 0) { return; } else if (stricmp(what, "BANS") == 0) { clear_channel(c, CLEAR_BANS, NULL); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_CLEARED_BANS, chan); } else if (stricmp(what, "MODES") == 0) { clear_channel(c, CLEAR_MODES, NULL); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_CLEARED_MODES, chan); } else if (stricmp(what, "OPS") == 0) { clear_channel(c, CLEAR_UMODES, (void *)CUMODE_o); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_CLEARED_OPS, chan); } else if (stricmp(what, "VOICES") == 0) { clear_channel(c, CLEAR_UMODES, (void *)CUMODE_v); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_CLEARED_VOICES, chan); } else if (stricmp(what, "USERS") == 0) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CLEAR USERS command from %s", u->nick); clear_channel(c, CLEAR_USERS, buf); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_CLEARED_USERS, chan); } else { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "CLEAR", CHAN_CLEAR_SYNTAX); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_status(User *u) { ChannelInfo *ci; User *u2; char *nick, *chan; chan = strtok(NULL, " "); nick = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!nick || strtok(NULL, " ")) { notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS ? ? ERROR Syntax error"); return; } if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { char *temp = chan; chan = nick; nick = temp; ci = get_channelinfo(chan); } if (!ci) { notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS %s %s ERROR Channel not" " registered", chan, nick); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS %s %s ERROR Channel forbidden", chan, nick); } else if (!is_services_admin(u) && !check_access_cmd(u, ci, "STATUS", NULL)) { notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS %s %s ERROR Permission denied", chan, nick); } else if ((u2 = get_user(nick)) != NULL) { int acc = get_access(u2, ci); int have_acclev = (find_module("chanserv/access-levels") != NULL); int have_accxop = (find_module("chanserv/access-xop") != NULL); char accbuf[BUFSIZE]; if (have_accxop) { const char *xop; if (acc == ACCLEV_FOUNDER) xop = "Founder"; else if (acc >= ACCLEV_SOP) xop = "SOP"; else if (acc >= ACCLEV_AOP) xop = "AOP"; else if (acc >= ACCLEV_HOP && (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP)) xop = "HOP"; else if (acc >= ACCLEV_VOP) xop = "VOP"; else xop = "---"; if (have_acclev) snprintf(accbuf, sizeof(accbuf), "%d (%s)", acc, xop); else snprintf(accbuf, sizeof(accbuf), "%s", xop); } else { /* access-levels only, or none */ snprintf(accbuf, sizeof(accbuf), "%d", acc); } notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS %s %s %s", chan, nick, accbuf); } else { /* !u2 */ notice(s_ChanServ, u->nick, "STATUS %s %s ERROR Nick not online", chan, nick); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* Assumes that permission checking has already been done. */ static void do_getpass(User *u) { char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); char pass[PASSMAX]; ChannelInfo *ci; int i; if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "GETPASS", CHAN_GETPASS_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if ((i = decrypt(ci->founderpass, pass, PASSMAX)) < 0) { module_log("decrypt() failed for GETPASS on %s", ci->name); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, INTERNAL_ERROR); } else if (i == 0) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_GETPASS_UNAVAILABLE); } else { module_log("%s!%s@%s used GETPASS on %s", u->nick, u->username, u->host, ci->name); if (WallGetpass) { wallops(s_ChanServ, "\2%s\2 used GETPASS on channel \2%s\2", u->nick, chan); } notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_GETPASS_PASSWORD_IS, chan, ci->founderpass); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #Services CHAN-GETPASS: * \2%s\2 * kanalina getpass çekildi, komutu uygulayan yetkili: * \2%s\2 *", chan, u->nick); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_forbid(User *u) { ChannelInfo *ci; char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); /* Assumes that permission checking has already been done. */ if (!chan || *chan != '#') { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "FORBID", CHAN_FORBID_SYNTAX); return; } else if (strcmp(chan, "#") == 0) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_FORBID_SHORT_CHANNEL); return; } if (readonly) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, READ_ONLY_MODE); if ((ci = get_channelinfo(chan)) != NULL) delchan(ci); ci = makechan(chan); if (ci) { Channel *c; module_log("%s!%s@%s set FORBID for channel %s", u->nick, u->username, u->host, ci->name); ci->flags |= CI_VERBOTEN; ci->time_registered = time(NULL); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_FORBID_SUCCEEDED, chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #Services CHAN-FORBID: * \2%s\2 * kanalına forbid atıldı, komutu uygulayan yetkili: * \2%s\2 *", chan, u->nick); c = get_channel(chan); if (c) { ci->c = c; /* for completeness */ c->ci = ci; clear_channel(c, CLEAR_USERS, "Use of this channel has been forbidden"); } } else { module_log("Valid FORBID for %s by %s!%s@%s failed", ci->name, u->nick, u->username, u->host); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_FORBID_FAILED, chan); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_suspend(User *u) { ChannelInfo *ci; char *expiry, *chan, *reason; time_t expires; chan = strtok(NULL, " "); if (chan && *chan == '+') { expiry = chan+1; chan = strtok(NULL, " "); } else { expiry = NULL; } reason = strtok_remaining(); if (!reason) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "SUSPEND", CHAN_SUSPEND_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (ci->suspendinfo) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SUSPEND_ALREADY_SUSPENDED, chan); } else { Channel *c; if (expiry) expires = dotime(expiry); else expires = CSSuspendExpire; if (expires < 0) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, BAD_EXPIRY_TIME); return; } else if (expires > 0) { expires += time(NULL); /* Set an absolute time */ } module_log("%s!%s@%s suspended %s", u->nick, u->username, u->host, ci->name); suspend_channel(ci, reason, u->nick, expires); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SUSPEND_SUCCEEDED, chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #Services CHAN-SUSPEND: * \2%s\2 * kanalına suspend atıldı, komutu uygulayan yetkili: * \2%s\2 *", chan, u->nick); c = get_channel(chan); if (c) clear_channel(c, CLEAR_USERS, "Use of this channel has been forbidden"); if (readonly) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, READ_ONLY_MODE); } } /*************************************************************************/ static void do_unsuspend(User *u) { ChannelInfo *ci; char *chan = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!chan) { syntax_error(s_ChanServ, u, "UNSUSPEND", CHAN_UNSUSPEND_SYNTAX); } else if (!(ci = get_channelinfo(chan))) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan); } else if (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_X_FORBIDDEN, chan); } else if (!ci->suspendinfo) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_UNSUSPEND_NOT_SUSPENDED, chan); } else { if (readonly) notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, READ_ONLY_MODE); module_log("%s!%s@%s unsuspended %s", u->nick, u->username, u->host, ci->name); unsuspend_channel(ci, 1); notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_UNSUSPEND_SUCCEEDED, chan); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PRIVMSG #Services CHAN-UNSUSPEND: * \2%s\2 * kanalindaki suspend kaldırıldı, komutu uygulayan yetkili: * \2%s\2 *", chan, u->nick); } } /*************************************************************************/ /***************************** Module stuff ******************************/ /*************************************************************************/ const int32 module_version = MODULE_VERSION_CODE; static int CSDefKeepTopic; static int CSDefSecureOps; static int CSDefPrivate; static int CSDefTopicLock; static int CSDefLeaveOps; static int CSDefSecure; static int CSDefOpNotice; static int CSDefEnforce; static int CSDefHideEmail; static int CSDefHideTopic; static int CSDefHideMlock; ConfigDirective module_config[] = { { "ChanServDB", { { CD_STRING, CF_DIRREQ, &ChanDBName } } }, { "ChanServName", { { CD_STRING, CF_DIRREQ, &s_ChanServ }, { CD_STRING, 0, &desc_ChanServ } } }, { "CSAccessMax", { { CD_POSINT, CF_DIRREQ, &CSAccessMax } } }, { "CSAutokickMax", { { CD_POSINT, CF_DIRREQ, &CSAutokickMax } } }, { "CSAutokickReason", { { CD_STRING, CF_DIRREQ, &CSAutokickReason } } }, { "CSDefEnforce", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefEnforce } } }, { "CSDefHideEmail", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefHideEmail } } }, { "CSDefHideMlock", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefHideMlock } } }, { "CSDefHideTopic", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefHideTopic } } }, { "CSDefKeepTopic", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefKeepTopic } } }, { "CSDefLeaveOps", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefLeaveOps } } }, { "CSDefOpNotice", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefOpNotice } } }, { "CSDefPrivate", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefPrivate } } }, { "CSDefSecure", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefSecure } } }, { "CSDefSecureOps", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefSecureOps } } }, { "CSDefTopicLock", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSDefTopicLock } } }, { "CSEnableRegister", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSEnableRegister } } }, { "C***pire", { { CD_TIME, 0, &C***pire } } }, { "CSForbidShortChannel",{{CD_SET, 0, &CSForbidShortChannel } } }, { "CSInhabit", { { CD_TIME, CF_DIRREQ, &CSInhabit } } }, { "CSListMax", { { CD_POSINT, CF_DIRREQ, &CSListMax } } }, { "CSListOpersOnly", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSListOpersOnly } } }, { "CSMaxReg", { { CD_POSINT, 0, &CSMaxReg } } }, { "CSRegisteredOnly", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSRegisteredOnly } } }, { "CSRestrictDelay", { { CD_TIME, 0, &CSRestrictDelay } } }, { "CSShowPassword", { { CD_SET, 0, &CSShowPassword } } }, { "CSSuspendExpire", { { CD_TIME, 0 , &CSSuspendExpire }, { CD_TIME, 0 , &CSSuspendGrace } } }, { NULL } }; /* Pointers to command records (for !CSEnableCommand) */ static Command *cmd_REGISTER; static Command *cmd_GETPASS; /* Previous value of clear_channel() sender */ static char old_clearchan_sender[NICKMAX]; static int old_clearchan_sender_set = 0; /*************************************************************************/ static void handle_config(void) { CSDefFlags = 0; if (CSDefKeepTopic) CSDefFlags |= CI_KEEPTOPIC; if (CSDefSecureOps) CSDefFlags |= CI_SECUREOPS; if (CSDefPrivate) CSDefFlags |= CI_PRIVATE; if (CSDefTopicLock) CSDefFlags |= CI_TOPICLOCK; if (CSDefLeaveOps) CSDefFlags |= CI_LEAVEOPS; if (CSDefSecure) CSDefFlags |= CI_SECURE; if (CSDefOpNotice) CSDefFlags |= CI_OPNOTICE; if (CSDefEnforce) CSDefFlags |= CI_ENFORCE; if (CSDefHideEmail) CSDefFlags |= CI_HIDE_EMAIL; if (CSDefHideTopic) CSDefFlags |= CI_HIDE_TOPIC; if (CSDefHideMlock) CSDefFlags |= CI_HIDE_MLOCK; if (CSMaxReg > MAX_CHANNELCOUNT) { module_log("CSMaxReg upper-bounded at MAX_CHANNELCOUNT (%d)", MAX_CHANNELCOUNT); CSMaxReg = MAX_CHANNELCOUNT; } } /*************************************************************************/ static int do_reconfigure(int after_configure) { static char old_s_ChanServ[NICKMAX]; static char *old_desc_ChanServ = NULL; static char *old_ChanDBName = NULL; static int old_CSEnableRegister; if (!after_configure) { /* Before reconfiguration: save old values. */ strscpy(old_s_ChanServ, s_ChanServ, NICKMAX); old_desc_ChanServ = strdup(desc_ChanServ); old_ChanDBName = strdup(ChanDBName); old_CSEnableRegister = CSEnableRegister; } else { Command *cmd; /* After reconfiguration: handle value changes. */ handle_config(); if (strcmp(old_s_ChanServ, s_ChanServ) != 0) { if (strcmp(set_clear_channel_sender(PTR_INVALID),old_s_ChanServ)==0) set_clear_channel_sender(s_ChanServ); send_nickchange(old_s_ChanServ, s_ChanServ); } if (!old_desc_ChanServ || strcmp(old_desc_ChanServ,desc_ChanServ) != 0) send_namechange(s_ChanServ, desc_ChanServ); if (!old_ChanDBName || strcmp(old_ChanDBName, ChanDBName) != 0) { module_log("reconfigure: new database name will only take" " effect after restart"); /* Restore the old database name */ free(ChanDBName); ChanDBName = old_ChanDBName; /* Make sure the old name isn't freed below */ old_ChanDBName = NULL; } free(old_desc_ChanServ); free(old_ChanDBName); if (CSEnableRegister && !old_CSEnableRegister) { cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all = cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper = -1; cmd_REGISTER->has_priv = NULL; } else if (!CSEnableRegister && old_CSEnableRegister) { cmd_REGISTER->has_priv = is_services_admin; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper = cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all = -1; } if (EnableGetpass) cmd_GETPASS->name = "GETPASS"; else cmd_GETPASS->name = ""; /* Update command help parameters */ cmd_REGISTER->help_param1 = s_NickServ; if ((cmd = lookup_cmd(module, "SET SECURE")) != NULL) { cmd->help_param1 = s_NickServ; cmd->help_param2 = s_NickServ; } } /* if (!after_configure) */ return 0; } /*************************************************************************/ int init_module(Module *module_) { Command *cmd; module = module_; handle_config(); module_nickserv = find_module("nickserv/main"); if (!module_nickserv) { module_log("NickServ main module not loaded"); exit_module(0); return 0; } use_module(module_nickserv); if (!new_commandlist(module) || !register_commands(module, cmds) || ((protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) && !register_commands(module, cmds_halfop)) || ((protocol_features & PF_CHANPROT) && !register_commands(module, cmds_chanprot)) ) { module_log("Unable to register commands"); exit_module(0); return 0; } cb_clear = register_callback(module, "CLEAR"); cb_command = register_callback(module, "command"); cb_help = register_callback(module, "HELP"); cb_help_cmds = register_callback(module, "HELP COMMANDS"); cb_invite = register_callback(module, "INVITE"); cb_unban = register_callback(module, "UNBAN"); if (cb_command < 0 || cb_clear < 0 || cb_help < 0 || cb_help_cmds < 0 || cb_invite < 0 || cb_unban < 0 ) { module_log("Unable to register callbacks"); exit_module(0); return 0; } cmd_REGISTER = lookup_cmd(module, "REGISTER"); if (!cmd_REGISTER) { module_log("BUG: unable to find REGISTER command entry"); exit_module(0); return 0; } cmd_REGISTER->help_param1 = s_NickServ; if (!CSEnableRegister) { cmd_REGISTER->has_priv = is_services_admin; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper = cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all = -1; } cmd_GETPASS = lookup_cmd(module, "GETPASS"); if (!cmd_GETPASS) { module_log("BUG: unable to find GETPASS command entry"); exit_module(0); return 0; } if (!EnableGetpass) cmd_GETPASS->name = ""; cmd = lookup_cmd(module, "SET SECURE"); if (cmd) { cmd->help_param1 = s_NickServ; cmd->help_param2 = s_NickServ; } cmd = lookup_cmd(module, "SET SUCCESSOR"); if (cmd) cmd->help_param1 = (char *)(long)CSMaxReg; cmd = lookup_cmd(module, "SUSPEND"); if (cmd) cmd->help_param1 = s_OperServ; if (!add_callback(NULL, "reconfigure", do_reconfigure) || !add_callback(NULL, "introduce_user", introduce_chanserv) || !add_callback(NULL, "m_privmsg", chanserv) || !add_callback(NULL, "m_whois", chanserv_whois) || !add_callback(NULL, "save data", do_save_data) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel create", do_channel_create) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel JOIN check", do_channel_join_check) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel JOIN", do_channel_join) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel PART", do_channel_part) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel delete", do_channel_delete) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel mode change", do_channel_mode_change) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel umode change", do_channel_umode_change) || !add_callback(NULL, "channel TOPIC", do_channel_topic) || !add_callback(module_nickserv, "REGISTER/LINK check", do_reglink_check) || !add_callback(module_nickserv, "identified", do_nick_identified) || !add_callback(module_nickserv, "nickgroup delete", do_nickgroup_delete) ) { module_log("Unable to add callbacks"); exit_module(0); return 0; } if (!init_access(module) || !init_check(module) || !init_set(module) || !init_util(module) ) { exit_module(0); return 0; } open_channel_db(ChanDBName); db_opened = 1; if (linked) introduce_chanserv(NULL); strscpy(old_clearchan_sender, set_clear_channel_sender(s_ChanServ), sizeof(old_clearchan_sender)); old_clearchan_sender_set = 1; return 1; } /*************************************************************************/ int exit_module(int shutdown_unused) { #ifdef CLEAN_COMPILE shutdown_unused = shutdown_unused; #endif if (old_clearchan_sender_set) { set_clear_channel_sender(old_clearchan_sender); old_clearchan_sender_set = 0; } if (linked) send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "QUIT :"); if (db_opened) close_channel_db(ChanDBName); exit_util(); exit_set(); exit_check(); exit_access(); remove_callback(NULL, "channel TOPIC", do_channel_topic); remove_callback(NULL, "channel umode change", do_channel_umode_change); remove_callback(NULL, "channel mode change", do_channel_mode_change); remove_callback(NULL, "channel delete", do_channel_delete); remove_callback(NULL, "channel PART", do_channel_part); remove_callback(NULL, "channel JOIN", do_channel_join); remove_callback(NULL, "channel JOIN check", do_channel_join_check); remove_callback(NULL, "channel create", do_channel_create); remove_callback(NULL, "save data", do_save_data); remove_callback(NULL, "m_whois", chanserv_whois); remove_callback(NULL, "m_privmsg", chanserv); remove_callback(NULL, "introduce_user", introduce_chanserv); remove_callback(NULL, "reconfigure", do_reconfigure); cmd_GETPASS->name = "GETPASS"; if (!CSEnableRegister) { cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_all = cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper; cmd_REGISTER->helpmsg_oper = -1; cmd_REGISTER->has_priv = NULL; } unregister_callback(module, cb_unban); unregister_callback(module, cb_invite); unregister_callback(module, cb_help_cmds); unregister_callback(module, cb_help); unregister_callback(module, cb_command); unregister_callback(module, cb_clear); if (protocol_features & PF_CHANPROT) unregister_commands(module, cmds_chanprot); if (protocol_features & PF_HALFOP) unregister_commands(module, cmds_halfop); unregister_commands(module, cmds); del_commandlist(module); if (module_nickserv) { remove_callback(module_nickserv, "nickgroup delete", do_nickgroup_delete); remove_callback(module_nickserv, "identified", do_nick_identified); remove_callback(module_nickserv, "REGISTER/LINK check", do_reglink_check); unuse_module(module_nickserv); module_nickserv = NULL; } return 1; } /*************************************************************************/

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