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Alt 28 Ocak 2010, 04:09   #1
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Bu Moduledeki sifre karekter sayisini nasil Yukseltebiliriz?

Arkadasalr Bu Sky-Dancer'in Port sifre modulesi. Sky-Dancer'ri gormeigimden doalyi burada sizlere sormak istiyorum.. Burada maximum port sifresi olarak 32 karekterden fazlasina ziin vermiordu. bo kodda nerelerde duzenleme yaparak. bu 32 sayisini ornegin 250 karekktere yukseltebilrim?

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/* * Turkish : * - Bu Modul Sky-Dancer Tarafindan Yazilmis/Editlenmistir. * - Bu Modulu Kullaniyorsaniz Telif Hakki Yazilarini Silemezsiniz. * - Bu Modulu Kullanarak LICENSE.UNOFF.TR adli okuma dosyasi icindeki Lisansi * Kabul Etmis Sayiliyorsunuz. * - Dagitim Tarihi : 09 / 01 / 2007 */ /* * English : * - This Module Codded/Edited By Sky-Dancer. * - if you are using this module, you can not delete copyright texts on this module. * - if you are using this module, You Are Accepting The License in LICENSE.ENG named file. * - Release Date : 09 / 01 / 2007 */ /* * Desc: * Old base + new conf struct & changed pass lookup */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif // For English Version (ingilizce Versiyon icin) #define MODENG // For Turkish Version (Turkce Versiyon icin) //#undef MODENG /* Externs */ //extern void sendto_one(aClient *to, char *pattern, ...); /* Prototypes */ void Delete_Hook(Hook *Dlt); static void ConfPassEkle(char *mask); int ConfPassBul(aClient *sptr); DLLFUNC int kullanici_girisi(aClient *); // For Config. DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigRun(ConfigFile *File, ConfigEntry *Entry, int Type); DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigTest(ConfigFile *File, ConfigEntry *Entry, int Type, int *Error); DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigRehash(); /* Variables */ static Hook *ConfigTest = NULL, *ConfigRun = NULL, *ConfigRehash = NULL; static Hook *PreConnect = NULL; static ConfigItem_except *PortSifresi = NULL; /* Conf File Structs */ typedef struct _MyConf MyConf; struct _MyConf { MyConf *prev, *next; char *port; char *pass; }; static MyConf *ConfBuff; /* Lang Defines; Yes, This is an ugly language switcher but, need a basic language switcher :) */ #ifdef MODENG #define LANG_MODHEAD "Add Passwords to Specific Ports v1.0.6 (By Sky-Dancer)" #define LANG_NOPASS "You Must Enter a Password." #define LANG_PASSTOOLONG "Your Password is Too Long." #define LANG_WRONGPASS "Your Password is Wrong." //#define LANG_CORRECTPASSWORD "Congratulations, Your Password Accepted." #else #define LANG_MODHEAD "Belirlenen Port'a Sifre v1.0.6 (By Sky-Dancer)" #define LANG_NOPASS "Sifre Girmelisiniz." #define LANG_PASSTOOLONG "Sifreniz Cok Uzun." #define LANG_WRONGPASS "Sifreniz Yanlis." //#define LANG_CORRECTPASSWORD "Tebrikler, Sifreniz Kabul Edildi." #endif #ifndef STATIC_LINKING static ModuleInfo *Mod_PSifresi; #endif /* Main Module Header For UnrealIRCd */ ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(portsifresi) = { "portsifresi", LANG_MODHEAD, LANG_MODHEAD, "3.2-b8-1", NULL }; /* MOD_TEST Function */ DLLFUNC int MOD_TEST(portsifresi)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { ConfigTest = HookAddEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGTEST, Call_ConfigTest); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* MOD_INIT Function */ DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(portsifresi)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { #ifndef STATIC_LINKING // Maybe, later uses :) Mod_PSifresi = modinfo; #endif ConfBuff=NULL; PreConnect = HookAddEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_PRE_LOCAL_CONNECT, kullanici_girisi); ConfigRun = HookAddEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGRUN, Call_ConfigRun); ConfigRehash = HookAddEx(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_REHASH, Call_ConfigRehash); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* MOD_LOAD Function */ DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(portsifresi)(int module_load) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* MOD_UNLOAD Function */ DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(portsifresi)(int module_unload) { Delete_Hook(ConfigTest); Delete_Hook(ConfigTest); Delete_Hook(ConfigRun); Delete_Hook(ConfigRehash); Delete_Hook(PreConnect); return MOD_SUCCESS; } void Delete_Hook(Hook *Dlt) { if (Dlt) { HookDel(Dlt); Dlt = NULL; } } /* Local User Connect Hook */ DLLFUNC int kullanici_girisi(aClient *sptr) { int ret; ret = ConfPassBul(sptr); switch (ret) { case 1: return exit_client(sptr, sptr, &me, LANG_NOPASS); break; case 2: return exit_client(sptr, sptr, &me, LANG_PASSTOOLONG); break; case 3: return exit_client(sptr, sptr, &me, LANG_WRONGPASS); break; case 4: // sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** "LANG_CORRECTPASSWORD, me.name, sptr->name); break; default: break; } return 0; } /* Adding passwords to memory from confs reads */ static void ConfPassEkle(char *mask) { MyConf *Cnf; char *myport = NULL, *mypass = NULL; char maxbuff[64]; char line[64]; if (mask) { memset(maxbuff,0,sizeof(maxbuff)); strncpy(maxbuff,mask,32); myport = strtok(maxbuff, ":"); if (myport) { mypass = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (mypass) { Cnf = (MyConf *) MyMallocEx(sizeof(MyConf)); Cnf->port=strdup(myport); Cnf->pass=strdup(mypass); AddListItem(Cnf, ConfBuff); } } } } int ConfPassBul (aClient *sptr) { MyConf *Cnf; int ret = 0; for (Cnf = ConfBuff; Cnf; Cnf = Cnf->next) { // Maybe Not Needed.. if (!Cnf->port || !Cnf->pass) continue; if ((atoi(Cnf->port) == sptr->listener->port)) { if (sptr->passwd==NULL) { ret = 1; break; } if (strlen(sptr->passwd) > 32){ ret = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(Cnf->pass,sptr->passwd)) { ret = 4; break; } else ret = 3; } } return (ret); } /* On Rehash Hook? :) */ DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigRehash() { MyConf *Cnf; ListStruct *next; for (Cnf = ConfBuff; Cnf; Cnf = (MyConf *) next) { next = (ListStruct *) Cnf->next; DelListItem(Cnf, ConfBuff); if (Cnf->port) MyFree(Cnf->port); Cnf->port = NULL; if (Cnf->pass) MyFree(Cnf->pass); Cnf->pass = NULL; } return 1; } /* On Conf Test Hook. */ DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigTest(ConfigFile *File, ConfigEntry *Entry, int Type, int *Error) { int ErrorTemp = 0; ConfigEntry *EntryTemp; if (Type != CONFIG_MAIN) return 0; if (!Entry || !Entry->ce_varname || strcmp(Entry->ce_varname, "psifre")) return 0; for (EntryTemp = Entry->ce_entries; EntryTemp; EntryTemp = EntryTemp->ce_next) { if (!EntryTemp->ce_varname) { config_error("%s:%i: psifre is empty.", EntryTemp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, EntryTemp->ce_varlinenum); ErrorTemp++; continue; } else if (!strcmp(EntryTemp->ce_varname, "pass")) { if (strlen(EntryTemp->ce_vardata)==0) { config_error("%s:%i: psifre::pass is empty.", EntryTemp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, EntryTemp->ce_varlinenum); ErrorTemp++; continue; } else { if (!strstr(EntryTemp->ce_vardata, ":")) { config_error("%s:%i: psifre::pass line must be \"port:pass\"", EntryTemp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, EntryTemp->ce_varlinenum); ErrorTemp++; continue; } } } else { config_error("%s:%i: Unknown Directive psifre::%s", EntryTemp->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, EntryTemp->ce_varlinenum, EntryTemp->ce_varname); ErrorTemp++; continue; } } *Error = ErrorTemp; return ErrorTemp ? -1 : 1; } /* On Conf Run Hook. */ DLLFUNC int Call_ConfigRun(ConfigFile *File, ConfigEntry *Entry, int Type) { ConfigEntry *EntryTemp; if (Type != CONFIG_MAIN) return 0; if (!Entry || !Entry->ce_varname || strcmp(Entry->ce_varname, "psifre")) return 0; for (EntryTemp = Entry->ce_entries; EntryTemp; EntryTemp = EntryTemp->ce_next) if (!strcmp(EntryTemp->ce_varname, "pass")) ConfPassEkle(EntryTemp->ce_vardata); return 1; }

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