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Alt 16 Şubat 2010, 13:46   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: bs_fantasy_ext_ .komut işlemiyor

# ListExempNick [OPTIONAL]
# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# Nicks that will never appear in the network staff listing (!staff, !ircops and !admins).
# Wildcards are permitted.
# You can specify more than one nick or wildcard string by separating each one by a space.
# Note that clients on ulined servers will not be shown in the staff listings regardless
# of whether they are in the list or not.
#ListExempNick ""

# IgnoreBots [OPTIONAL]
# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# When enabled, this option will make bs_fantasy_ext ignore fantasy commands coming from
# users who have usermode +B set.
# Only available on UnrealIRCd3.2 and PTlink.

# OverrideCoreCmds [OPTIONAL]
# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# Override the fantasy commands implemented by the Anope Core to add extra functionalities
# like multiuser commands support (up to 6 users/line).
# This will also override the !kb and !unban implemented by the core.
# To enable the extra functionalities uncomment this line, to disable it, leave the line commented out.

# EnOperCmds <option> [OPTIONAL] [DISCOURAGED]
# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# This will enable IRC operator fantasy commands in all channels with botserv fantasy
# commands enabled. IRCops will not need the fantasy access level to that channel,
# but if NSStrictPrivileges is set they will need to be opered to be able to use it,
# provided their Services access level is high enough.
# Note that if access to this command is granted to all Services Opers (3), access
# may still be denied later on depending on the command issued.
# Using this is discouraged because of the high risk of power abuse by opers.
# By default this is disabled.
# Possible Option Values:
# 0 - Disabled
# 1 - Enabled for Services Root Administrators
# 2 - Enabled for Services Admins (and above)
# 3 - Enabled for Services Opers (and above)
EnOperCmds 3

# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# This will allow Services Root Administrator and Services Admins to use the fantasy
# commands to override channel settings and modes the same way they can use regular
# ChanServ commands.
# Using this is discouraged because of the high risk of power abuse by opers.
# To enable this, uncomment following line, to disable it, leave the line commented out.

# Module: bs_fantasy_ext
# This directive has been added because of the possibly abusive behaviour of the !unban command.
# !unban can be used to gradually guess a target users' IP address.
# While i have added several preventive measures to avoid anyone from guessing someone elses IP
# address, I cannot guarantee for 100% that it s impossible.
# When defined, the !unban command will be fully operational, with a few restrictions on its use:
# When issueing the command with a target nick...
# - it can only be used on registered and identified users
# - it will not remove IP based bans matching the target user if he has NS SET HIDE USERMASK turned on
# - it may not be used more then three times (set in config.h) (by anyone) on any given user,
# unless the users' IP has changed.
# Keep in mind that the tracking of users' IPs and count is reset when restarting services!
# When not defined, !unban will NOT check IP based bans.
# All other !unban options are unaffected by this setting, so !unban will always work for mask and
# bans matching a users' mask or vhost even if this is not defined.


bu satirlari services.conf a ekle

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